Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Middle of the Week!

I am so glad it's Wednesday! It's dinner with Grampa tonight, and I am looking forward to it as always! I really can't stay too long because I do have a lot of homework to get done. My rough draft is due on my paper Sunday, and I need to get that done.

David is in Atlanta today and tomorrow. He is meeting up with a couple of colleagues, and they will be taken to dinner by one of their managers, so David will get to have a nice dinner out tonight, and I am happy for him. It will be nice for him to have dinner with people he knows! Sometimes I worry that he might get lonely out there by himself. (But he's a big boy and has done this many times, so I should worry about him...but I love him and just can't help it!)

I got to see Joseph and Dima last night. It was nice to see them for a bit. We've got to get together on the weekend when we have more time!

So that's all my news for now. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!

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