Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's Really NOT About What the Scale Says!

So I worked out with Jacqueline last night and we decided to take my measurements since it had been a month since we'd done that. I've lost a bunch of inches!! So all of you wonderful people who took the time to remind me that it's not just about what the scale says were exactly right! And thank you for reminding me of that. It's so easy to get caught up in a number, and although I want to see the pounds coming off, it's so nice to see the inches going away, too! :)

I'm trying to find a copy of this month's Vanity Fair magazine, because I would like to read the Jennifer Anniston interview. I went to 3 grocery stores and Barnes and Noble last night and was unable to find a single copy! If any of you have that magazine or see a copy somewhere, please pick it up for me and I will be more than happy to reimburse you for it! I'm tired of looking for it! (I had no idea it would be so popular!)

In other news, I am wanting to go back to Paris so bad! Kim mentioned it to me yesterday and really made me want to go! We're taking a girl's trip to NYC next May, so it might be hard to do. However, my friend Wendy found a good deal to Paris a few Januarys ago just looking through the paper, so maybe I'll set money back and keep my eye out for a trip over there. I'm really wanting to go back. There is still so much to see and do, and I would love to just go walk around Paris for a few days. I'd want to stay at the same hotel and go visit some of the places in the neighborhood. Maybe check out some of the more bohemian neighborhoods and watch some of the artists on the streets. *sigh* Kim, we have GOT to go back!

Enough daydreaming. I have a bunch to do today, so that's all the blogging for now. Have a good Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Note to Holly: Holly, Cleopatra talks on the phone -- so she could be reading! And your Dollies probably did play while you were sleeping just like Raggedy Ann's dolls!


PS Oh, by the way, hi Jennifer!

Anonymous said...

I think you have the right attitude about your weight. Keep up the work ethics, diet, and spirits.

Anonymous said...

My cat talks to me too but in cat language. I would really freak out if my kids dolls really came to life but it would be neat!

tom said...

It is also not about the inches. So much is in your attitude. A woman's attitude and personality are the most important aspects of beauty, even if men don't realize it, they do respond to it. Your weight loss may help your self confidence which helps your attitude. I suggest that you become this sexy woman no because of the weight loss or inches loss, but because of the change in your attitude and your confidence that has resulted. Either way, be glad because you're hot.