I had a relatively uneventful weekend. The ice cream festival Saturday was a bust...they ran out before any of my group got any, which is just as well for me! But it was a long day of driving around and that got old for me. I think I'll pass next time they invite me to go. But I did get to go see Elvis T Busboy Friday night and that was great!

So that's my weekend pretty much. Hope everyone has a good Monday!
You have come so far. I would hate to see you fall victim to that disease of overly watching the pounds on the scale. You are gorgeous. At this point, your attitude has a MUCH greater impact on how good you look than a few points on a scale. You are hot. You are sexy. You are gorgeous. That reading on the scale is just a number to use on your workouts. Don't let it make you feel bad all day.
Life has got so much in store for you. You have to endure a few small bumps. Hang on, the good stuff is yet to come.
Sounds like you and "feetman" should hook up! ;)
I had no clue you were an Elvis T fan! Just wandered over here from feetman's blog....
We're gonna be at his show this coming Saturday night - - if you're there, look for the group of fifteen or more drunken late 20s/early 30s lunatics singing at the top of our lungs.....drop by and introduce yourself and I'll buy you a few drinks!
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