Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Year Is Coming!

Whew...after a 17 day tour of Europe, I am beat. Still having trouble with jet lag, but I think it's getting better. (Lord, I hope so!) I went back to work yesterday to find out that my team has been eliminated. Yup...If I don't find something else within the company, I'll be out of a job on March 31, 2011. I'll have a good severance package, too. This news stung a bit, even though I was kind of prepared for it. The good news is that I have a fair amount of time to prepare, and there are a few things within the company that I plan to apply for, and I think i have a good shot at. So while I am a bit stressed about this, I also feel like things will be okay. I'm not panicking yet. :) So any prayers you can spare will be greatly appreciated.

Our trip was amazing! I saw small Austrian and German towns that looked like they came right off a Christmas Card, and of course I was so happy to be back in Paris! It was wonderful! I swear, I just love that city! As I walked around I would think to myself about how Kim and I were here before. I told Kim we need a girls' trip to Paris again. Even for a long weekend...she and I just seemed to fit right in there!

London was lovely, but by the time we got there I was feeling a little homesick, so when the day came to come home, we were happy to head over the pond. Our precious kitties seem to need to keep us in their sights at all times...I love those little babies! They keep bringing David their toys and putting them in his shoes. It's VERY cute!

So I hope you had a beautiful and blessed Christmas, and that you will have a safe New Years! 2011 is going to be a great year!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MIA Again?

I know, long time no blog! However, I am currently on vacation and out of the country! If you want to follow my travels, go to We've been running around Europe, and are currently in Paris. By the end of the week we'll be in London, but this is all following a week of Austria and Germany, so check it out! I've not been able to post pictures as I wanted, but I'll be doing lots of that when we get home.

I'll be back to blogging here in January! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Long Time No Blog!

If that tells you's been crazy busy! Work is a mess (going through yet another reorg...hoping to come out of it with a job I can at least stomach until I graduate!), school is frying my brain (finals next week!), and so much to do to get ready for our trip it's not even funny. I don't know how we're going to get it all in, but somehow we will. And somewhere in all this, I have to get packed for our trip. I haven't even had time to get excited about that! However, I was watching Christmas in Europe on PBS last night, and they showed a BUNCH of the places we're going and I did get pretty pumped up about that. :)

Right now I am supposed to be writing a paper that is due tomorrow. I am having trouble with that so I thought it might be nice to get caught up here. Thankfully the days of papers and tests and homework are coming to a temporary close. But the break will be nice!

We leave on vacation December 10th, and I'll post the link to our travel blog then. We're going to a lot of wonderful places, and I am excited to share them with you!

Be well, friends!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You

This is just a quick post, but I want to thank all of our veterans. (My Dad especially!) What all of you do or have done has made sure that I get to have the freedoms that I do now. I am so thankful that there are women and men who are willing to go out there and fight for those in other places who need help. We are a very lucky country, and we often take that for granted.

So thank you to all those who have served in our military. God bless America!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


So I am working hard to feel renewed and energized. One of my fellow Slimdown bloggers suggested a Couch to 5K program to help me prep to conquer another 5K, and I'm going to put it into action this week. I'm feeling inspired by others around me, and this is good. :)

Kim and I have decided to do the half marathon next March as a relay. She'll do the 7.1 mile leg and I'll do the 6 mile leg. I think this makes the most sense with my fitness level right now, and it sure feels more manageable. Once we get that under our belts we'll look at a 13.1 mile journey together. For right now, this is going to be good. Besides, she's been the one to do most of the 5Ks with me, so it really feels like our thing, you know? So we'll be the two rock stars getting our groove on. I love it!

The house is good. We had our housewarming a couple of weeks ago, so now we're taking it easy. Our new dining table and buffet are due to arrive the day before Thanksgiving, which is good since we're hosting my family!

Also, if you haven't picked up the November 17th issue of Woman's Day magazine, you should! I'm in there on page 104. It's just a short interview about my weight loss, but hey, I made a national publication!

Have a great Tuesday, friends!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nothing Like Feeling Less Than A Person

I don't know if many of you have read the recent blog post on the Marie Claire magazine website. There is a good chance you've heard about it. The blogger wrote a whole post about how disgusted she is by overweight people. I'm not linking to the article here because I don't care to ...just take my word, it's a mean article. It's great to find out that my mere presence in a room physically disgusts people, simply based upon the fact that I am not a size 4. Did I let this ONE PERSON bring me to tears? Yes I did. It hurts. It's painful enough to deal with being overweight, and it doesn't help to be reminded by outsiders who are unable to see a person for who they are. While I know she wasn't writing it about me specifically, I'm part of the population who is set in her target. And while I celebrate free speech and believe we are all entitled to an opinion, when is it okay to just flat out be so blatantly ugly to other humans?

I won't give her the satisfaction of saying how I'll show her and get the weight off. I'm already doing that on my own, she didn't light that fire. But she did open my eyes to the fact that size-ism is the last acceptable prejudice allowed. I'm losing weight because I want to do it for me. I agree that obesity is an epidemic, and it's unhealthy. I'm not arguing that point at all. But some people are completely happy at a larger size. I am all about loving ourselves for who we are, and no one has the right to take that away from us. This particular blogger must not love herself very much to be able to thoughtlessly spew that kind of venom out on her fellow man. So perhaps instead of being angry at her or being hurt by her words, I need to take a different avenue and pray for her. Maybe I need to show the compassion she wasn't able to show. If I don't, I am no better than she is.

So my point is this: Whenever we run across people who have no filter and feel free to say hateful things to others, no matter what it is, we need to show what love and forgiveness look like. Let's be the change we want to see. I'm tired of living in a mean world where people take others for granted and forget that people have feelings. Have I shed tears over this article? You bet I have. But I refuse to hate her. I'm angry about her words, but I am going to breathe deep and let go. And put good and healing thoughts out into the universe for that author. Because at the end of the day, if I carry a grudge I am only hurting myself.

And this girl is all about trying to enjoy her inner happiness. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's The Little Things

I got a treat in the mail yesterday! I had ordered a new knit cap for winter (you know, the ones that keep your head warm when it's cold!) and it arrived yesterday!!! I love it because it's knit to look like a pink cupcake! LOL! Yes, I have a sickness when it comes to anything cupcake related. And no, I don't sit around and wonder why I have weight to lose! (I know why!) I got one for my friend Diane who is going with us to Europe in December. It will be a surprise for her...she loves cupcakes like I do, and I thought we'd have some funny pictures of us in our cupcake hats all over Europe! I can't wait to give it to her. :)

Tis the season for one of my favorite treats...honeycrisp apples!!! They've been on sale at Target for $1.50/pound, and they are delicious! Sweeter and jucier than regular apples, so if it's a healthy treat you're craving, grab one of these babies! They're delicious! (No, this is not a paid endorsement. I just love apples!)

I'm dying to decorate our house for Halloween except that we're having a housewarming party and I seem to be spending money on all the things for that. I have to finish ripping out wallpaper this weekend, and get the guest bathroom painted. It's halfway done (the wallpaper part) but I need to get to it. I'll work on that this weekend. I still need to pick out paint, but I think I want a new shower curtain first. I saw one at Bed Bath and Beyond that I like, so I will probably go pick it up Friday and get some paint matched up with it. Once I get that bathroom finished, I will be cleaning like a madwoman this week! With all these people coming over, I need to look a little more like Suzy Homemaker and get my laundry up off the floor in the bedroom!

I think that's about it for now. I have to finish a paper that's due tonight that I couldn't seem to finish last night. I had some major writers block, and I sat staring at my laptop trying everything I could to get inspired! Some days it just comes easier than others. *Sigh*

Have a great Thursday, friends!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


No, I didn't fall off the planet. I have just been swamped! Between work, school, and house, I don't have a lot of extra time. I am midway through the semester, and classes are good! I have all A's right now, so I am pleased. I am in the running for Psi Chi, which is the psychology honor society. If I'm not eligible this semester, I absolutely will be next. So I am happy! My official graduation date will be May of 2012, and I can't wait! I have all my courses planned out from now until graduation, and I am VERY excited that I do not have to go to summer school next year!! A whole summer first one in a while, and my last one in a while, too. Grad school is year round, so for another 2.5 years after I graduate I will be a year round student, but at least I'll be working on my Master's Degree and then I get to pursue what I want to do...counseling!!!

The Woman's Day Slimdown challenge is going well. I wish I was losing weight faster, but I'm doing the best I can. At least I'm losing weight, right?

I have been going nuts working on the house. We have a gathering coming up soon, and I want the house to look great! We've been painting, hanging curtains and pictures, and cleaning. We still need a little more furniture, but that is just going to have to wait a little longer. (And I need that money tree to start growing!) But I am loving the house. I had something closely resembling an anxiety attack the day I paid our first house payment, coupled with the new and increased electric bill, cable bill...etc...not that we can't afford it, it's just more money than I am used to seeing flying out the window. But it's all good! We're going to have our credit cards paid off very soon, and that will put us in a VERY good spot, so I am very pleased. We have been using that Home Depot card, and now I'm ready to put it away!

So that's about it. I hope all is well for you all! We're gearing up for our big trip to Europe in December, so look out Europe! Here come the Willises!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome Fall!

I am loving the fall weather! I'm sorry that pool season is ending and I have to say goodbye to my lovely suntan, but it's going to be much nicer getting out and going for walks. :)

David and celebrate our 3rd anniversary tomorrow! We're keeping it low key since we celebrated with Chris and Charlie over the weekend. Tomorrow we're grilling steaks and enjoying our beautiful new home. Two people couldn't be happier!

I am still going strong with the Slimdown Challenge. Are you following me? Feel free to comment...I need all the help I can get!

I have to keep this post short today...lots to do here at work and I need to prep my blog for Woman's Day. I hope everyone has a great day!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


It's been crazy lately! Between moving, car accidents (I'm fine!), school, and everything else, time has gotten away from me! The house is looking good, and we are almost unpacked. I'm finishing up painting but it will take me a little time to get to it with homework and school. It's been great having a pool to go jump into to cool off in the evenings. This may be the first time I have been happy for the hot keeps the pool water warm! (The solar cover we bought helps, too)

I'm finally getting back into my routine. The commute is longer and a little more difficult, but it's worth it to me. At least I have a new car that makes it a little easier! (I got an Altima with the 3.5 liter V6 engine...this baby has some get up and go!) Anyhow, things are well and I am happy.

The Slimdown Challenge has been that - challenging. I've been working to stay on track with all the chaos and while it was tough, I'm doing pretty well. It will be nice to be lighter when we go to Europe in December! I've also begun training for the half marathon. Since I couldn't get to Chicago, I am registered (along with some friends) for the Dallas one in March. Sandra and I began our daily workouts at lunch today and I was glad we did it. Shanna is going to start joining us, too, so we're going to get our fitness on and rock it!!

I think that's it for now. I know I should post pictures of the house, and I will...I just have a little down time and I'm going to take advantage of it!

Have a great evening, all!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It has been crazy! We're moved into the house and I love it! Still have to go back to the apartment one last time today to finish up, but it's all good. For all the happy stuff going on, I did find my negative thing to balance it. I was on my way to school yesterday and got into a car accident (a guy slammed into the side of my car on the freeway) and naturally this jerk had no insurance. Oh, and he's not here in the country legally. Today I am a bit stiff and sore, but I'm ok. My car is going to need some TLC, though. *sigh*

But overall, things are really good. I just wanted to check in and say hello. I'll post more later this week.

Have a great week, friends!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm A Homeowner!

Yes, the house is now ours! (And the bank's, too) It's been exicitng buying paint, ordering furniture, and starting some projects at the house. We'll actually be moving in on Friday, but today I am doing some work at the house and having the carpets cleaned. Hopefully the yard guy will call back and then come out and mow and edge the needs it! It's been sad because David had to travel on business so he hasn't gotten to be at the house yet. I know it's hard for him during such an exciting time, but he'll be home Thursday and we'll go jump in the pool and open the champagne we've been saving for this. :)

That's my short update for today...thre is much to be done and I need to get going!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Today Is The Day!

We're closing on our house at 2:30 this afternoon! This is really exciting, and I can hardly wait. We couldn't sleep last's like Christmas!

I had my first weigh in for my challenge. After only 4 days on the plan, I've lost 2 pounds. However, it's frustrating because David has already lost 4.5, and my BFF has already lost 4. So while I know I should be proud, I just feel somehow like I failed, which is dumb because I didn't at all. One of the other bloggers says she's lost 6 pounds. *sigh* I'm doing my best, and that's all I can do.

So I am focusing on the house today. I'm so ready to get moved!! The boxes are making me miserable!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Taking A Break!

I finished my second summer class yesterday, and got an A on my research paper! (Which means I got an A in the class...yay!) It was a tough four weeks, but it's over now. But I have a lot coming up...we're heading up to the lake house this weekend to see Chris and her family, and I can't wait! We should probably be home packing, but we need a break so badly! I also start the official Slimdown Challenge on Monday, and we close on the house a week from today. Whew! That feels like a lot! But I'll manage just fine. :)

I registered yesterday for the Dallas Rock n Roll Half Marathon. Since I didn't get to go to Chicago, I am going to do this one on March 27th of next year. I started training this morning...I got up and was at the gym in my office at 6:30 and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I know, 30 minutes might not be considered training for many of you, but for me it's a start. I've not been faithful about getting on the treadmill, but that's all changing. And now I have to make sure to get my cardio in so that I can be successful with the weight loss challenge! So it's really two-fold.

I am getting so excited about the house! I'm ready to move in and get settled...and it will be our own little place in the world!! I have so many ideas and plans, and I can't wait to get a paintbrush on those walls! I'll be posting pictures as I go...I'll be steaming wallpaper off and painting as soon as I can get in there! So I am excited to share all of that here with you in the blog. :)

And please don't forget to follow me at!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!

Friday, August 06, 2010

Two Weeks and Counting

We close on the new house 2 weeks from today! It's just surreal...and I am so excited! I've picked out paint, planned to rip out wall paper, carpet cleaners are scheduled, utilities set to be turned's really happening! I'll be posting pictures as we move in...the week before the movers come I will be getting the kitchen done and taking some things over a little at a time. It's exciting! Sadly, I am starting the fall semester that same week. I wish I could have a little more time before school starts for fall, but that's just how it goes. I still have to finish my research paper due next Thursday. I'll be glad to have this class wrapped up. While it is important to understand the history of psychology, it's not exactly riveting stuff.

My big plans this weekend? David and I are packing. We have to get a lot done because next weekend we are going to up the lake house to meet up with Chris and Charlie for a quick break. We've had this on the books for a while, and I'm looking forward to it. So we have to make a good bit of progress this weekend...and we have plenty to do! But we're having fun packing together and cleaning things out. It's really not so bad!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Try to stay cool,'s HOT outside!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

41 years is something to be proud of...and I am proud that you guys are my parents. I love you both so much!

Here's to another 41!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This is a super short's crazy right now! But I have started blogging for Woman's Day now for the Slimdown Challenge...follow my posts here:

I'll update more soon, I promise!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Wow...I am getting a crash course in home buying. I had no idea what all was involved in buying a house, but it's a LOT! I am trying hard to schedule our home inspection, but having to coordinate my schedule, David's schedule, the inspector's schedule and our realtor's schedule is a challenge. I spent time last night starting to pack things. We have a lot of stuff, and that's just in the kitchen!!! The rest of the apartment is going to take a while. We have a lot of work ahead of us. All good, though! Hopefully there won't be any snags or major problems with the house. Those could be deal breakers. I am reacting differently to the stress...I don't have much of an appetite and my stomach has been twisted in knots. It's all good, but I'm going to be glad to get moved and settled.

I am also getting ramped up for the national magazine weight loss challenge I have been selected for. There is a LOT happening right now! Once my first blog posts on their website I will post a link so you can follow me there, too. I'll be posting several times a week for them about my weight loss experiences. I am going to be following a new weight loss plan, which seems like a really good one. We'll see...the diet part begins August 16th, which is the week we close. STRESS!!!

Please pray for us...we have a lot on our plate!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big News

So I am finally able to reveal my big news...David and I about to be home owners!!!!! We put in an offer on Monday and after a counter offer that was pretty good, we ironed out some final details and now we are under contract on a house! And yes, I think it might just be the house we've always wanted! :) I am so excited I can hardly stand it! There is much to do, and we currently have a closing date of August 20th. (Hopefully that won't change!) We will actually get the house on Sunday August 22 at 6pm, as the seller asked for an additional 48 hours after closing. And of course, that's not a problem. So now we will be living here:

Yup! Our own little oasis! This is such an exciting and very stressful time for us, but we couldn't be more excited! What a big year this is for us...who knew? Please pray for us as we start the next chapter in our lives!

So that's what's up in my world. Nothing much, right? LOL!

Monday, July 19, 2010


So I lost 3 pounds at WW last week! So far, this week is off to a shaky start, but it's going to be a good one. :) It's a little stressful right now with school and stuff, but it's all good. Three more weeks of class. And then a quick break, and then the fall semester begins...sigh. At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

We got some bad news about David's Uncle Jerry. We thought he had beaten his cancer, but it is coming back with a vengeance, and the prognosis is not good. We're very glad we were out there last month to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary with Aunt Jane. It was a special time and we all had such a good visit. I think David took the news a little hard, and of course I did too. They are lovely people. I can't imagine what they must be going through together right now.

We have other news on the horizon but we don't want to jinx it. I'll share soon, but I would like to ask for prayers of wisdom and good decision making. (Don't worry...this is going to be good, but we're not ready to go totally public yet. And just to quell any rumors, no one is pregnant.) This is good stuff, but like I said, we just don't want to jinx anything. :)

So prayers, please! I'll disclose this week, I promise!

Have a wonderful evening, all!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Carrie Bradshaw's Wisdom

In the SATC episode "A Woman's Right to Shoes," Carrie ends the episode by saying "It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes -- that's why you sometimes need really special ones." And having been that single girl, I couldn't agree more. But in this instance, and I am going to take out the word "single" and substitute "fabulous" because today, I feel fabulous! (And as far as I'm concerned, every woman I know should feel fabulous, too!) I did an early morning session with my trainer, and I feel great! I have made some good food choices, I'm working hard to get myself in the right direction, and now I feel like I'm well on my yes, I feel fabulous! Which will now parlay itself into a new pair of shoes I think.

I have a long journey ahead of me...shouldn't my feet look as fabulous as I feel? :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Holy Cow!

So I got an email I've been hoping for...a national magazine has selected me to be one of their participants in a weight loss challenge!! It's not a competition or contest, just a very cool thing to be part of! I'll be getting my own personal weight loss coach that I'll be on contact with weekly, I'll be responsible for blogging weekly on their magazine website, and I'll be getting a personalized nutritional plan for me to follow. I don't know how many other people are part of this, but I am VERY excited! This process began back in May I's been a while. But it all worked out and now I have a unique and wonderful opportunity to work hard and make this happen. My trainer just about passed out excitement! I emailed her and I got a call back with her in tears of feels good to know she believes in me!

So I am about to embark on a very exciting and very public journey. The hard part is knowing the weight number they will be publishing. But that's ok. I'm going to suck it up and be brave...maybe there's a girl out there just like me who needs to know she's not alone. I hope maybe my journey can give someone else just the courage they need to get themselves healthy, too.

So wish me luck! It all begins mid-August!!

Hanging On To My Sanity

Well, I'm trying anyhow. It feels so crazy right now, and I am so tired. Between work, school, and just life in general I am beat. Poor David and his back...he's on the mend, but it's taking some time and I won't let him lift anything. Or bend over to do things like scoop the litter box. So basically keeping the house in order in falling solely on me. Which is okay, but I am just so tired right now. School is going well, but I am working really hard at it. Just so you know, I hear myself whining about the same things all the time. I know how repetitive I sound. But it's just true. I'm exhausted. When the semester ends on August 12th, I am going to cherish the short time between semesters dearly! We're going to go up to the lake house and meet Chris and Charlie and the babies to celebrate, and I am really looking forward to that. :)

I am still waiting to hear about my participation in the magazine weight loss challenge. I hope no news is good news! I really do want this to work out, and so I am crossing my fingers. I've been doing okay back on WW...slow week last week and this week has been really tough because I have been so stressed out. But it's coming together, it just takes time. I've had many conversations with my friend Chris about this. She and I have shared the very same weight struggles since we were young. We met when we were 12, and even then we both struggled with weight. We've shared success and failure, and this time we're both determined to make this happen. But we both agree that weight loss is difficult and can be such a frustrating and often daunting task to take on. She and I share high blood pressure and wacky thyroid, too, so we're hoping to at least knock out the blood pressure meds. Although both of us have parents who had it so it may hereditary. But Chris is wanting to get pregnant again, so that is helping fuel her desire to get healthy, too. For me, I want to fight off the possibility of diabetes. See? It's more than just looking good, it's about being healthy. So I am a lucky girl to have a community of friends who support me. :)

So I have WW on Saturday, but I don't know how it will go. I've done okay but eaten foods with higher sodium, and we all know what that means...water retention. Ugh. So that may show up on the scale this week. Either way, I'm going and facing the music. I'm all about taking this head-on, so I'll report in on Saturday and let you know!

Have a good Thursday!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Talking Turkey

So I made turkey tacos last night and they were wonderful! I simply used very lean ground turkey rather than ground beef, and ta-da! Healthier tacos! And I totally enjoyed them! I dearly love Tex-Mex and this was so tasty!! I highly recommend it!

I've been working like crazy to get my first psych paper finished. I am happy to report that I just sent it off to my professor. Now to study for tomorrow's quiz! (a student's work is never done!) I also need to drive David out to show him where to go for jury duty tomorrow. Poor guy...his back is a mess! He is having trouble with his sciatic nerve, and could hardly walk yesterday. He went to the doctor and got a massage and is doing much better today. However, his pain pills knock him out so I am going to call him sleeping beauty! :)

Not much else to report. Things are good, just very hectic with school. I have decided to lighten my fall load from 14 hours to 11. I need to keep my sanity! While I wanted to keep what I had registered for, I figured State and Local Government could wait until the spring.

I hope everyone had a good Tuesday!

Friday, July 09, 2010


So I started my next class last night. lots of papers to write and my fair share of quizzes. I honestly feel like I am having to work really hard to tread water right now. I think I will really enjoy the week I get between summer school and the regular semester at the end of August. Tonight, rather than getting to spend time with David or do something fun, I will eat dinner and then get to work on my first paper. It hardly seems fair. But it's the price I am paying to get this d@mn education. (Which I am grateful for and really want...I'm just tired right now.)

I am going to WW tomorrow morning. If we can all think back, I joined back on 19, but haven't been able to get to a meeting because I have been out of town every weekend since then. I am going to step on the scale at the gym here in a few minutes...not sure how its going to go. But you know what? I am happy to go tomorrow. I like the meetings. They really help. And I get to spend some time with my friend Wendy at the meeting, so it's all good! After that I am headed out of town overnight (yes, again). Oh, and that half marathon? Yeah, its coming up and I'm really not ready. I don't think I'll be able to finish, but I'm going to give it my very best effort. That's what counts, right? Of course, both ways on the plane I will have to be working on homework. I can't begin to tell you how ready I am to get through school. I'm just exhausted right now.

But over all, things are really good. I know I'm whining about being tired and all, but it will pass. This degree is something I want, and I am glad to have a chance to get an education. I just want a break, too!!

Have a good Friday, everyone!

Thursday, July 08, 2010


I finished my Biology class last night and made a B for the semester. I am perfectly fine with this! I'm just happy to have it completed. This also means that I am now a senior! (Yay!!) I thought I was going to have a homework-free weekend, but my professor for my History and Systems of Psychology class has already posted everything online for Monday's class, and with all there is to do it would just be advantageous to get started now. *sigh* So Anne is coming over tonight (she's taking it as well) and we're going to get moving on this stuff. Only four more weeks and I'll have this knocked out, too. :)

Monday was kind of a bittersweet day. It marked the one year anniversary of sending my precious Cleo to the Rainbow Bridge. We got home from the lake and I walked over to her little box on the mantle and just cried. I don't think there could ever be another cat like her, and I still think of her almost every day. I know many of you might think I'm a little crazy, but she was such a wonderful companion. She road tripped with me, so flew to Seattle when I moved up there, and during the loneliest days she was my best friend. She saw me through breakups and when she met David, that grumpy old girl loved him immediately. It was so hard to say goodbye to her, but I know it was her time.

So that's it for today. Just thinking about my girl, Cleo. If there is a warm fuzzy friend in your life, be sure to hug them every day. They bring a special kind of joy to our lives and they're so much more than just a "pet".

Have a good Thursday, friends!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

No More Pigs, Please

So in my lab practical last night, my professor brought out the dissected pigs and we had to label the parts for our test. Did I mention I ate pork ribs before going to lab? Yeah, that was nasty. I may be off pork for a little while.

Tonight is my lecture final. I was excited to have a homework-free weekend ahead of me, but my psych professor has already posted assignments online and it's going to be a busy 4 weeks. No better time than now to get started. So I am meeting Anne at the TWU library tomorrow after work to get started. I want an A in this class, and I'm going to get it! (Also, the extra credit assignments are already posted, so I'm going to knock that out now!)

I am having a rough day. My head is killing me in spite of the Tylenol I have taken. I think looking at my monitor all day isn't helping, either. I may try and go home early...we'll see. Everything else is okay...just feeling under the weather.

That's it for now. Feel free to send good vibes for my lecture exam tonight!!

Monday, July 05, 2010

It's Been A While!

Whew! It's been busy! I managed to get through the pig dissection, which was really gross. Thankfully I had a deer hunter as a lab partner and he had no problem doing all the cutting. After lab David and I met our friends Brian and Kristin out for Eclipse. I enjoyed it! The movies keep getting better, and that was lots of fun.

Friday morning we headed out to Lake Eufaula to meet up with Chris and Charlie and the twins for a wonderful weekend! We had a blast, and spent all day on the 4th out on the boat. Yes, I got some sun! We grilled out each night, lit sparklers and just had a riot! We watched silly movies and just giggled ourselves silly. It was much needed!

This week, I have an exam tomorrow in my lab, an exam on Wednesday in my lecture class, and then I am done for the 1st half of summer! Summer 2 begins on the 12th, and that's my online History and Systems of Psychology class. Anne and I are both doing it online so we'll be meeting weekly to hold our own class to study together. I think it's a really good idea, and it should help us do well. We always do well when we study together. :)

So that's it in a nutshell. Now that I am home from the lake I need to hit the books! (sad, isn't it?)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quick Update

Hope everyone is well! I'm pretty much just poking my head in to say hello. California was absolutely wonderful - we had a great time! I am busy getting my Biology homework done before we leave town again Friday to head up to the lake house to meet Chris and Charlie and the girls, and tonight I am hanging out with David's BFF, Brian. His gf is meeting some friends for dinner, and since Brian had his accident and can't do much for himself at the moment, I volunteered to come and hang out with him. I don't mind at's nice to be there when friends need help, and this isn't just any friend, it's David's best friend and he's a good friend to me, too. I know if I needed something I could count on him. Well, if he could walk! (LOL!) But seriously, I don't mind one bit.

Tomorrow night's lab is pig dissection. I am REALLY dreading this lab, but it's the last one and I'm going to be brave and get it over with. But I am really having to work to get all my lecture stuff done before we leave...I'll be doing that during my lunches the next two days and definitely before and after going to Brian's. But it will get done!! (It has to...there's no choice about it!)

So I hope everyone is hanging in there...I am a finalist in the magazine weight loss challenge, so hopefully I'll know something next week. Cross your fingers!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good News and a Birthday Recap

So I got a notification yesterday that I am a finalist for the magazine weight loss challenge! This is cool stuff! So I've spent my morning filling out the questionnaire and writing what would be my first blog post for them. (I would blog 3-4 times each week.) So I am hopeful. I have to submit it and 4 pictures of myself by July 1st, so it will be a little longer before I know anything for sure. But this is very exciting!

I had an awesome birthday yesterday! David gave me a Sony Reader, and now I can join Kim in the world of e-books! I am already addicted to this thing...and I think he wants one too. I bought three books already for it, and already have a 4th I want to download. This will be perfect on the plane to California on Friday!

I am so ready to have a mini-vacation this weekend! I love David's California family...they are tons of fun! So I am looking forward to spending time in 75 degree weather. I'll be taking my walking shoes and enjoying the weather immensely!

I think that's it for now. My eating has been good except for the 2 pieces of cake I ate yesterday. But it was my birthday and I'm not sorry I ate it!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Working On Myself

I did it! Iwent back to WW this morning AND I got on the scale. It was ugly. Really ugly. But you know what? I was brave and I did it. I and I have a lot of work to do, but I feel ready for it. I'm tired of the food free-for-all, the feeling full, the feeling heavy...I am done! I'm ready to feel energized and healthy and proud! So I finally did what I wish I had done years ago: I am stopping the madness. Empowerment is a good thing, and I am feeling very empowered right now.

So that's my big news of the day. Mom's eye is healing well from her surgery, and she is seeing a difference already! Yay!!

I hope everyone has a good weekend and a wonderful Father's Day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I feel like I am buried up to my neck...homework, laundry, you name it. It's piling up! But I did get to celebrate Mom's birthday yesterday! :) And I am so glad...we had a lot of fun. We ate dinner, Mom opened her gifts, and we ate cake. Oh, and then we watched the new Betty White sitcom, Hot in Cleveland. That has got to be my new favorite show! All the actresses on there are hilarious, and I hope this show is a big success! At least it was with me...I was laughing like a crazy woman!

I am so tired this morning. This week hasn't been good sleeping for me. I've been up way too late every night, and feeling like I'm just not getting anything done. I hate that feeling.

Oh, and I am dragging my sorry tail to WW on Saturday. I haven't been going. I've wanted to go, but I've had a horrible mental block against going. So I decided to try a totally different meeting location so it feels like a fresh start. My dear friend Wendy is coming, too, so now I have a buddy to go with and she WON'T let me weasel out of going on those days when I don't want to. This is a good thing, trust me. So while I already know I won't like what the scale says, after Saturday it will only get better. Of course, for the two following Saturdays I will be out of town, but that's okay. I'm ready to start and I didn't want to wait until I got back. So here we go again...sucking it up and going to face the scale. But it's not the scale that's my enemy. I'm not sure what really IS my enemy, but I'm going to figure it out. The scale is just the messenger, and we all know we're not supposed to shoot the messenger, right? So now I need to sort out why this is so hard for me. Weight loss is very mental for me...and I'm going to figure all this out somehow.

So here we go. Again.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Biology...the Ruiner of Summertime Fun

So I didn't do as well as I would have liked on my test. Didn't bomb it but I wish I had done better. It was HARD!! Next time I know I'll need to be prepared with way more detail. But it's done, and I've done some extra credit work, so hopefully that will help. And I'm doing well in my lab, and that's 30% of my grade as well, so I am thinking it will all balance out.

So now I am hungry and it's bedtime. This means a fruit smoothie for dinner and then on to bed.

Wow...what a fun summer I'm having!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Long Day

Mom had her eye surgery today. (Corneal transplant) I didn't realize how worried I was until I started getting antsy about not having heard from Dad. While Mom's surgery is not uncommon, it's still not necessarily the norm and I was ready to know she was good. Now we wait for a few months to really know if it took. (For those who do not know, my mother has Fuch's's worth Googling just to get a better idea of what it is...too much info for me to go into here.) She's had one eye done already, and we are hoping this one does well. The surgeon says things went well. She has a follow up this morning, so I am praying that the result is good so far. We are also praying for the family of the person who donated the corneal tissue. While we celebrate my mother's sight improving, another family is feeling the pain of losing a loved one. But that is part of the beauty of organ/tissue donation...someone you love can continue to give selflessly even after they are gone. I have a good friend who was a quadruple organ donation recipient. Someones loss and selfless act saved Robbyn's life. I will always be grateful to that family, too.

I also had an eye appointment yesterday to get more contact lenses. It's nice to not be wearing my glasses again! I had been out of contacts for a few weeks, and I am glad to have them again. I always put off going to the eye doctor because it just doesn't cross my mind. That, and it takes a while. But it's good to check your eye health, everyone!

I am so glad it's Friday, although I will be spending the weekend studying again. Why am I working this hard for a 4-hour class? Between the lecture and the lab, I am swamped! The second half of summer will feel like a vacation even though it's going to be a senior level psychology class! I'm looking forward to that one, too. Anne and I are both taking it online and will be getting together a lot to make sure we are successful in there. Oh, and I will officially be a senior at the end of my Biology class, so I am almost there!!! Yay!

I think that's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Friday!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


I thought a lot about choices tonight. About how the choices we make affect more than we think they do. What made me think this? Watching "Losing It With Jillian Michaels" tonight. I should already know all this, but I got a great reminder this evening about how the decisions we make can make long term changes. I've chosen to go to school and work and these are choices I am glad I made. I have also chosen (in the past) to be lazy and eat things that have been terrible choices. Well here I am making new choices. I am choosing to be more active and to eat healthy. I am choosing to be a new who isn't afraid to try things that seem scary (insert 1/2 marathon here). But most importantly, I am choosing the me I really want to be. I want to be the girl whose friends think she's off her rocker for trying to finish a race, or to one day climb a rock wall on a cruise ship or go rollerblading. I've never done any of those things. (Mostly because being overweight makes them very difficult.) But I'm going to do them!

But I also have to take this one step at a time. I have heard some dialogue in my head lately that I need to clean out. Somewhere I had decided that the only success in this 1/2 marathon is if I cross the finish line. I don't think that's so true any more. I think the success is stepping on the starting line and giving it my best. My best may run out at about 6 miles, but guess what? That's going to be okay. It means that I tried my hardest and 6 miles is what I could give. But trust me, I am going to be digging deep to try and finish. I really want to be able to cross that finish line and know I completed it. But if I don't I will know that I can try again next time. And be stronger and maybe even a little faster!

So tonight I have decided to choose something different...I choose to be positive when I talk to myself. I choose to allow myself to celebrate whatever my very best looks it 6 miles, or only 1 pound this week, or whatever shape or form it is. My best IS good enough. And I know whatever I do, I will make sure I give my very best.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Maybe This Time...

So after so many posts about how I'm all refocused and on track, I think this time it's really happening. I've worked out hard, eaten carefully, and I'm down 4 pounds since Friday! All of this is good news! Now, it's 4 pounds I had put back on, so I am working to get back to where I was. But I'm not worried about that...I think I'm going to get there! :)

So I had to take off from the gym yesterday because my muscles were so fatigued. I've given them a good beating, and they just needed a break. Wise choice, as I woke up today feeling much better and ready to hit the treadmill again. I love it when I make smart decisions!

So I don't have any news today...Biology lab tonight. Meh.

Everyone have a great Tuesday!

Friday, June 04, 2010

Happy National Doughnut Day!

How will I be celebrating? With an orange. No doughnuts here...trying to do better. :) I challenge you to do the same. I'm sure in each of our workplaces doughnuts will make an appearance, but be strong! Take courage, and rebel against the mainstream and pass the doughnuts by!! We can do it! :)

I am looking forward to a nice weekend. It's not going to be packed with super fun stuff...just a Saturday full of Biology. I think it may be a little more challenging than I thought, but that's not a bad thing. It just means I need to apply myself and focus. But it's going to be just fine. My lab is going okay. I worked in a group last night and hopefully they didn't think I was the old lady who is a big dork. It's possible, but hopefully not!

David comes home tomorrow night, but it will be kind of late...around 9:00pm. I'm going to make my WW cheesy chicken enchiladas, which I haven't made in a while. That, or perhaps my Mexican Layered Chicken Casserole. (Also a WW recipe) Evidently I am craving Mexican food! I like both, but the casserole seems to reheat much better, so that will probably be what I make. Yum! I need to go to the store tonight and get the stuff.

This weekend is the WW Walk-It Challenge. So Sunday morning I will be getting up and doing a 5K on my own. That's the challenge - to do a 5K either formally or mapping out your own and doing. I didn't find one to enter so I have my own mapped out and will be doing it. If it's too humid and gross, I can do it on the treadmill, but I am hoping to do it outdoors...much better scenery.

Happy Friday everyone! Please remember to drive carefully everywhere you go, and hug the ones you love!!

Thursday, June 03, 2010


So I was reading a question posted by Kathy Lee and Hoda from the Today show this morning (on Facebook). They wanted to know if it was okay to date shorter men. My first thought was that it shouldn't matter...we should date who we're interested in! Is it discriminatory to have preferences? I'm not a skinny girl, and I'm pretty sure that there are men who didn't want to date me for that reason. (which is fine...again, I sure understand that we are attracted to people for different reasons, or not attracted for other reasons.) I guess I wonder where the line is between discrimination and attraction on something like this. I mean, honestly, I love that my husband is taller than me. I like that I can wear high heels and he's still taller. Is that wrong of me? The flip side of that is that I love David so much that I suspect his height wouldn't have mattered to me. I can't say for sure because it's just not the case. But as much as I liked him from the start, I think we'd be together even if he was 5'6". Just saying. :)

But again, people are attracted to others for different reasons, and I'm not sure we should be condemning others because of what they are or aren't into. People on FB were so quick to flame other commenters, but I think it's okay to have preferences. It's certainly NOT okay to be mean about it or degrading about it, though. What do you all think? Am I glossing something over that I shouldn't? Just curious about what others think. God asks us to love our neighbors and not to judge. I agree...but I also think God made us all different shapes and sizes and that ultimately there is someone for everyone. Someone who will love us regardless of height, weight, scars, birthmarks, eye color, food preferences, you name it. As long as we treat everyone with kindness and respect, I think it's okay to have preferences. Again, just be kind about it.

I guess other than that, it's a quiet day. Brian was discharged yesterday and we helped to finish getting him moved. He was happy to be home and in excellent spirits. We are working on ways to turn his chest brace into Iron Man. I spoke with my friend Andy who had some excellent ideas, so I'll be setting to work on that soon. :) Hey, if you're going to have to wear it, it might as well be fun, right?

Happy Thursday, everyone!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Summer School Has Begun

Yesterday began the first summer session. I am taking Biology, which is not a favorite of mine, but I already enjoy far more than Algebra. I am really going to have a lot of reading to do, and I also have lab twice a week from 7:40-10:20. While I am not excited about that, it only lasts 5 weeks so I know I can get through it. Except that we'll be dissecting a fetal pig at the end of the term in the lab. Honestly, I have no idea how I will get through that.

Our friend Brian is being discharged from the hospital today! We were helping to get his apartment moved last night so now he is downstairs from where he was. It was a fairly easy move, but we worked up a big sweat last night for sure. It's so hot and humid out!

My Sunburn from Monday is already starting to fade into a nice tan. Thank goodness...I was pretty pink Monday night/yesterday! It was nice to have a 3 day weekend, although we were so busy and so stressed. That's okay...three weeks from Friday we head out to California for along weekend to enjoy time with the California Willis bunch. That's a fun bunch! :) It will be a little like taking a birthday trip...except I am forbidding mention of my birthday out there because we'll be celebrating David's Aunt Jane and Uncle Jerry's 50th wedding anniversary, and it should be all about them. I'm only celebrating 38 years...their party TOTALLY trumps mine, and I'm very okay with that! (Jerry and Jane are awesome! I hope I'm as sassy and spunky as Jane is when I'm their age!)

I think that's it for today. Happy "hump" day everyone! :)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Fragility Of Life

I got a frightening reminder of how fragile we all are. David's best friend, Brian, was in a horrific car accident on Friday morning. I'm not exaggerating. It was awful. It is nothing short of a miracle that he is alive. His accident was a result of his lead foot, and he was rushing to get somewhere when his car it a bump in the road. While I am not clear on the exact details, I can tell you that it ended with his car bursting into flames. Thankfully, moments before that happened he was able to pull himself from the car. Not sure how, since he has ultimately crushed one of his ankles and had compression fractures in two of his lumbar vertebrae. He is lucky to be alive. Had he been knocked unconscious, he might not have been able to get himself out of his car. We have been spending a great deal of time at the hospital, and were excited that he was finally moved from ICU into a regular room yesterday. He's in a great deal of pain, and has a very long road ahead of him, including being confined to a wheelchair for the next few months. We are helping move him out of his second floor apartment this week in anticipation of his release, but I think he will most likely move to a step-down rehab facility before going home. He still needs ankle surgery (which has been postponed due to all the swelling), so I think a rehab facility is a good idea.

All of this to say, it has been a grave reminder of how quickly things can change. I've seen first hand what happens when you drive too fast, so I am begging everyone to slow down and take your time when you're behind the wheel. Brian's story has a good ending, but it could have easily been very different. Please be safe, everyone. I couldn't bear to lose any of you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trying My Best

I must admit, I have not done well with my 5K Every Day initiative. I've been tired and have let that get the best of me. Actually, let's call it what it is: LAZY. I've been lazy. Seriously, what's wrong with me that I'm so unmotivated? Ugh...that has to change and I am going to try and change that today. But on a positive note, I have done well with breakfast today! I tried the new Smart Ones ham and egg scramble and I liked it! And I don't much care for eggs! It's just eggs, cheese, and potatoes, but it's very tasty! I had a half of a large banana and a cup of coffee, and it's really filled me up. I needed something different for breakfast...I get tired of the same things. So in order to beat the boredom I went out on a limb and it was worth it! I have another one in the freezer at home. I thought I would have it for breakfast on Friday. That way I space it out and don't get sick of it. I have to be so careful...I burn out pretty easy on stuff and i like variety in my diet. David could eat the same thing every day, but not me!!

I'm so sleepy this morning. I don't know why because I got plenty of sleep last night. I think just knowing a holiday weekend is on the horizon may have something to do with it! We weren't going to do anything for Memorial day, but last night I got a call from my father in-law (FIL) who personally invited us over for grilling and swimming, and how can I turn down my FIL? I couldn't, so we'll be over there for the day. Which is fun, don't get me wrong! David I had thought it might be nice to stay home that day and grill, but we both agreed seeing the family would be nice, especially since we're going to be out of town on the July 4th weekend. (We're going to Lake Eufaula to spend the holiday weekend with the Dries family at their lovely lake house!!) We're even going to head out early and spend the night at the Choctaw Casino. David hasn't been but Mom and I had a girls weekend there and it was fun! They have a great pool area that looks very tropical and "resorty" and I think it would be a blast! So we're going to kick off the vacation there and then head out to the lake. :)

I'm also excited because Chris and her family are coming down for Father's Day weekend, which translates into an early birthday visit from her for me! We're going to be in San Francisco the weekend after my b-day, so it will be fun to celebrate a little early with Chris. She sent me pictures of her precious girls...two-year-old twins that are the cutest handfuls ever! It's so neat for me to watch Chris being a mother. It's something we never thought would be possible for her, and how joyful that she and her super-awesome hubby have twins!! They're such good parents, and I am so proud to get to be part of their lives. It's fun for me to be Aunt Jen! And trust me, I spoil these little monkeys!! Isn't that my job?? :)

Anyhow, it's going to be a long day, but a good day. I brought a yummy lunch of WW french bread pizza and fruit, and I will be pumping myself full of coffee. Tonight I am going to mom and dad's to see the newest kitty addition to the family. His name is Bear, and he is a solid black 4 month old kitty. I'll be taking lots of pictures!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'd Rather Be Sleeping!

After a rather quiet evening, my Sunday was crazy! We'll get to that...

Friday was lovely! I made my homemade pizza, which was very healthy and very tasty, and had a glass of red wine. I watched my favorite chick flicks, and then got a wonderful night's sleep. Perfect! Saturday I had breakfast with my parents and spent the day doing much less than I had planned. I was going to have my closet cleaned out and the second bedroom organized, but no such luck. Instead I vegged and I'm not one bit sorry!!

David came home Saturday night and we went to Uncle Julio's for dinner. After that we came home and watched the season finale of Gray's Anatomy. Okay, that was an awesome show! Sometimes the writing lacks something, but that was a great episode! (In spite of all the things that would have happened differently in a real hospital!)

Sunday we caught up with all the shows on the DVR, and then we went out with David's friend and his GF to a comedy club. We laughed all evening long, and then afterwards went and did karaoke until about midnight. MUCH too late, but I didn't have my watch on or my phone with me, so I wasn't watching the clock. I am so paying for it today, but we had such a good time and I haven't laughed so hard in ages! So while I am tired today, I'm glad we got out and had such a good time. Maybe we can do that on a Saturday night next time!

So that was it in a nutshell. This is my last week of relaxation. Next week summer school begins and that's going to require a good deal of focus. I wish I could have a summer like everyone else, but at the same time, I am always glad to knock out a class in 5 weeks as opposed to 16!!

And in other news, Mom and Dad adopted a second sweet little kitty. After the initial hissing, I have a feeling it's going to be a good thing. The two babies will be able to play together and entertain one another. Have two kitties is so much fun, and I am glad Mom and Dad decided to do it!

Have a good Monday everyone!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Having A Good Day!

It's hard for it to not be a bad day when it's Friday, I realize this. However, today seems exceptionally good! First, I got some high praise from my manager, which made me feel like a million bucks. I made her look good while she was visiting one of our member hospitals, so naturally she is loving me today. :) Truthfully, the stars managed to line up right and I could get what she needed right away, but I'll take the compliments!

What else is good....OH! I got A-Ma-Zing seats to Lady Gaga! That's right, feel free to hate me just a little...I understand. :) Kevin found the pre-sale info for Citi cardholders, so he bought tickets for David, me, and Kevin and his wife so we are all heading out to see the show! The down side? We have to wait for the March 14th show. Next year. Boo. But that's okay...I'll be smaller and can buy something fabulous to wear! (What am I? 16 years old now?) Anyhow, I haven't been to a concert in ages and this is one I have been really wanting to see. Yes, I know Gaga is a little crazy, but I love her style and I think her music is fun. So this is super exciting for me! And even David is great is my hubby? Yeah, pretty great!

So that's my news. It's a great day, and it's not even noon yet!! Tonight I am having some "me" time. Making myself dinner, maybe watching a movie, and then cleaning out my closet. All of this happens after I work out, so it's going to be a productive evening. But I'm looking forward to it. My poor closet needs a good cleaning, for sure! David comes home tomorrow and that is something I am really looking forward to.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stuff and Things

Things I am wanting right now:
  • a mattifying lotion for my skin. I am VERY oily, and warmer temperatures are not helpful. I am basically shiny all the time, and I would like not to be.
  • a really great maxi dress. I found the one I I just need to go buy it.
  • a new pair of New Balance. I found the ones I want, but they're not in my budget this week. I think these will be the shoes that carry me 13.1 miles in Chicago!
  • a few days off work with nothing to do. Seriously, I want to just do nothing for a while. Not happening, though. Saturday is cleaning day, but you can trust that I'll sleep in! Oh, except not too late since I will be doing a 5K on the treadmill that morning. (Must keep personal commitments!)
  • fun new shoes. I have a few pair in mind (and yes, they are Born shoes!), but I can't be greedy. I wonder if I can finagle a new pair from my hubby...?
  • a house. I have one in mind, we're just getting ourselves financially ready for it.
  • here's my biggie: I want my friend Lonna to have a full recovery from her double mastectomy/reconstruction surgery she had yesterday. That prayer is on its way to being answered, so I am happy about that want!

So there's my random list of things I want. Like you wanted to know all that. But I wanted to put it out into the universe. I tend to think that if we put things out there we have a much better chance of making them a reality. So that was me putting it all out there. :)

I went to bed early last night but I am sleepy this morning. I need to shake it off so I can be productive today!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5K Every Day

This is my new goal: a 5K every day. So what does this mean and how do I plan to do this? Good question! What this means is that every day I work out, I will do a 5K. 3.1 miles on a treadmill or outside. (At least!) So I have to make sure that five days a week I am doing a 5K. And how exactly do I plan to make this happen? This is going to be the hardest part for me. I'm going to either have to get up early, do it at the gym at lunch, or right after I get off work. But there has to be a 5K at least five days a week. So when will this madness begin? Tomorrow. It MUST start tomorrow. And right now, I am saying it will happen after work. I am going to go right to the gym, no going home beforehand. And a 5K will happen. I'll promise to report in and give my time. After after two weeks of this guess what gets added in? 10K Tuesdays! Yup! 6 miles on Tuesdays, but we're going to get into the habit of the 5K every day first. :)

So that's my new goal. I am begging you, friends, to ask me about this and help me stay honest. I won't lie to you...I'll tell you if it doesn't happen, but I know if I suspect you might be checking to see if I did it that I don't want to say I didn't. So I'll do it.

And with each step I get closer to the 13.1 mile finish line in Chicago. My Dad has come to all the 5Ks I've done so far, and he always waits for me close to the finish line and walks me in. It's a cool thing when you're tired and you think you can't go any farther, and then you see your Dad. I remember my first 5K, coming up over a hill and feeling like I could just give up. And there he was, waiting for me and cheering for me. My Dad always makes sure I know he believes in me, and I'm going to need that. I'll miss him in Chicago, but I'll be using my iPhone for my music so perhaps I'll call my Dad and have him get me across that finish line. It's a father-daughter thing, you know? So Dad, on August 1st, you'll probably be getting that phone call from me. I need you to help me finish the climb. I already know I'll want to hear you tell me I can do it, and that will help me stay strong and focused. (Love you, Dad!)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Got Here Fast!

Seriously, where did the weekend go? It was so nice to get a chance to do fun things instead of having my nose in a book all weekend. Although true to myself, I opened up my Biology book and perused it some. Class starts in two weeks and I guess wanted to see what was coming. I will probably begin reading the first chapter next week so I can at least start ahead of things. Wow...I really am a school nerd. *sigh* But what did you expect? I want an A in both of my summer school classes. If I do that and then do well in the fall, there is a good shot at making Psi Chi, which is the psychology honor society. That is a HUGE goal of mine! It's nice to have it getting closer. :) I'm also hoping that I won't have to go to summer school next year, but if they offer something I need, then so be it. I'm getting to close now...I'm very ready to get into grad school and get to the meat of what I want to do.

I'm sitting here at work and really wishing I was anywhere but here. It's not the job, I just don't feel like being here today. (Well, it might be the job...I'm bored and it's just not what I want to do with my life.) But I am just not into it today. I'll live. Besides, we have a three day weekend in the not-so-distant future. I can hang in there for that!

Have a good Monday everyone!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time To Breathe!

Now that I have time to breathe, I am happy to really focus on getting healthy. That's my main weight loss be healthy. Now, I'd be a liar if I told you that smaller sizes didn't matter, because I want to shop in "regular" stores. I also want to feel prettier, but honest-to-God, my main focus is on my health. Today I feel like something good has taken over in my head. It's that old, very focused me who plans ahead and sticks with that plan. Like tonight...I already know we're grilling dinner, and I know I am bringing my lunch to work tomorrow. Mom and I are going to do some menu planning together on Saturday, and that way I know what the plan is and I can stick with it much easier. All of this spells out good things for me, and I really want to stick to it.

I worked out with my trainer this morning, and I had a great session. I am able to push myself to do more and I feel so much stronger already! I really have to get the walking into place because August 1st will be here soon, and I want very badly to cross that finish line. I want to look back at those 13.1 miles and know I did it all. I can do this, but I have a lot of preparing ahead of me.

So I am having a good day. I feel good and I can see a bright future for myself. You know I love to envision? Me, graduating from TWU next year...walking across that stage in a cap and gown, but being much smaller than I am now. I love that mental picture, and I want to make it my reality. Because my reward for all that? I'm buying some killer shoes to walk that stage in!! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Made It Through!

So the good news is that finals are finished! The bad news? There is no bad news! The grades are great and I am feeling so happy! I have 2 1/2 weeks before summer school, but that's ok by me. I will love this time with no homework! It will probably take me the whole time to clean the very neglected apartment. But I don't will be nice to not worry about the inverse of a matrix, the sum of a sequence, or logarithms! Ahhh...I am at peace!

I also have good news on the weight loss challenge front. Remember a few posts ago I mentioned that I might get to be part of a weight loss challenge in a national magazine? Well I don't have definite news yet, but I have gotten word that the magazine people really like my story and have a lot of interest. So please keep those prayers coming! I think being part of that could help me reinforce all those things I know I need to do. I'll reach my goal no matter what, but what a cool way to do it!! Oh, and I found a walking class I can take for 1 hour of credit (I need one last hour of electives...problem solved!) which will also help with that. Getting fit AND getting credit for it! Love it!

So yeah, I'm having a good day. I am tired as can be - I couldn't unwind very easily last night after that bear of an algebra final - but I am happy. A huge weight is lifted off me and I'm ready to have some time to recharge. I am excited to get a facial this weekend! I thank you package from the dealership when we got our new SUV, and it had lots of coupons, one for a facial at a very nice Southlake salon, so I am redeeming it Saturday morning! I might even treat myself to something new afterwards...maybe some lotion or other wonderful bath product...I love stuff like that!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I know it's muggy out, but enjoy a little sunshine's good for us!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Middle Of Exam Hell

Yes, I am swamped. I'll post more when exams are finished. Did my oral presentation for my writing class tonight, and tomorrow night is the dreaded algebra. (sigh) Wednesday night is Sociology and then I am finished. Friday night is dinner with Kim to celebrate being done with this mess, too! :)

So that's what is going on. I hope everyone is well! I'll catch up soon!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Why My Parents Are Awesome

Because my Dad brought me a new battery for my mouse since I was working hard and didn't want to leave the apartment. Oh, and he brought me a strawberry snow cone. :)

My parents are awesome because they are so supportive, and they understand that me turning down an invite to lunch was only because I am working on homework like a crazy woman.

I really couldn't do any of this without them. I know tomorrow is Mother's Day, but I want to say thanks to both of you! I love you!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Quick Hello!

It's a busy day and I sure have plenty to do, but found this awesome recipe and had to share. I haven't made it...yet...but it looks like a good summertime drink! (And easy to make non-alcoholic if you prefer!)

Pink Lemonade Margaritas

1/4 cup tequila
2 tablespoons orange liqueur
2 tablespoons frozen pink lemonade concentrate
3/4 cup ice
2 tablespoons carbonated lemon-lime beverage
sliced lemon, for garnish

1 Combine the first 3 ingredients in a cocktail shaker with 3/4 cup ice and shake vigorously.
2 Pour into glass.
3 Top with lemon-lime beverage, and garnish with lemon.

Yum! Bring on the warmer weather! (Not the hot stuff, just the warmer stuff!!)

Anyhow, back to work for me!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

What a fun weekend! Mom and I headed down to Austin to meet up with David, who was already there on business. Saturday was my friend Bryan's doctoral recital, and what a treat that was! His voice is so beautiful. We met way back in junior high when we were in choir together, and this man has ALWAYS been talented. (Not to mention a good friend, too!) I will always be grateful to Facebook for helping us reconnect! We drove home yesterday and after a day on the road I dove right in to the homework. Next week is finals, so there is much to wrap up.

It's going to be a busy day here at work...lots of projects begin today and that's a good thing. Being busy makes the day go by so much faster! I got to bed a little late, but I got a really good night's sleep. Nothing like my own bed!! Next weekend looks busy, but at least I get to stay home! Saturday, I'm helping Mom with some things around the house, and then on to celebrate my niece's First Communion. I'm happy to celebrate that with Rosemary! It's a big deal, and even though I am not Catholic I can sure appreciate the significance!! Now I need to figure out what to get her! Anyone have any ideas??

So that's it for this morning. After a weekend of really bad eating, I think I am on track to do well this week. I packed a healthy lunch and David is grilling for dinner, so we should do well. Now I need to squeeze my workout in!!

Have a good day everyone!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hooray For Friday!

Worked out with the trainer today, but I felt weak today. Not sure why. I am going to start taking a multi-vitamin to try and help combat that. That's okay...I'll be strong and ready next week! After work, Mom and I are heading down to Austin. David is already there for work, and we're going to hear my friend Bryan do his DMA vocal recital on the UT campus tomorrow. I can't wait!

My eating has gone downhill this week. It started out very well and just tanked. But I'll do better starting this weekend. I am needing to get it under control, and I can do this. Just need to stop eating the crap food. Ugh!

Oh, this is cool...I found this on Paula Deen's website:

A wonderful exfoliant and full body moisturizer for use in the shower. Leave a jar near your outdoor shower at the beach to add a healthy glow to dull dry skin.

1/2 cup sea salt
1/2 cup sweet almond oil (can substitute light olive oil or vegetable oil)
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
1/2 teaspoon orange zest

In a medium dry bowl, combine all ingredients making sure to not let any water touch them as it will dissolve the salt. Pour mixture into an airtight container and store in a cool dry place.
To use: Just before showering, swirl ingredients together with your fingertips to mix. Clean body completely and just before exiting shower, apply Citrus Salt Body Scrub to body in a firm circular scrubbing motion with hands or a soft washcloth. Rinse off the mixture and pat body dry with a clean towel.

I love body scrubs, so I am totally going to make this. If I like it, you all may be getting it for birthdays/Christmas!! Besides, it's easy and wouldn't be expensive to make. Go check out Paula's website for the Corrie's Kitchen Spa ( - it's her niece's recipes for different spa treatments. What a great idea for those of us who don't want to break the bank buying up fancy products! I think I might go buy some small mason jars for the just seems like a good idea with Mother's Day coming up!

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Austin, here I come!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Putting It Into The Universe

So I have a unique (possible) opportunity ahead of me. Last week I got an email from one of the people that works with Joy Bauer Nutrition. (Remember my Today Show experience?) Evidently, Joy writes a monthly column for a national women's magazine, and they are putting together a group of 10-20 women to follow from September through New Years Day through their weight loss journey. Joy's assistant emailed me and said I was the first person they thought of and wanted to know if I would be interested in submitting for that! Now, I have a lot of weight to lose, so I don't know that I would be someone they want to follow. I am betting they want people who could be at their goal weight by then and honestly, I don't think that's possible for me. But I have submitted all my info and should know something by the end of May. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's fun to think that they would even want to consider me! I had to submit a couple of pictures and a bio, as well as my numbers. Yup. My starting weight and my current weight. Not too proud of either, quite frankly. My biggest anxiety about all of this is seeing my weight in print for everyone to see. Those numbers, both then and now, aren't very pretty and are really embarrassing. But I think it will be okay if they select me. My friend Bryan reminded me that we never see articles like this in magazines (Allure has done this many times) and have been disgusted and horrified by the women profiled. We are always encouraged and supportive. All of this is true, but I've never even told my husband my weight. We both know I'm not 130, so it's not like it will be a shock for him to find out I'm overweight, but that is such a personal thing for me, and it will be the hardest part. But if this works out, I know it's for a reason.

My trainer and I will bump up to an hour twice a week and my own workouts will increase as well. I have a plan in case they pick me, but I have been thinking that maybe if they don't I should be brave and start my own "article" here. I could be brave and put it all out there and really make this blog more about that journey. Not sure about that yet...we'll see what happens next month. But it's scary to think about all that. I think I would do well...I'd have to follow Joy Bauer's diet program and blog on the magazine's website. I can do those things. Heck, I blog here all the time...that's easy enough. But I keep going back to my weight numbers...I know of one very brave blogger who does that, and I know I have never felt anything but admiration and encouragement! (Yes, Kim Who Chases Rabbits, I mean you!) So maybe it will be okay. I might not even have to worry about it at all, but who knows. I'm not going to be sad if it doesn't work out. Somehow, God really does open a window when he closes a door. It all happens for a reason!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, friends!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Recap

It's been a busy end of last week/weekend! Thursday I spent time volunteering with Homeless Connect, and that was a really amazing experience. I came away knowing that I am blessed, and I need to make sure that I don't forget that. Friday I attended Joseph's mother's funeral. I love Joseph dearly, and that was tough. He's dealing with a lot of family drama, and some of it manifested itself at the funeral. I was glad I was there to stand by him. He's a wonderful person and I wish things were different for him. But he's dealing with the hand he was dealt, and doing it very graciously. I have such respect for him.

After that, I headed out to Lake Eufuala in Oklahoma to spend the weekend with Chris and her hubby and twin daughters. We had a blast! We just relaxed and played games and laughed ourselves silly! It was wonderful! I hated to leave on Sunday, but we'll see each other next month at some point I'm sure. We're good about planning to get together monthly. :)

So now it's Monday, and I wish I had a little more time at home. The semester is winding down, and there is much to be done with school. Tonight I don't have to go to class, but I still have homework to email the professor. Ugh!

So I hope everyone is having a good Monday! The weather sure is nice right now, and I am going to work out after work. A walk outside sounds so good!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


(*Sure Happy It's Thursday! What did you think that meant?)

It's been a good week. It started out with me a funk, but it's looking up! :) I've had a lot going on with school, but the semester is only 3 weeks long now, so I can make it! Then I get a couple of weeks off and it's right back to it. But hey, each semester is only 5 weeks long, and with only one class each time I can focus on just the subject at hand. That's a nice thought!

I've had a unique opportunity come my way this week. Nothing is a sure deal yet, but I am keeping it close to the vest until I know something. Until then, I would ask for you to pray for courage for me. It's a cool deal, but I'm going to have to be a little brave and a lot focused for this to happen. Don't worry...I'll be sharing more in the future. :)

Today is going to be very awesome. I am going to be doing volunteer work with the Homeless Connect project. Mom and I are both doing this, and I don't know what all we'll be doing today, but I'm excited to be doing something for others.

Tomorrow is a mix of sad and happy. Joseph's mother passed away earlier this week and I will be going to the funeral tomorrow morning. He is such a dear friend and he was there for me when my Gran passed away five years ago. I wouldn't miss the opportunity to support him in his difficult time...he has always been there when I needed him.

After the funeral I am heading up to OK to spend the weekend with Chris and her family. I can't wait!! Her twin girls are WAY too cute and her hubby is such a nice guy! We're all going to their lake house for the weekend...ahhh! Peace! David has to fly to Portland this morning and won't be back until Sunday, so he'll be missing everything this weekend, which he is really hating right now. But it can't be's the nature of the shoe biz!

So that's it in a nutshell. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Can I Just Feel Human Again?

I am so tired this morning. I slept horribly, feel grumpy this morning, and would just like to go back to bed and not come out from under the sheets. I think the end of semester rush to get things done is getting to me. I really need some sort of break...the two weeks in between the spring semester and summer school will hopefully help. I am driving up to Chris' this weekend in Union City. I think this is going to be a good break, but I have to make sure I have all my homework done BEFORE I go up there because I doubt I will want to do it when I get home Sunday night. I talked with Chris last night and I think we're going to spend the weekend at their lake house...this will be good stuff!

I was going to do the 5K Saturday, but we got out there and it really started raining hard. I've done a 5K in the rain, and I HATE it. I don't like being soaking wet and walking in wet, squishy socks and shoes. So back home we went. I ended up doing my 5K on the treadmill, but it doesn't have that same personal satisfaction. Oh well. So I feel like a letdown there. We were supposed to have friends over Sunday, but David came home Saturday night feeling worn down and with the rain and some last minute projects that got piled on him for work, cooking out and having friends over just wasn't going to work out for him. So I feel like nothing that was supposed to happen this weekend got to happen. I spent my day working on homework instead. Which is a good use of time, but it wasn't what I wanted to do. Oh well...I guess I don't get things to go my way all the time.

So today I just feel blah. I'd rather not interact with people and I want to just pull the covers over my head and not come out. I just feel that way today, and that's all there is to that. I know...I'm a grumpus and I think for today I'm going to just stay in my cube and do what I need to do. I have school tonight so I'll finally get to call it a day around 8:30 after I get home. I think I'll just take a bath and go to bed. It might be safer for everyone if I just keep to myself.

So while nothing bad has happened, I am in a crummy mood. It might be nice if it passed soon. I'll try and be more cheery tomorrow. Ugh.

Friday, April 16, 2010

What A Week!

Whew! It's been a long, difficult week. Hello, PMS! Yeah, I was a beast for most of this week. David gets kudos for putting up with me in all my bitchy glory. Yeah, there just isn't a nice way to put that. I was unpleasant. But I am MUCH better now, and very glad it's Friday!

Tomorrow is the 5K at the zoo! Kim and I will hopefully finish before any bad weather heads our way...everyone pray that the rain holds off for a while! I hate doing these 5Ks in the rain. Done that before and didn't like it! But while I don't expect a personal best tomorrow, I am really looking forward to doing it. It's practice for the 13.1 miles I am doing on August 1st. Man, that date keeps getting closer!

I didn't do great on my algebra test, but I passed. I'm going to take that and just be okay with it. Honestly I am just ready to be done with this class. I have statistics in the fall, but that will be for psych majors and I'll actually be in the classroom for that. I think it will be much better!

I think that may be about it. I just finished with my trainer and I'm tired!!! Have a good Friday, all!

Monday, April 12, 2010


It's funny how we tie ourselves emotionally to certain things. I watched the demolition of Texas Stadium Sunday morning (from the comfort of my own bed), and as we watched it happen, David and I help hands and didn't even speak. I felt a lump well up in my throat, and my eyes welled up a bit, although neither of us cried...outwardly. It was sad to watch an iconic building reduced to rubble in 60 seconds. I've seen countless concerts there, the last one being the Dave Matthews band with my friend Karen, who passed away about six years ago. I always thought of her when I drove by there and remembered how being at that concert with her was the last time I got to spend with her before she died unexpectedly. I've been to corporate team buildings there, and stood proudly on that star in the middle of the field. You look up at that massive ceiling and felt so small because everything else there was so big! Somewhere I have a picture of that...I just have to find it.

While I never went to a Cowboys game there, I saw my share of high school playoffs. (Go THS Trojans!) And the legends that walked the field...Staubach, Lilly, Aikman, and most importantly Tom Landry. None will ever be forgotten.

So the Cowboys will play on in the House That Jerry Built. It's lovely. I know, I've been there a few times. But I will always have fond memories of Texas Stadium. Nothing replaces the original!

(And on a completely different note, this posting is my 800th blog entry!! Is that crazy? 800!! Stay tuned and see what happens during the next 800!)

Friday, April 09, 2010

Finally! Friday Has Arrived!

I am so glad it's Friday, and I bet you are, too! I am looking forward to relaxing tonight. Well, I'll be making myself dinner and doing homework. I guess that isn't really relaxing, but I don't mind. In high school the idea of being home on a Friday night doing homework was awful! I guess being 37 and staying home to do homework simply makes me responsible, right? :)

I work out with Susan again today. My arms are sore from yesterday but my legs aren't too bad. I suspect they will be after today! We're going to try dips today. We'll see how that goes! LOL!

Tomorrow morning I am going to get up and go for a 3.2 mile walk/jog. I'm looking forward to it since the weather will be nice. I want to get it done early to that I have more time to do homework. Yes, I plan to be doing it tomorrow, too. But I'm also getting my hair done in the morning and since color will be involved I have to get my exercise in beforehand. I can't wash my hair for 24 hours after its colored so if I plan to burn any calories it needs to happen around 7am. And yes, for me that really is sleeping in!

This upcoming week I am going to challenge myself to take a class at the gym. I don't know what it will be, but that will be my big challenge for the week. I'll be looking at the schedule today so I'll commit to it here and you'll know about it. And then you can help me be accountable!

I think that's about it for today. David will be home Saturday night, but I'll be out so I won't see him until after I get home. However, we have Sunday together, and he doesn't leave town again until next Friday. He'll only be gone one night, so that's not too bad. But a week from tomorrow is my 5K with Kim and I am looking forward to it. :)

Stay strong and focused, friends! Whatever your goals are, keep your eye on the prize!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Fun Fact

Just as a silly side note, today is my 5 year blog anniversary! Who knew I would ever have 5 years of things to say? I know it hasn't always been important or even interesting, but I'm glad you stop by to read. :)

So happy anniversary to my blog!

Challenge Yourself

So what exercise did I do last night? Mom and I walked at the mall. Probably didn't get my heart rate up as much as I should have, but we did get out and move, which is what I needed. Today I worked with Susan and I did 3 sets of 9 push ups! (Last week it was 3 sets of 8!) And these were hard...push ups on a bar laid over a Bosu ball...tough stuff!! So yeah, feeling good about that!

Tomorrow I work with Susan again, and I am going to try something new. I want to use the machine that you do dips on. I don't know what it's called, but maybe I can find out tomorrow. I've never tried it, and I want to push and stretch the boundaries of what I could do before. This is the new me, and I'm rockin' it! I weighed myself today, and after a week of doing just okay (Easter foods, some fast food thrown in for good measure) I maintained this week. I'm okay with that! But only for this week...this girl wants to make the scale move! I've started weighing myself weekly (Thursdays) in the gym here at work and I like the accountability.

The 24 Hour Fitness website has a section you can click on to find new ways to challenge your workouts. I'm doing 2 this week: I signed up for a 5K and I am trying a new machine in the gym. You should go to and check it out! It's not groundbreaking or anything, but it's fun to see what they suggest you try. I think this helps me. I like goals and challenges, so this is a fresh way for me to keep it interesting.

What will you try? How will you challenge yourself? Pick one thing. Just one. (Unless you're up for more than that.) But it only takes one small thing to make a big difference. And you can do this! How do I know? Because I can do this. More importantly, WE can do this. Whatever your struggle, you're not alone. That's the biggest lesson I have learned so one can do this alone. No one should have to, either. I know I said a lot of this yesterday, but I think it bears repeating. We are all wonderfully made and we should celebrate that! Give yourself permission to be the person you want to be. And make mistakes or eat something cheesy or chocolaty and don't feel bad! Because guess what? As long as we are breathing we have the chance to pick up and move on to our next victory. And we need to see our lives as a series of victories. Sure, in between I know I have tough times, but I can look back and truthfully say that my victories are that much sweeter because of my tough times.

So celebrate how fabulous you are and make a decision right now...what one thing will you decide to challenge yourself with this week? Whatever it is, you can do this and you aren't alone!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

5K Days Are Here Again

So I have signed up for the 5K at the Ft Worth Zoo! I am so excited! Kim and I are going to do it together, so that makes it even more fun! (Oh, and we get a free ticket to the zoo for participating!) I am really looking forward to getting back to doing these 5Ks. They were good for me and kept me moving and competitive. My competition was always my last best time. I've not done one in quite a while, so I doubt I can best my last time, but that's okay...I'm going to start training hard, even though I only have a week and a half. I don't matter what I am excited to be back and doing these again! I need to start looking for the next one now. My half marathon is 16 weeks from this Sunday. I would be a liar if I didn't say I am scared. 13.1 miles is a long way, and when you're not a thin person, that's a lot of weight to carry with you. But you know what? I'm going to give it everything I have. I may or may not finish, but I really hope I do! I'll be doing everything I can to drag myself across that line in under 3 1/2 hours. (You have to finish in 3.5 hours...they close the course after that!) Basically this means I need to be at about a 15 minute mile. Sounds easy for most people, but I had been at about a 17.5 minute mile. (Let's remember I am more of a walk/jog kind of gal.) So I have to step it up. That scares me a little bit, but I have time if I really focus. So I have my trainer to help with my strength building, and I have me for the distance/time training. I have a lot of work ahead of me! I'm going to start by walking daily. I can pick one day a week to rest, which will most likely be Fridays since I will have worked with Susan on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I need that one day to let my muscles rest, but Saturdays and Sundays HAVE to be hardcore days from now on. When I say hardcore I mean that I need to burn 1000 calories on those days. This is going to have to include a lot of cardio (aka speed walking and jogging) and maybe even a SET class at 24 hour. This feels intense and I am excited about getting hardcore...scared, but excited! I'm going to start fueling my body with mots of lean proteins and veggies, and really monitor what goes in. I need to learn to think of myself as an athlete. I know, you wouldn't think that if you saw me, but I want to have that visual. If I can see it, I can make it happen. I always know something is attainable if I can imagine myself in the moment. I need to work on visualizing myself at that finish line in Chicago.

So I am going to start reporting daily what I did to train. We'll take this a step at a time, and I will be training for the 5K. My goal for the 5K? I'd love to say 45 minutes but I am a realist. Let's shoot for 52 minutes on that one. No matter what, I am going to give it my all.

So tomorrow's post will include a summary of today's training. If you don't see it, call me out on it!! (Trust me, you'll see it!)

What will YOU do to challenge yourself? It doesn't have to be running related. Maybe it's a small step toward a bigger goal. Maybe today you go the whole day without a soda. Or one less soda. Share your goals here...I want to cheer for you!