Wednesday, September 21, 2005

SATC is the Most Truthful Show Ever

I am, and will always be, a very big fan of Sex and the City (SATC). I think this show provided a good insight into what it's like for us single gals. I say this because over the last week, there have been two incidences in which life has imitated art very closely. The most recent one involving my trainer. She was telling me last night that she and her fiancee have officially broken up. But it's how he did it that really hurt her. She was in the middle of training a client on Monday and she went up to the front of the gym for something and he puller her aside and told her he needed to come by and pick up his stuff from her house because they were over. Now really, is this how you would want someone to treat you? This reminded me of the SATC episode where Berger breaks up with Carrie on a post-it note. She then runs into his friends at a club and says a few regretful things, and his friends tell her that guys do things like that because women cry about breakups. And then Carrie makes the most important point: A woman wants an ending to a relationship to honor what they had together. So for my trainer, a two year relationship that was headed towards a wedding was ended with a two minute conversation about picking up his stuff from her garage. As you can well imagine, it was hell for her to try and get through the day. And as if it needed to be more insulting, Doug (her ex-boyfriend) told everyone at the gym before she even got there. So she was the last to know. Classy.

So this brought to mind some of my biggest relationship concerns, which can pretty well be summed up as a fear of the unexpected. Guys, when you date someone, if you need to break up or have a concern, talk to your girlfriend. Be open about things. Yes, she might cry and feel sad, but have enough respect for what you had to tell her in a private moment when you can talk about it. You can feel better about yourself down the line when you realize you did it the best way you could.

So onto a far less serious topic...I watched Dancing with the Stars last night, and I just LOVE John O'Hurley! (Who wouldn't love Mr. Peterman from Seinfeld?) I love the dancing and I really think John got shafted when they didn't win the original competition. I tried to call in my vote, but the phones were tied up and I couldn't get through. I never watch this kind of stuff, but I really enjoyed this show immensely! (What a dork, right?)

I worked out last night (leg night) and I am sore today! I bet tomorrow will be worse! I am taking the day off on Friday and we are going to work out at 1pm. I have been warned to be ready because we're going to push me very hard...interval training and super sets. I wonder if I'll be able to move Friday evening? I'm going salsa dancing with the class, and I hope I'll be able to get my groove on!

That's it for today. Have a great day. Sorry I started out a little preachy, but my trainer has become a friend and I hate when my friends are hurting.


Blonde said...

SATC is the greatest show that ever existed.

I feel bad for your friend. A break up like that had to be part of a not so good relationship. Maybe the signs were there but she chose not to see them. Nonetheless, how he went about it was spineless and shitty.

SATC also turned the world onto the book...Hes Just Not That Into You. Every woman should own this book. It makes life easier and hearts ache less.

Jennifer said...

I read that book and it was like having a monumental "ah-HA!" moment! It's common sense, but somehow it helps to read it in black and white.

And yes, SATC is my guide to life!!

Jessica said...

That book is amazing! I read it while Joe and I were having a hard time in our dating relationship and I swear it made me understand the male mind a little more!