Thursday, October 13, 2005

It's All Greek To Me!

I had dinner with Christy last night and we met at a little Mediterranean cafe on highway 26 in Hurst. I had never eaten that kind of food before, but I have to tell you that is some GOOD STUFF! We got a few appetizers and shared and she brought a bottle of wine (it's BYOB) and it was fantastick! Dolmas, hummus, calamari, falafel...everything good all on one table! And then we had what was essentially baklava with cashews for dessert. We've decided that we may have to make that our every other week treat! It was so much fun catching up with her and laughing and just having a great time.

Before dinner, though, I worked with Jacqueline. My legs are sore today, let me tell you! I was a bit fatigued from all the outside work I had done the day before, so I wasn't up to par yesterday but I still got one heck of a workout in! We lunged outside and I did probably about 65 lunges. That in addition on all the squats and leg, I am tired today! But I have a very special dinner date tonight. I am going to have dinner with Grampa, and he insists it's his turn to buy. Who am I to argue, right?

So that's the news for today. Have a good Thursday!!


Anonymous said...

I HAVE to know the name of the restaurant! My favorite, Mezza, closed last summer, and I haven't been able to find good hummus close to home since then.
I miss my grandfathers...what a sweet memory that invoked~thanks

Jennifer said...

It's a little place called Cafe Medi on Hwy 26 over in Hurst. Not sure if you know ther area...close to Norwood and Hwy 26. It's very good, but remember, I don't have experience with Greek food, but I really liked it!

I'm happy that it brought you a pleasant memory!! :)

Blonde said...

yummy...I LOVE greek food!