Friday, July 29, 2005

The Worst Doctor's Visit Ever

Before I tell the story, just know that it really is ok to laugh because everything is fine.

So I had my annual "well-woman" exam yesterday. Boy, was that fun. So I get there all ready to be a show-off about my weight loss. Until they took my blood pressure. It was something like 150/98! I couldn't believe it! I know I get the White Coat syndrome, but seriously...I work out 6 nights a week, and two of those with a trainer! How can I possibly have a reading that high? So on to the exam. She listens to my lungs...all good there. Then she goes in for the breast exam. When she finishes, she mentions (in passing) that I have a fibroid cyst. Okay, now I have never had one of these, and all I can think of is that I must have breast cancer and I am going to die. So what do I do? Laying on the exam table with my feet up, I do what any dramatic woman would do: I start to cry. My doctor looked stunned! She then tried to reassure me that it's okay, and that I have probably had this for years, every woman has these and it's really common for women "OF MY AGE". Of my age? I'm 33 for Pete's sake! So that didn't help. By now the doctor and her nurse are both trying to console me, and for the most part, I'm doing better. So we get on with the rest of the exam and everything goes ok until they try to recheck my blood pressure. By now I am so jacked up about the cyst and the first bp reading that it's darn near impossible to get me to relax, so needless to say my bp reading didn't get much better. So now I have to go back in 3 weeks for a recheck.

So I get back to work after all this and the only thing I would like to have to make me feel better is a Kit Kat bar. They are only 4 Weight Watchers points, and I didn't eat lunch so I figure I can have one. It's my version of the lolly pop after the doctor visit. So I check the breakroom on my floor. No Kit Kat. I head up to the 11th floor and worked my way down to every breakroom in my building. NO KIT KAT! Except on the 9th floor, but the machine is broken and not taking any money. Hey, at least I get to look at one. And then someone suggested that our VP always has the snack sized Kit Kat bars in his office, so I went to check. Nope, he's out.

So all this to say, it was a tough afternoon. But everything is okay, and I don't have cancer and my bp was down to normal last night. So really, I can't complain. It was just a traumatic experience yesterday. I never did have my Kit Kat, but I figure if it was that hard to get one, I wasn't supposed to have it. Sure would have liked one, though!

So anyhow, tonight I am working with Jaqueline at the gym. My legs are still a little sore and I think we were going to start sprint training today...we'll see how that goes!

And one more piece of Gran is back at the nursing home and doing well. They have even taken her off the oxygen! So she's going to start back on the physical therapy today. I am going to see her in the morning and it will be nice to see her without the oxygen tube.

So everyone have a great day! :)


tom said...

Good for Gran.

Sorry about your day.

Anonymous said...

Jen, that is what happens when you loose weight. Every bump and lump that has always been there can be felt. I went through the exact same thing when I lost my weight. The dr was always finding something new, but started out by saying probably always been there just to much of you there before to feel.
Kim's MOM

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Donna! It's nice to get reassurance like that. After talking to my mother and grandmother, they have them too, so apparently it really is that common.