Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Serious About My Exercise

So tonight after I get off work and do my time at the gym here at the office, I am meeting David at my apartment and we are going to go to 24 Hour Fitness together. He already has a membership there, and now I am getting one so that we can work out together in the evenings and on the weekends. I am looking forward to this because this is one more opportunity to get myself in gear. And besides, David is very knowledgeable about lifting weights and working out, so if I have any questions, he can help me out. I do miss my trainer, Jaqueline, but $360/month was getting a little steep for my income.

So anyhow, last night was uneventful. I took it easy and watched TV after a good workout.

I hope everyone has a great day!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I can't help myself...I love all the dresses and the foofy stuff that goes with Oscar glamour! :) Thanks for the link!