Friday, July 01, 2005

Holiday weekend


Today is a short day at work. We close the office at 1 pm today! Right after work I am heading to the gym to work with Jacqueline. We're working my legs today. I have a feeling that I am going to be pretty sore tomorrow! Although I worked out hard at the gym last night...45 minutes on the treadmill (at a pretty hgh speed I might add!) and then 15 miutes on the bicycle. I was tired! I slept like a log last night. Well, until Cleo woke me up at 2am when she was growling at another cat on the patio. The was having a big fit and pounding on the sliding glass door with her paws trying to get at the other cat out there, so I got up and tossed a glass of water out there on the other cat and she bolted out of there, so then it was back to a peaceful sleep. However, 5:30am came early this morning! (I'm working 7-4 now) It's pretty quiet so far this morning, and I am hoping it will stay that way.

Nothing too big planned this weekend, just some errands and lots of relaxing! :) I bought some stuff to grill my own burgers at the picnic area of my apartments, so I may do that for myself this weekend.

I weigh in on Sunday, and I am really looking forward to it! I've done really well this week, and have exercised 4 days already. My goal was 5 times this week, and I can totally do that!! I probably won't post tomorrow, but you can bet I will be posting on Sunday!!! I'm still trying to break the 60 pounds off goal! My next goal is a total of 75 pounds off by Labor Day. I think I can do it!!

Have a great Friday everyone!

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