Monday, January 11, 2010

If We Always Do What We Always Did...

...then we always get what we always got. I love this quote. I wish I knew who to give credit for it, but I don't. However, I got revelations in spades yesterday. I have been digging deep trying to rekindle the motivation I had last year before the holidays and was having terrible luck finding it. Guess what? I found it! And I found it by doing something different. The whole Yoga thing? It's giving me something I didn't know I really needed until now: a better sense of myself and a desire for more. I am blessed with so many wonderful people in my life, but the person I keep forgetting is me. I have spent a lot of time being a people-pleaser, but I am finding that I need to make myself more of a priority. Going to Yoga yesterday really gave me something that I needed. I felt more confident (and if you had been a fly on the wall watching, you'd probably wonder how I could look so ridiculous and end up feeling more confident, but I did!), more calm, and much more centered. These are things that I needed more than I realized. I am really looking forward to making this part of my Sunday routine. I look forward to the times when I can tell that I have become more flexible, and that's so cool...I'll be able to mark my own progress! My muscles are a little sore today, but it's a different I have lengthened my muscles and fed my soul. Yeah, this is what I was looking for. This will be instrumental in helping me stay centered and focused with school about to begin. I feel happy today! (And it's also really cool when your husband goes with you and enjoys it as much as you do!)

So it's Monday again. I am really happy that the weather is warming up, even if it's just to the mid-50s. It beats the teens! We got a VERY high electric bill and so we are in serious energy conservation mode in our home. I am welcoming warmer weather with open arms!! We turned the temperature down and covered up with blankets watching TV. We had friends over to watch the game Saturday night, and told them if the bill doesn't go down next month that it's going to be like Abe Lincoln's cabin and we'll all be enjoying each other's company by candle light!

So no big news today...just me feeling good and feeling like I am ready to have a successful week. Chris is doing WW too, but up in OK where she lives there is no meeting close to her. So I am copying recipes and materials and send her a WW packet each week. We were talking about how it's nice to really have a buddy to do this with. Too bad she's not closer and we could go to meetings together, but we found a way to do it across the miles, so it's all good. :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Count your blessings...there are many!

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