I think it's been forever since I posted anything. It's been uneventful, so I decided to take a little break before the new year begins.
We had a very nice Christmas. Would have been even nice if the Cowboys had won, but we don't need to go there. I got to have Christmas Eve brunch with Kim and Mia...that was really nice. Hopefully it will become an annual tradition for us.
I feel really tired. I'm finally getting over my allergies, but I'm still sniffly and quite frankly, I feel worn out. Every day has had some sort of running around and I would like very much to just get to go home and veg. I got another season of Friends for Christmas, and I would really like to go home and get in bed and watch some episodes. Maybe I can do that tonight. Nah...the apartment is a mess and it's driving me nuts. I started to clean last night but it was getting late and I was tired. I think part of my problem might be that I need to get better about taking a vitamin.
So really there isn't any news. No WW meeting this week, so I am going to be very very good and be ready for next week's meeting.
Everyone have a good day!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Eve!
Hope everyone is well! Just a very quick note to say hello, as we are off to have Christmas #1 with David's Family.
I hope everyone has a very special and wonderful Christmas!
Much love,
I hope everyone has a very special and wonderful Christmas!
Much love,
Friday, December 22, 2006
Angry, Angry Girl
Have you ever been so disappointed or angry that you just felt black inside? Some of you may have read my post yesterday (before I deleted it) about how excited I was to be getting transferred to a new position. Well, I called HR yesterday afternoon (they didn't call me, mind you...I had to call them.) to get the new details about when I could start (because I am hating-and when I say hating, I really really mean that-my current job), only to find that no one bothered to check my pay scale, and I make more money than the top end of the new position will allow. So no new job for Jennifer. I went all the way through the interview process - 2 interviews and a team lunch with the potential new team members. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I had to get away from my desk for a while. It was all I could do not to cry because I was so upset. I feel absolutely stuck in a job I can't stand. I am 100% vested in mid-March, so after that I may begin looking for something else. I'm trying to just get through until after the wedding. How do you not remember to do your basic job functions when you get a new candidate for a position? How do you not check to make sure that the salary range is a fit? How does this get missed? I'm a good employee. I work hard and lots of people choose to come to me when they run into an issue because they know I can help. But the one time I made a mistake a few weeks back, I got hung out to dry for it. This chick will skate on through with barely an "oops...sorry" and no one will say anything to her. Why? Because I can't make waves in the event something else ever opens up internally, I don't want to be known as "that girl". So I have to suck it up and just be okay with it. I'm not okay with it. I'm really not. I'm pissed off to an infinite degree. I know most of you will porbably tell me to quit whining and move on, and I will...eventually. But today I get to be pissed. Really, really pissed. And infinitely disappointed. I even find myself wondering if this is the karma I created. I work at the Food Bank, I collect food for needy people, I raise money for breast cancer, I try to be the best friend I know how to be and somehow the universe rips the rug out from under me. I really don't understand.
Don't worry. This is the only post dedicated to my whining. I'm done now.
I doubt I will have a chance to blog again for a few days. It's going to be busy. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, a happy Hannukah, and a safe and blessed new year. Next year is going to be a busy year with wonderful things to come. I'm getting married to a really amazing guy. I guess when I take a step back and look, my life is really good, and I am very thankful for all of my family and friends. Thanks to all of you who come by my little corner of the online world and take the time to see what I am up to.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Don't worry. This is the only post dedicated to my whining. I'm done now.
I doubt I will have a chance to blog again for a few days. It's going to be busy. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, a happy Hannukah, and a safe and blessed new year. Next year is going to be a busy year with wonderful things to come. I'm getting married to a really amazing guy. I guess when I take a step back and look, my life is really good, and I am very thankful for all of my family and friends. Thanks to all of you who come by my little corner of the online world and take the time to see what I am up to.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My New Obsession
I don't know why I am so obsessed with Ugg boots now, but I really am! I think it comes from seeing all the women in NYC wearing them with jeans and they looked so great! Now I really want a pair! (Why now, when it's close to the end of the season and the stores are limited with styles and sizes??) I love these so much!!

David knows the Uggs rep, so we're going to work on getting me a pair for fall next year. These look so awesome with the top off the boots folded down so you can see the shearling! But of course, he says Born is coming out with some great stuff in the fall, so I may sport the Born boots instead. We'll see! :)
I am still feeling pretty crummy. My allergies aren't giving me a break at all. I even went to bed before 9pm last night. I just hope I'm over this by Christmas! Is there anything worse than feeling like crap for Christmas?
I don't have any other news. I hope everyone is doing well! Have a good Wednesday!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Allergies Are No Fun
Yes, I am battling some major allergies. Runny nose, sneezing...lots of fun! But I am better, so I should be happy. :) However, the allergy medicine makes me feel rather spacey. Thankfully, it's a slow week here at work.
Not a whole lot of news, except that my cousin, Jen, is having a little day procedure this morning, so I am sending her good thoughts. I know she will be just fine. She was going to host Christmas, but with her thing today, we agreed that it's going to be a little too much for her, so we're going to do Christmas at Mom and Dad's house. I told Mom I would come help get things ready, and she's happy to get to pull out her Christmas china and use it this year. :) It's very pretty china...I'm glad she gets to use it, too.
Tonight, mom and I are going to finish up some shopping. We have to buy for our men! Also, we're going to be picking up ribbon and package toppers, as I have run out and need to put the finishing touches on the gifts from David and me. It's going to be a busy evening, but a good one. So that's it for now. (Told you there wasn't much news!)
Everyone have a great Tuesday!
Not a whole lot of news, except that my cousin, Jen, is having a little day procedure this morning, so I am sending her good thoughts. I know she will be just fine. She was going to host Christmas, but with her thing today, we agreed that it's going to be a little too much for her, so we're going to do Christmas at Mom and Dad's house. I told Mom I would come help get things ready, and she's happy to get to pull out her Christmas china and use it this year. :) It's very pretty china...I'm glad she gets to use it, too.
Tonight, mom and I are going to finish up some shopping. We have to buy for our men! Also, we're going to be picking up ribbon and package toppers, as I have run out and need to put the finishing touches on the gifts from David and me. It's going to be a busy evening, but a good one. So that's it for now. (Told you there wasn't much news!)
Everyone have a great Tuesday!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Finally I Have Time to Post!
So it has been a really busy week and now they changed our security at work and I can't post from work any more. It's been ahrd to find time in the evenings, but I have a few minutes so I am here to update.
NYC was great! It was a packed two days and I was so sore from all the walking. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Groud Zero, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, went to mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, and did a LOT of walking. It wasn't too cold, and we had a really fun time.
We pretty much finished up our Christmas shopping today. I just need to get some ribbon and a few little things and we're done. However, David and I are feeling crummy (sinus congestion) and we have spent the evening laying around. We went and got soup at Jason's Deli, and it tasted good. David is off work for the next three weeks, so at least he can relax. Some of us still have to work!
Friday was Girl's Day, and we had a really good time. Mia, Kim and I had lunch in Southlake and wandered around and had a blast. Jen and Angela couldn't make it, but hopefully next time! We're shooting for February, so with some advanced planning maybe all the ladies can make it!
There is so much we need to do and not enough time. I finally got my Christmas cards ready to send and David will take them to the post office tomorrow. We need to clean and finish the packages, and I think David is smoking the pork for Christmas, so we need to get that bought and prepped. Jen and Craig are hostessing Christmas, but I am worried it might be too much, as she is having a little outpatient surgery on Tuesday. I'll be checking on her, as I don't want her to feel pressured to do too much. She is a great hostess and I want her to just recover and not feel the holiday stress.
So that's it for now. The year is starting to wind to a close and I am reflecting on how much my life has changed this year. Every time I move to a new apartment, I always wonder to myself, "what will happen in my life while I live here?" Since I moved last year, I have gotten engaged to the absolute love of my life. That's so amazing to me. (286 days by the way!) So many good things have happened, and through the journey I have been surrounded by the best friends I could hope for. I've been a very blessed girl, and I don't take that for granted. So for my friends I am so very grateful. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
NYC was great! It was a packed two days and I was so sore from all the walking. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Groud Zero, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, went to mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, and did a LOT of walking. It wasn't too cold, and we had a really fun time.
We pretty much finished up our Christmas shopping today. I just need to get some ribbon and a few little things and we're done. However, David and I are feeling crummy (sinus congestion) and we have spent the evening laying around. We went and got soup at Jason's Deli, and it tasted good. David is off work for the next three weeks, so at least he can relax. Some of us still have to work!
Friday was Girl's Day, and we had a really good time. Mia, Kim and I had lunch in Southlake and wandered around and had a blast. Jen and Angela couldn't make it, but hopefully next time! We're shooting for February, so with some advanced planning maybe all the ladies can make it!
There is so much we need to do and not enough time. I finally got my Christmas cards ready to send and David will take them to the post office tomorrow. We need to clean and finish the packages, and I think David is smoking the pork for Christmas, so we need to get that bought and prepped. Jen and Craig are hostessing Christmas, but I am worried it might be too much, as she is having a little outpatient surgery on Tuesday. I'll be checking on her, as I don't want her to feel pressured to do too much. She is a great hostess and I want her to just recover and not feel the holiday stress.
So that's it for now. The year is starting to wind to a close and I am reflecting on how much my life has changed this year. Every time I move to a new apartment, I always wonder to myself, "what will happen in my life while I live here?" Since I moved last year, I have gotten engaged to the absolute love of my life. That's so amazing to me. (286 days by the way!) So many good things have happened, and through the journey I have been surrounded by the best friends I could hope for. I've been a very blessed girl, and I don't take that for granted. So for my friends I am so very grateful. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Things You Hear on the Streets of New York...
"Crackers are just crackers!" - random black man dressed in cammo pants and flak jacket outside Toys R Us in Times Square
"You don't want a black man. They'll beat you." - overheard on the subway
"Fuggetaboutit!" - total mob-looking guy to big haired, gum smacking girl
Yes, we're back and it was a wild trip! We had a blast and I promise to get pics posted ASAP. We saw a lot, but we just ran out of time to see everything. I'll do a better job posting tomorrow, but for now I am taking my very tired, very sore and achy body to bed. It's been a long day!
Travel is great, but it's good to be home!
"You don't want a black man. They'll beat you." - overheard on the subway
"Fuggetaboutit!" - total mob-looking guy to big haired, gum smacking girl
Yes, we're back and it was a wild trip! We had a blast and I promise to get pics posted ASAP. We saw a lot, but we just ran out of time to see everything. I'll do a better job posting tomorrow, but for now I am taking my very tired, very sore and achy body to bed. It's been a long day!
Travel is great, but it's good to be home!
Friday, December 08, 2006
New York State of Mind
Less than 24 hours now, and I'm on my way to NYC! David called last night to say he was very cold standing outside talking to me on his cell (they were at a bar and it was too noisy for him to hear inside). Now I am worried that it will be colder than I have ever experienced...I forsee a lot of coffee on this trip!
Tonight is Bridesmaids Cocktail Party night! I bought stuff to make yummy snacks and after work I am picking up a bottle of vodka and some cranberry juice for drinks tonight. (The cranberry juice is for poinsettias - champagne and cranberry juice) I bought cute paper plates and napkins, some fun little party favors, and a new sweater for me. (I can't help myself...I'm a shopaholic.) I am looking forward to having the girls over. I am in much need of girl time!
So between that and packing, I have a very busy afternoon. I had one more hour of untaken time off, so I am leaving the office at 3pm today to get stuff done.
So if I don't get a chance to blog in NYC, I will certainly post when I get home! However, David has his laptop and I think we will have access to a wireless connection, so I will blog if I can.
Have a wonderful weekend and I will post again on Wednesday, if not sooner!!
Tonight is Bridesmaids Cocktail Party night! I bought stuff to make yummy snacks and after work I am picking up a bottle of vodka and some cranberry juice for drinks tonight. (The cranberry juice is for poinsettias - champagne and cranberry juice) I bought cute paper plates and napkins, some fun little party favors, and a new sweater for me. (I can't help myself...I'm a shopaholic.) I am looking forward to having the girls over. I am in much need of girl time!
So between that and packing, I have a very busy afternoon. I had one more hour of untaken time off, so I am leaving the office at 3pm today to get stuff done.
So if I don't get a chance to blog in NYC, I will certainly post when I get home! However, David has his laptop and I think we will have access to a wireless connection, so I will blog if I can.
Have a wonderful weekend and I will post again on Wednesday, if not sooner!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
No Weigh!!!
Although I am going to my WW meeting today, I am not going to step on the scale. It's been a very challenging few weeks with no meetings (holidays, inclement weather) and I know the news isn't good. So rather than beating myself up, I am going to the meeting to get re-energized and refocused. I am also working out this afternoon, and I have already made a good breakfast choice today, so I am on the right foot this morning. I feel like this is a good decision for me. Next week I will have to get on the scale (can't pass on weighing in two weeks in a row!) so I'll be better prepared next week. I'm proud of my resolve to get back on track, and I refuse to give up. :)
I leave for NY in less than 48 hours now! It was fun to think that when I kissed David goodbye this morning that the next time I see him is when we met up in Manhattan!! How fun! (By the way, David called to tell me he is sitting with Herb Kelleher on his flight! Southwest messed up both David and Herb's ticketing so they are both on a later flight than expected! Apparently ticketing problems don't just happen to the little guys!)
Tomorrow night I am having a bridal party cocktail gathering. I have bought the goods to make Cosmopolitans, Apple Martinis, and Pomegranite martinis, as well as a few bottles of wine. I am making snacks, and everyone is bringing a snack as well, so we'll eat, drink, and be merry!
That's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
I leave for NY in less than 48 hours now! It was fun to think that when I kissed David goodbye this morning that the next time I see him is when we met up in Manhattan!! How fun! (By the way, David called to tell me he is sitting with Herb Kelleher on his flight! Southwest messed up both David and Herb's ticketing so they are both on a later flight than expected! Apparently ticketing problems don't just happen to the little guys!)
Tomorrow night I am having a bridal party cocktail gathering. I have bought the goods to make Cosmopolitans, Apple Martinis, and Pomegranite martinis, as well as a few bottles of wine. I am making snacks, and everyone is bringing a snack as well, so we'll eat, drink, and be merry!
That's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
Monday, December 04, 2006
...And Found
Yes, my purse is safe. I am an idiot. Apparently when I got home Saturday, I put my purse on the back of the chair and then put my jacket over it, so I totally missed my purse. I was so upset all evening! I couldn't think of a worse week for losing my purse, being that I am flying on Saturday. At least I have a passport in case of emergency, but it's all good now. And I am going to take as little as possible to NY with me just in case I get pickpocketed! (Hey, Dima lost his wallet there, but some kind soul found it and returned it to him with all the contents in tact!)
So I am focused on my trip. I am having a very small bridesmaid cocktail party Friday night (boo...Jen can't come!) and I am looking forward to that. I need to find some yummy (but healthy!) treats to make.
It's going to be a busy week. David leaves Thursday, and then I join him Saturday. I can't wait! That's it for now. Have a great Monday everyone!
So I am focused on my trip. I am having a very small bridesmaid cocktail party Friday night (boo...Jen can't come!) and I am looking forward to that. I need to find some yummy (but healthy!) treats to make.
It's going to be a busy week. David leaves Thursday, and then I join him Saturday. I can't wait! That's it for now. Have a great Monday everyone!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I'm stressing because I am without my purse right now. I paid for dinner last night and then we came home, so I am pretty sure it's at the restaurant. Sadly, we ate at an Asian place last night and they are closed on Sundays, so I won't know for sure until tomorrow. There aren't any charges on my bank account, so I think I'm ok. I am glad I have a passport since I am flying next Saturday on the off chance that I don't get my purse back. I have 3 of my favorite MAC glosses in there, too. Damn.
It's been a VERY busy weekend, but we finally got registered. We spent Saturday getting that done, which took way longer than I thought it would. But I am happy...it's done! However, if you check the Dillard's registry, please don't pass out when you see the cost of some of the things we registered for. It is a wish list, after all! (And we registered at Target, too!)
So we made it through a busy weekend and we're on the countdown to the NY trip! I can't wait!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
It's been a VERY busy weekend, but we finally got registered. We spent Saturday getting that done, which took way longer than I thought it would. But I am happy...it's done! However, if you check the Dillard's registry, please don't pass out when you see the cost of some of the things we registered for. It is a wish list, after all! (And we registered at Target, too!)
So we made it through a busy weekend and we're on the countdown to the NY trip! I can't wait!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Brrr! It's Cold!
It was nice to stay home yesterday...my office was closed so David and I trekked out to IHOP for breakfast, went to the grocery store, Blockbuster, and home! We had fun bundling up and going out on the patio to watch the snow fall. We napped, watched tv, and David even grilled ribs last night! It was a great day! I was really hoping that we'd have a delayed opening this morning, but no such luck. But at least it's Friday! But we did get to make a snowman yesterday. He was small enough to sit on the rail of the balcony.

And here we are, bundled up for our self-portrait:

Tonight, David and I are planning to go to the movies. And tomorrow, we're going to finish getting registered. Yay! Over the next couple of weeks we're going to finish collecting addresses so we can send out our Save The Date cards to our wedding guests.
David leaves for NY next Thursday, and then I will be meeting him out there a week from Saturday! We're looking forward to our trip, even though it's going to be pretty short. It should be a blast!
So that's it for today. Everyone stay warm..it's pretty cold out there this morning!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Back at Work...and Not Loving It
I wish I was still at home in bed. It really stinks having to come back to work after being off for a week. It was a good vacation. Very busy! I didn't get everything done that I needed to, but it was still productive.
This week is going to be spent catching up at work and cleaning at home. I have a feeling that the holidays are going to fly by!
I haven't done well with my eating over the holiday, so I have really got to get with it. It's good to be back at work for that reason...it's easier to stay on my routine when I am here. Besides, we had to have Thanksgiving for two days and that's tough!
I hope everyone had a good holiday!
This week is going to be spent catching up at work and cleaning at home. I have a feeling that the holidays are going to fly by!
I haven't done well with my eating over the holiday, so I have really got to get with it. It's good to be back at work for that reason...it's easier to stay on my routine when I am here. Besides, we had to have Thanksgiving for two days and that's tough!
I hope everyone had a good holiday!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hello From Vacationville!
Yes, it's nice to be off work! I am off this whole week and really enjoying spending time with David. We haven't had a lot of time together over the last 6-8 weeks, so we're happy! David took me on a date last night to dinner and to see Casino Royale. I actually liked this one! It was a good Bond film. We ate at the Indigo Grill at the Metro Theater in Colleyville. A little pricey, but the food was good. We also went to Target yesterday and bought our Christmas stockings and a few Christmassy things. Today we are going to clean the apartment thoroughly and then take an inventory of ornaments and lights to see if we need to get anything else. We have tog et to the grocery store today, too, as we have a good bit of holiday cooking to do tomorrow. Thursday is "turkey day" (also known as Dad's birthday!!) and we want to make sure we have everything done in plenty of time.
So that's about it. We've had fun relaxing and today we're going to be productive. I hope everyone has a great day!
So that's about it. We've had fun relaxing and today we're going to be productive. I hope everyone has a great day!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
What Did The Scale Say Today?
It says I LOST 2 pounds!!! This makes a total of 10.6 pounds that aren't coming to the wedding!
Whew...I thought I was going to gain! Thanks again for another week of support from everyone! I can't do it alone! :)
Whew...I thought I was going to gain! Thanks again for another week of support from everyone! I can't do it alone! :)
Just A Number
I know the scale just represents a number for most people. For me, it represents progress, discipline, and hard work. However, I am scared that today it may represent extra water weight. Many of you know how personally I take a gain of any kind, so I am very nervous that my body hasn't cooperated with me even though I have done a good job of eating carefully. I thought about using a pass and not getting on the scale today, but that's the first step in just plain chickening out. I refuse to do that, so on the scale I will go at 11am today. I am very nervous, but I'll be fine no matter what.
I can't believe that Thanksgiving is one week from today! The holidays truly are upon us now. Next weekend we'll be putting up the tree and decorating. David and I were talking about how both of us are really starting to feel the holiday spirit, which I haven't truly felt in a few years. It's nice to be excited about the holidays again.
So that's it for now. I'll be posting around noon to let everyone know what my body decided to do this week!
I can't believe that Thanksgiving is one week from today! The holidays truly are upon us now. Next weekend we'll be putting up the tree and decorating. David and I were talking about how both of us are really starting to feel the holiday spirit, which I haven't truly felt in a few years. It's nice to be excited about the holidays again.
So that's it for now. I'll be posting around noon to let everyone know what my body decided to do this week!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Our Very First!
David called to tell me that we got our very first wedding gift! He is in Austin staying with his very good friends, Joe and Pascha. They bought us a lovely picture frame, and I can't wait to have a good picture to put into it! It was so exciting to me...I got off the phone and felt a little silly, as my eyes misted up just a bit. How sweet of them! I have already written a thank you note, and now I just need to get their address!
I don't kow about the rest of you, but with the high winds we're having, I am feeling kind of crummy. Lots of drainage and coughing. I am supposed to have dinner with Grampa tonight, but if this doesn't clear up soon I may call to reschedule. I'm no fun when I am feeling under the weather!
I get to go shopping! David's former step-daughter, with whom he has more of a father-daughter relationship, has a birthday this weekend. I am going to put together a birthday box to send to her (she just move to California). I thought a Gap or Old Navy gift card, some bath goodies, and a small box of Godiva chocolates would be ideal. I'll pack them in colored packing and confetti and send it on it's way! I like shopping for fun things like that! :) My big dilemma is deciding where to buy the bath stuff...Bath and Body Works or Sephora? Probably Sephora. How fun!
That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday! :)
I don't kow about the rest of you, but with the high winds we're having, I am feeling kind of crummy. Lots of drainage and coughing. I am supposed to have dinner with Grampa tonight, but if this doesn't clear up soon I may call to reschedule. I'm no fun when I am feeling under the weather!
I get to go shopping! David's former step-daughter, with whom he has more of a father-daughter relationship, has a birthday this weekend. I am going to put together a birthday box to send to her (she just move to California). I thought a Gap or Old Navy gift card, some bath goodies, and a small box of Godiva chocolates would be ideal. I'll pack them in colored packing and confetti and send it on it's way! I like shopping for fun things like that! :) My big dilemma is deciding where to buy the bath stuff...Bath and Body Works or Sephora? Probably Sephora. How fun!
That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday! :)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Oh Lordy, That Was Some Good Eating!
David and I had dinner with one of the execs from Born. We met for dinner at Kirby's, and I forgot just how good that place is! We started with drinks and then got our table. We had appetizers of fried pickles (that was Ron's choice...crazy out-of-towner!) and a crab cake that was beyond phenomenal! (David and I ate that!) We moved on to salads, and I had a tomato and blue cheese salad that I could barely eat half of. Then came the main course...a 22oz porterhouse. Wait-I ordered the grilled pork chop! So while the gents ate their steaks (I told them not to wait!) I was apologized to many times and finally got my pork chop. It was amazing, but by that time my food had settled and I was already very full. Since both of the men were hitting the road today, they insisted on boxing up the leftovers and sending them home with me. No problem there! So I have some very tasty treats in the fridge for this week while David is finishing the last of the heavy travel. I dropped him off at the airport this morning, and he's off to Austin. One nice thing about this leg of the trip is that tonight and tomorrow night he is staying with a very good friend of his in Austin, so he doesn't have to be stuck in a hotel (or have to pay for a hotel!).
Tonight I am having dinner with my very good friend, Wendy. I get to share all my wedding planning stuff and show her pictures of my dress and lots of fun stuff, so I will be in wedding heaven! :)
Also, don't forget to vote for Emmit Smith tonight on Dancing with the Stars! He's done a great job and is a worthy opponent!
Tonight I am having dinner with my very good friend, Wendy. I get to share all my wedding planning stuff and show her pictures of my dress and lots of fun stuff, so I will be in wedding heaven! :)
Also, don't forget to vote for Emmit Smith tonight on Dancing with the Stars! He's done a great job and is a worthy opponent!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Countown to the Holidays
Wow...can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? I am excited because I am taking next week off. I haven't seen much of David and he'll be done with his travel on Saturday, so we'll have a whole week together next week! :) He came hone yesterday afternoon from Denver and leaves tomorrow morning for south Texas. Today, one of his colleagues is in town and they will be visiting the Macy's stores. The cool part is that tonight his colleague is taking BOTH of us to dinner at Kirby's Steakhouse tonight. YUM! My plan for not blowing my WW plan tonight is to have the grilled salmon (no butter!) and steamed asparagus and a tomato salad. I should be just fine! :)
It was a busy weekend! I hostessed a jewlery party Saturday and spent time with Angela Saturday evening. Sunday I went to church and then out to lunch with mom and dad. Friday night I was going to see Marie Antoinette, but after eating dinner with Dima and Joseph, I was way too sleepy for a 10:15 movie. How lame am I? Ugh!
So anyhow, I am working out after work and thenr ushing home. I want to run and get a dress so I can look nice tonight...I hope I have time since dinner is at 7:30!
I hope everyone has a good Monday! :)
It was a busy weekend! I hostessed a jewlery party Saturday and spent time with Angela Saturday evening. Sunday I went to church and then out to lunch with mom and dad. Friday night I was going to see Marie Antoinette, but after eating dinner with Dima and Joseph, I was way too sleepy for a 10:15 movie. How lame am I? Ugh!
So anyhow, I am working out after work and thenr ushing home. I want to run and get a dress so I can look nice tonight...I hope I have time since dinner is at 7:30!
I hope everyone has a good Monday! :)
Friday, November 10, 2006
What Can Be Better Than A Friday?
I am so glad the weekend is here! It's been a busy week and I am ready to have some fun! I am going to the movies with Joseph and Dima tonight. We're going to grab some dinner and then go see Marie Antoinette. I haven't seen a movie in ages, and I am looking forward to going.
I slept better than I have in a long time last night...I put myself to bed at a decent time and woke up refreshed at 5am. So I got up, scooped the kitty boxes, showered and dressed, and even had time to get gas before picking up friend Leah that I carpool with. Go me! I am sure i will be tired early because of it, but that's OK.
Christy is trimming my hair and giving mom a perm tomorrow morning. Oh, HUGE news! Christy's mom had her mastectomy Tuesday and it went very well. She was in surgery for 13 hours, and they removed the breast and some lymph nodes. The lymph nodes were totally clean (no cancer!) so Pam won't even have to have chemo or radiation! They went ahead and did her reconstructive work as well, so she is done and on the road to a full recovery. So big thank yous to all who said a prayer for her. :)
David is doing well on the road. He's had some elevation sickness, but he is better this morning and ready to get to the stores and host his Born event. He's doing very well and still #1 in the company! I'm so very proud. :)
That's it for today. Everyone have a great Friday!
I slept better than I have in a long time last night...I put myself to bed at a decent time and woke up refreshed at 5am. So I got up, scooped the kitty boxes, showered and dressed, and even had time to get gas before picking up friend Leah that I carpool with. Go me! I am sure i will be tired early because of it, but that's OK.
Christy is trimming my hair and giving mom a perm tomorrow morning. Oh, HUGE news! Christy's mom had her mastectomy Tuesday and it went very well. She was in surgery for 13 hours, and they removed the breast and some lymph nodes. The lymph nodes were totally clean (no cancer!) so Pam won't even have to have chemo or radiation! They went ahead and did her reconstructive work as well, so she is done and on the road to a full recovery. So big thank yous to all who said a prayer for her. :)
David is doing well on the road. He's had some elevation sickness, but he is better this morning and ready to get to the stores and host his Born event. He's doing very well and still #1 in the company! I'm so very proud. :)
That's it for today. Everyone have a great Friday!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I lost another 4 pounds for a total of 8.6 pounds gone now! :)
Yes, it's true...I rock. ;)
Seriously, thanks to everyone for the support! You guys are the best!
Yes, it's true...I rock. ;)
Seriously, thanks to everyone for the support! You guys are the best!
It's That Day Again
It's weigh-in day again! I am nervous, as usual, but optimistic. The problem may be that I may be retaining some water, so if the scale is cruel today, I know I did everything I could to make smart choices this week and it's nature, not me! So please send me skinny vibes at 11am today.
Mom picked up more paper for me to work on my tent cards. I plan to work on those tonight. It's really soothing to do that. Gives me an activity and I feel like I am making progress toward getting stuff done.
David spent the night at the Stanley Hotel in Colorado last night. Not familiar with that hotel? It's where "The Shining" was filmed. It's also supposed to be one of the most haunted hotels in the US. He was looking forward to it, but it creeped me out to think about it! I had a weird experience last night, too. I always watch channel 5 in the morning when I am getting ready for work. When I got home last night (around 9:30) I turned on the TV and went right to the DVR function, not changing the channel. When I got done watching a recorded show, I went back to the TV and it was on channel 65. That's the sci-fi channel, and the show on was "Ghost Hunters", and they were at the Stanley Hotel! They showed a couple of things that really creeped me out, so I called David and left him a message to call me. Seriously, I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for this, but it really did make it hard to go to sleep! (Especially with the cats making noises in the other room...spooky!)
Tonight I am making myself some dinner and then making tent cards. Exciting, right? I'm going to pop in a movie and relax...I need a little down time! Everyone have a good Thursday!
Oh, and I will report in when I get back from WW...the big news will be posted at noon! :)
Mom picked up more paper for me to work on my tent cards. I plan to work on those tonight. It's really soothing to do that. Gives me an activity and I feel like I am making progress toward getting stuff done.
David spent the night at the Stanley Hotel in Colorado last night. Not familiar with that hotel? It's where "The Shining" was filmed. It's also supposed to be one of the most haunted hotels in the US. He was looking forward to it, but it creeped me out to think about it! I had a weird experience last night, too. I always watch channel 5 in the morning when I am getting ready for work. When I got home last night (around 9:30) I turned on the TV and went right to the DVR function, not changing the channel. When I got done watching a recorded show, I went back to the TV and it was on channel 65. That's the sci-fi channel, and the show on was "Ghost Hunters", and they were at the Stanley Hotel! They showed a couple of things that really creeped me out, so I called David and left him a message to call me. Seriously, I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for this, but it really did make it hard to go to sleep! (Especially with the cats making noises in the other room...spooky!)
Tonight I am making myself some dinner and then making tent cards. Exciting, right? I'm going to pop in a movie and relax...I need a little down time! Everyone have a good Thursday!
Oh, and I will report in when I get back from WW...the big news will be posted at noon! :)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
A New Day For Congress
So the Democrats did it...but now they have to really get down to business. What I really wish is that all the crappy political barb-tossing would end and everyone could get down to the business of running the country responsibly. Maybe that will happen. I hope for the best!
One more day until my second weigh-in. I'm having my pre-weigh in jitters again. But I've been good and I know the scale will reflect that. (How's that for positive self-talk?) I'm already 4.6 pounds lighter...I wonder what tomorrow will bring? I'll be happy if it's .5 pounds. As long as it's going the right direction. I'm so focused on a smaller wedding gown size!
Speaking of wedding, I've been working on the table cards for the reception. I'm proud of how they are turning out! I'm not good at the DIY stuff, but this has been fun! I made 10, so I only have to make about 140-150 more! (yikes!)
One more day until my second weigh-in. I'm having my pre-weigh in jitters again. But I've been good and I know the scale will reflect that. (How's that for positive self-talk?) I'm already 4.6 pounds lighter...I wonder what tomorrow will bring? I'll be happy if it's .5 pounds. As long as it's going the right direction. I'm so focused on a smaller wedding gown size!
Speaking of wedding, I've been working on the table cards for the reception. I'm proud of how they are turning out! I'm not good at the DIY stuff, but this has been fun! I made 10, so I only have to make about 140-150 more! (yikes!)

Tonight I am having dinner with Grampa. He had to get a new transmission for his car. it's only 3-4 years old and has 22K miles on it...does that seem right to you? Yeah, the warranty just ran out on it too. But I think it's already fixed, so he doesn't have to worry about it.
As a little treat for me, David gave me a shoe card for a free pair of shoes. I was going to order some shearling boots for our NY trip next month, but they were $169 and the card is only good up to $130, so I ordered a pair or really great shoes that are lined with shearling and have a great sole for walking. They will keep my feet nice and warm while we watch the skaters in Rockefeller Plaza! I also want to be a total goober and stand outside the window of the Today show and see if we make it on TV! :) David has mentioned a carriage ride in Central Park, and I am looking forward to that, too. It's going to be a short trip, but a fun one! My airline ticket was free and he has hotel points so our room will be free during our stay. It's a cheap trip! :)
That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday! :)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Elbow Grease Creates A Need For Muscle Rub
I went over to Kevin's new house Saturday to help paint (along with some of his church friends) and we worked really hard and got lots done! His house is going to really be great, especially when he has the flooring down and all the small details done. It's in a cozy little neighborhood and I am so excited for him. :) It was funny...I dreamed Saturday night that Kevin was engaged to his awesome girlfriend. Was it a premonition of good things to come? Who knows! :)
Speaking of Saturday night, Kim and I went to the Cosmic Cafe. It's good...very tasty stuff! Their bread alone is worth going for! :) However, after a day of painting, I was very tired so dinner was all we were doing. I was home by about 9, and in my jammies asleep before 10:30. I was worn out! (It's nice to go to bed early! I did the same thing Friday night after making dinner for myself and just vegging!)
Sunday morning I wasn't feeling great so I stayed home and rested. David got home around 1pm or so...I was happy to see him! He has to leave again on Tuesday for Denver, and he'll be gone until the following Sunday. After that, he'll have almost no travel for the rest of the year. But we're going to New York in December for a few days! He has a sales meeting, so I am going to fly up and meet him for a few days and we'll see a few sights and enjoy a very Christmassy New York! :)
So that's it for now. Not a lot going on, but it was a very good weekend.
Speaking of Saturday night, Kim and I went to the Cosmic Cafe. It's good...very tasty stuff! Their bread alone is worth going for! :) However, after a day of painting, I was very tired so dinner was all we were doing. I was home by about 9, and in my jammies asleep before 10:30. I was worn out! (It's nice to go to bed early! I did the same thing Friday night after making dinner for myself and just vegging!)
Sunday morning I wasn't feeling great so I stayed home and rested. David got home around 1pm or so...I was happy to see him! He has to leave again on Tuesday for Denver, and he'll be gone until the following Sunday. After that, he'll have almost no travel for the rest of the year. But we're going to New York in December for a few days! He has a sales meeting, so I am going to fly up and meet him for a few days and we'll see a few sights and enjoy a very Christmassy New York! :)
So that's it for now. Not a lot going on, but it was a very good weekend.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Still A Little High On Life
Yes, I am still floating on air - especially now that I am 4.6 pounds lighter! And Angela lost 4.8 pounds this week! Yes, we are totally "rocking the scale"! (Love that quote - thanks Kim!) It feels good to be on track. Dad took me to my favorite Japanese place for dinner last night (MK Teriyaki is AWESOME!) and I had yummy California rolls and a baked salmon roll. :) We went back to the house and I worked on cleaning out some of my old clothes and stuff that need to go to Goodwill. Joseph invited me out with him and Dima and their friends, but I think I may stay in tonight and relax. I would love a tasty treat from Subway and I have a Netflix movie to watch. Besides, I really need to clean the apartment because I am making breakfast for Mom and Dad tomorrow - homemade blueberry Belgian waffles and turkey bacon! MMMMM! (come on...you know I am going to be good about what I eat! I have a WW recipe for the waffles!)
Tomorrow I am helping paint at Kevin's new house during the day, and then I am meeting Kim for dinner at the Cosmic Cafe. I haven't been there but the menu sounds very yummy (it's a vegetarian restaurant) and I am looking forward to eating somewhere new. David may be coming home late Saturday night, but most likely not. I think he is going to be home Sunday, so I am going to go to church with Mom, Dad, and Grampa, as I haven't been in a long while and I don't mind going at all! :) (And I get to peek at the chapel where we'll be married in 330 days!!) So it's going to be a little busy this weekend, but it's all good. :)
That's it for me. Everyone have a great Friday!
Tomorrow I am helping paint at Kevin's new house during the day, and then I am meeting Kim for dinner at the Cosmic Cafe. I haven't been there but the menu sounds very yummy (it's a vegetarian restaurant) and I am looking forward to eating somewhere new. David may be coming home late Saturday night, but most likely not. I think he is going to be home Sunday, so I am going to go to church with Mom, Dad, and Grampa, as I haven't been in a long while and I don't mind going at all! :) (And I get to peek at the chapel where we'll be married in 330 days!!) So it's going to be a little busy this weekend, but it's all good. :)
That's it for me. Everyone have a great Friday!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
And The Scale Says...
I lost 4.6 pounds!!!
I'm so proud of myself! It feels good to be on the right track! :)
And one more thing...can I just say how awesome my family and friends are? They are incredibly supportive! I am having more fun with all the congratulatory emails right now!
I just told my Glitteratti Girls that it's 4.6 pounds of me that won't be attending the wedding! :)
I'm so proud of myself! It feels good to be on the right track! :)
And one more thing...can I just say how awesome my family and friends are? They are incredibly supportive! I am having more fun with all the congratulatory emails right now!
I just told my Glitteratti Girls that it's 4.6 pounds of me that won't be attending the wedding! :)
It's Weigh-In Day!
Today is the day...weigh-in number one! It's like my own personal confessional...anything I did right or wrong will show up on the scale today. But I checked over everything I ate in the last week (it's ALL written down and accounted for!) and I was very good all week long. I know the scale will be my friend today. I've exercised and drank all my water, ate lots of veggies and cut out unhealthy snacks. The question now is...how much did I lose?
Stay tuned! The results will be posted by 12:30pm today!
Stay tuned! The results will be posted by 12:30pm today!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Day-Before Jitters
As good as I have been all week, for some reason I have a lot of anxiety about my weigh-in tomorrow. What if I wasn't as good as I thought I was? What if somehow I tracked all my points wrong? Even though both of those statements aren't true, I am so nervous about weighing in. I hope it goes well. Even losing a pound would be wonderful! :) Poor Kim has had to soothe me today about all this. I am a basket of nerves!
It's been a busy day here at work. I am ready for 4pm to get here so I can go to Grampa's and have my martini!! David will be joining me tonight, too, so we'll have a good time. David has to get packed up to head down to Houston tomorrow. He'll be gone until Sunday, so I am making breakfast for mom and dad on Saturday. I am also going to head over to help Kevin paint his new house! He's having a work day to come and help, and I owe him for all the times he has helped me move or fixed my computer, so now I can start the payback process. :) Besides, work is much more fun when you have your friends there to help!
So that's the scoop for today. Not much new really. Just a lot of the usual, which isn't too bad. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
It's been a busy day here at work. I am ready for 4pm to get here so I can go to Grampa's and have my martini!! David will be joining me tonight, too, so we'll have a good time. David has to get packed up to head down to Houston tomorrow. He'll be gone until Sunday, so I am making breakfast for mom and dad on Saturday. I am also going to head over to help Kevin paint his new house! He's having a work day to come and help, and I owe him for all the times he has helped me move or fixed my computer, so now I can start the payback process. :) Besides, work is much more fun when you have your friends there to help!
So that's the scoop for today. Not much new really. Just a lot of the usual, which isn't too bad. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
It Tuesday, and I have my first weigh in on Thursday - I can't wait! I've done so well! I made a Mexican Chicken Casserole for dinner last night, and it was awesome. :) (It was also a WW recipe!) It's been a while since I made a successful dinner, so I was very happy. (David liked the dinner, too, so that made me feel even better!)
No big news. I don't ever get Trick-or-Treaters so I didn't buy any good candy. I did buy some Finding Nemo gummy fish just in case. I know I won't eat those, so it's safe for me to have them in the house.
Seriously, that's about it. No news at all. Everyone have a fun Halloween!
No big news. I don't ever get Trick-or-Treaters so I didn't buy any good candy. I did buy some Finding Nemo gummy fish just in case. I know I won't eat those, so it's safe for me to have them in the house.
Seriously, that's about it. No news at all. Everyone have a fun Halloween!
Monday, October 30, 2006
My Favorite Time Change
I love getting the extra hour over the weekend! Since I am up at 5:30 am and at work early, it's nice to see the sun on my way to work. I know, it does suck that it will be dark so much earlier, though.
It was a good weekend. We did a lot of relaxing, which needed to be done. Saturday morning we met mom and dad and Grampa for breakfast and then visited with all of them for a while. Then David had to run to NorthPark to drop some work-related stuff off, so we walked the entire mall and then had a light lunch at PF Chang's. (Hooray for WW-friendly lettuce wraps and steamed dumplings!) Then we went to the store and went home. It was a great night to grill out, and that's exactly what we did. Sunday we watched some cool FBI crime solving shows on the Discovery Chanel, made breakfast/lunch, and then cleaned the apartment. Went to Chili's for dinner (Hooray for the WW-friendly Guiltless Grill!) and then got home to watch the Cowboys play. I fell asleep on the couch with 9 minutes left in the game and woke up to a stunning Cowboys victory! Go Romo! :)
So anyhow, here it is on Monday, and we're all back to the grind. Christy is getting ready to open her salon space on Thursday, so if you are needing a very good hairstylist email me and I will give you her number. She will be in the North Richland Hills area, and seriously, she does a great job! She is going to lower her prices since she is in business for herself, so more good news for us consumers!
Have a good Monday, everyone!
It was a good weekend. We did a lot of relaxing, which needed to be done. Saturday morning we met mom and dad and Grampa for breakfast and then visited with all of them for a while. Then David had to run to NorthPark to drop some work-related stuff off, so we walked the entire mall and then had a light lunch at PF Chang's. (Hooray for WW-friendly lettuce wraps and steamed dumplings!) Then we went to the store and went home. It was a great night to grill out, and that's exactly what we did. Sunday we watched some cool FBI crime solving shows on the Discovery Chanel, made breakfast/lunch, and then cleaned the apartment. Went to Chili's for dinner (Hooray for the WW-friendly Guiltless Grill!) and then got home to watch the Cowboys play. I fell asleep on the couch with 9 minutes left in the game and woke up to a stunning Cowboys victory! Go Romo! :)
So anyhow, here it is on Monday, and we're all back to the grind. Christy is getting ready to open her salon space on Thursday, so if you are needing a very good hairstylist email me and I will give you her number. She will be in the North Richland Hills area, and seriously, she does a great job! She is going to lower her prices since she is in business for herself, so more good news for us consumers!
Have a good Monday, everyone!
Friday, October 27, 2006
A Moment To Brag...And Not On Myself!
Can I just say how proud I am of David? He was told today by his boss that he is the #1 rep for his company right now! :)
I am so proud of him! :)
I am so proud of him! :)
Day One - Success!
I know it was only one day, but I did so well! It's one day at a time, right? And yesterday was a great start! I didn't like what I saw on the scale, but I will never see that number again. When it's all said and done and I am at my goal, I will be more inclined to share that number, but not now.
I made a WW cupcake recipe last night that is very easy and VERY yummy!
1 box cake mix - any kind! I used a Duncan Hines yellow mix
1 can pumpkin
1/2 cup water
Mix together and pour into muffin tin. Bake at 350 for 17-20 minutes.
These are 1 point each (don't know the calorie content...sorry!) and VERY tasty! All the fiber from the pumpkin is what makes it so WW-friendly. David and I each ate two last night. And no guilt! :) Next time I might experiment with a cinnamon cake mix. (But the yellow mix is very very good!)
Tonight we are grilling a lean meat and some veggies. You can bet I'll have a cupcake for dessert! I've brought healthy things to eat today to get me through in case I feel weak. (Yay for sugar free Jell-O, yogurt, and soy chips!)
A big shout-out to Angela who started back on the program last night! We're in this together!
And a very special thank you for my friends (both near and far!) who emailed their support yesterday. Please keep it coming...it really does help! :)
I made a WW cupcake recipe last night that is very easy and VERY yummy!
1 box cake mix - any kind! I used a Duncan Hines yellow mix
1 can pumpkin
1/2 cup water
Mix together and pour into muffin tin. Bake at 350 for 17-20 minutes.
These are 1 point each (don't know the calorie content...sorry!) and VERY tasty! All the fiber from the pumpkin is what makes it so WW-friendly. David and I each ate two last night. And no guilt! :) Next time I might experiment with a cinnamon cake mix. (But the yellow mix is very very good!)
Tonight we are grilling a lean meat and some veggies. You can bet I'll have a cupcake for dessert! I've brought healthy things to eat today to get me through in case I feel weak. (Yay for sugar free Jell-O, yogurt, and soy chips!)
A big shout-out to Angela who started back on the program last night! We're in this together!
And a very special thank you for my friends (both near and far!) who emailed their support yesterday. Please keep it coming...it really does help! :)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I Did It!
I went and weighed in. I have to tell you that it was hard to do, and the number on the scale was very, very ugly. I am not happy about that. What I AM happy about is that I will weigh less next week. I am going to take time tonight to make a plan. I'll plan ahead what I am going to eat for the next week and stick to it. I felt so good and so much healthier when I was doing this last year. And I saw results pretty quickly, too. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself, I am going to be strong and dig deep and be disciplined.
So I went and I weighed. And now I can be on my way to success! Next Thursday's blog will be about how many pounds I lost, and I can't wait to share that with you guys! :)
So I went and I weighed. And now I can be on my way to success! Next Thursday's blog will be about how many pounds I lost, and I can't wait to share that with you guys! :)
Moving Forward
Today is a very important day for me. They have organized a Weight Watchers at Work group, and I am going. How do I know I am actually going to do it? Because I had to pre-pay for 16 weeks. I am already financially committed and I don't like to waste money. Besides, I can't quit...too many people I know here in the office are going, and if I quit they'll come harass me! So today I am starting fresh and not looking back at all. I ran across my weigh-in booklets from last year and started to look through them...and then I put them away. I want to keep them as a reminder of success but I am not going to look at them for a long time because I start to get upset with myself for stopping. I was doing incredibly well, and then when my Gran passed I used it as an excuse to stop being responsible for my own actions and I just fell off track.
No more. I want to be 2 dress sizes smaller when I order my wedding dress next February/March. I can do this!
So this time is different. I'm ready to be successful again. I'm ready to feel proud of my achievements again. And every Thursday at 11am I am ready to be accountable and step on the scale at my meetings...and share the good news (and sometimes not so good news) with you guys. So if you don't see a Thursday weigh-in post? Feel free to ask me what's up. I'm ready to get healthy and feel good! I have bags and boxes of clothes just waiting to be worn again, including a pair of jeans that looked really great on me...my Levis low rise boot cut jeans. I will wear them again. Until they become too big!
So once again, I am joining WW. But this time I am sticking with it and doing it just for me!
No more. I want to be 2 dress sizes smaller when I order my wedding dress next February/March. I can do this!
So this time is different. I'm ready to be successful again. I'm ready to feel proud of my achievements again. And every Thursday at 11am I am ready to be accountable and step on the scale at my meetings...and share the good news (and sometimes not so good news) with you guys. So if you don't see a Thursday weigh-in post? Feel free to ask me what's up. I'm ready to get healthy and feel good! I have bags and boxes of clothes just waiting to be worn again, including a pair of jeans that looked really great on me...my Levis low rise boot cut jeans. I will wear them again. Until they become too big!
So once again, I am joining WW. But this time I am sticking with it and doing it just for me!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Catching Up
It's just been super busy! I'll start with last Friday. I got to have dinner with Christy, and it was great to get caught up. Christy is about to leave the salon she is currently at, and will be leasing her own space elsewhere so as soon as she is up and running I will post her new info here. She's an amazing hairstylist, so if you are looking for a very good one at reasonable prices, let me know!
Saturday was almost a blur! Except that I managed to sleep through the Susan Komen Race for the Cure. I am impaired with the alarm clock, so that's all I can say about that. At least I raised money for breast cancer research! Then I went to the store and did a bunch of shopping, went to David's niece's 3rd birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's (that place is LOUD!), dashed home after staying longer than I planned, got my stuff together, Jen came and got me and took me to her place to get ready for the Halloween party (we were running behind!), and then got to eat drink and be merry for the rest of the evening. David came home and then came on over to Jen and Craig's for the party. We had a few drinks and opted to stay in their guest room, so we came home Sunday morning and vegged. Actually, we wasted most all of Sunday just sleeping and being lazy. It was great!
So last night we took David's parents to dinner to tell them we are getting married. (No, they didn't already know...they travel a LOT and we wanted to sit down with them and tell them over dinner.) It went well, and they seemed very happy. :)
So that's about it. We are having dinner with Grampa tonight, and then tomorrow night we are going to meet with the DJ to get everything finalized with her. It's been a busy week so far!
I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!
Saturday was almost a blur! Except that I managed to sleep through the Susan Komen Race for the Cure. I am impaired with the alarm clock, so that's all I can say about that. At least I raised money for breast cancer research! Then I went to the store and did a bunch of shopping, went to David's niece's 3rd birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's (that place is LOUD!), dashed home after staying longer than I planned, got my stuff together, Jen came and got me and took me to her place to get ready for the Halloween party (we were running behind!), and then got to eat drink and be merry for the rest of the evening. David came home and then came on over to Jen and Craig's for the party. We had a few drinks and opted to stay in their guest room, so we came home Sunday morning and vegged. Actually, we wasted most all of Sunday just sleeping and being lazy. It was great!
So last night we took David's parents to dinner to tell them we are getting married. (No, they didn't already know...they travel a LOT and we wanted to sit down with them and tell them over dinner.) It went well, and they seemed very happy. :)
So that's about it. We are having dinner with Grampa tonight, and then tomorrow night we are going to meet with the DJ to get everything finalized with her. It's been a busy week so far!
I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Where have I been? Going crazy, that's where! I don't have time to post today but I am going to try and do it tonight. Lots of catching up to do!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Super Awesome Quote of the Day
"We have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart?"
I love this quote! It's so very true!
I love this quote! It's so very true!
Hey, Did I Just Pass Myself?
I swear, I feel like I am just coming and going it's been so busy. Work has been insane (doing site testing-ugh!), David is traveling so he's not home this week, the cats were acting like a bunch of crazies last night, and I am a little short on sleep so I'm grumpy.
Fun day, right?
I am going to have coffee with Joseph tonight. I need to unwind! It's just been too busy for my liking. Saturday is going to be my super-uber-crazyday. I have the Race for the Cure, my future niece's 3rd birthday party, and preparations for the Halloween gig at Jen and Craig's place. It's going to be nuts! But it's all good. :)
So that's it. A short post from me to say that I am still alive. I doubt I will have a chance to post again until Monday, but if I have time I will. Or if I have anything interesting to share.
So have a good Thursday!
Fun day, right?
I am going to have coffee with Joseph tonight. I need to unwind! It's just been too busy for my liking. Saturday is going to be my super-uber-crazyday. I have the Race for the Cure, my future niece's 3rd birthday party, and preparations for the Halloween gig at Jen and Craig's place. It's going to be nuts! But it's all good. :)
So that's it. A short post from me to say that I am still alive. I doubt I will have a chance to post again until Monday, but if I have time I will. Or if I have anything interesting to share.
So have a good Thursday!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Dreary Monday
I could have happily stayed in bed all day. It's wonderfully rainy, and I am blah to match. (You know...cramps and mood swings. Fun!) I had a great day off last Friday. Mia and I had fun just running around. I got to see my wedding dress in person, and I can confirm that this one really is "The One"! It's beautiful! My bridesmaids have seen the picture and so have my parents. Everyone else gets to wait until September 29th! It's just beautiful, though!
After looking at dresses, we headed over to Snider Plaza and had lunch and walked around looking at things we can't afford. We found a yummy place called DoughMonkey. It's a bakery, and they make some very tasty treats! From there, we headed over to Preston Plaza to meet up with Kim. We were going to do the dance class, but Mia wasn't feeling good and Kim was developing a headache, so we met at Javalatto and then went to Snuffers. After that I had to head on and go to the store. David got home around 8:45 and we spent a lovely evening sitting on the patio and enjoying wine. Saturday was a lazy day, but I did get up and get my nails done at a very cool place in Colleyville called the Nail Bar with Mom and Angela. They did an amazing job on my nails...they needed some TLC! Then mom and I went on to TJ Maxx and shopped a little bit. Saturday night David took me to Dragonfly for cocktails and appetizers-seriously, YUM! The atmosphere is swanky and fun. It's a great place to peoplewatch! We were going to go to Taco Diner from there for dinner, but it's apparently closed and gone, so we were silly and went to the Hard Rock for dinner. The last time I was at one of those places was in Paris! We had fun and after our late dinner, we went home and called it a night.
And Sunday was just as it should be...spent snuggled up on the couch watching movies. With the rain and cold, it was a perfect day to spend indoors. :)
So that's it. We had a great weekend. David has to leave again tomorrow and he's gone until next Sunday. :( I'm going to miss him so very much! But after this week he is home for a week and a half, so that will be very nice for me. And for him too!
Everyone have a good Monday! Be careful out on those wet roads!
After looking at dresses, we headed over to Snider Plaza and had lunch and walked around looking at things we can't afford. We found a yummy place called DoughMonkey. It's a bakery, and they make some very tasty treats! From there, we headed over to Preston Plaza to meet up with Kim. We were going to do the dance class, but Mia wasn't feeling good and Kim was developing a headache, so we met at Javalatto and then went to Snuffers. After that I had to head on and go to the store. David got home around 8:45 and we spent a lovely evening sitting on the patio and enjoying wine. Saturday was a lazy day, but I did get up and get my nails done at a very cool place in Colleyville called the Nail Bar with Mom and Angela. They did an amazing job on my nails...they needed some TLC! Then mom and I went on to TJ Maxx and shopped a little bit. Saturday night David took me to Dragonfly for cocktails and appetizers-seriously, YUM! The atmosphere is swanky and fun. It's a great place to peoplewatch! We were going to go to Taco Diner from there for dinner, but it's apparently closed and gone, so we were silly and went to the Hard Rock for dinner. The last time I was at one of those places was in Paris! We had fun and after our late dinner, we went home and called it a night.
And Sunday was just as it should be...spent snuggled up on the couch watching movies. With the rain and cold, it was a perfect day to spend indoors. :)
So that's it. We had a great weekend. David has to leave again tomorrow and he's gone until next Sunday. :( I'm going to miss him so very much! But after this week he is home for a week and a half, so that will be very nice for me. And for him too!
Everyone have a good Monday! Be careful out on those wet roads!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A Humbling Experience
Yesterday was Community Day at work. During the afternoon I went with my team and worked at the North Texas Food Bank, and let me tell you that was no walk in the park. We lifted, packed and stacked boxes of food to go to families and senior citizens in need. We worked our butts of for about 3-4 hours and when we were done, we had packed and readied enough food to feed needy families for 2 weeks. My body is so sore today, but every time I feel an ache or pain, I am reminded of how fortunate I am. I have food, a home, and a steady income. I am a very blessed woman. But there are a lot of people who are not as fortunate as I am. I was moved when I heard that one of the programs that specifically assists senior citizens is in danger of losing it's funding from the federal government. What will those people do when there isn't that box of food coming in to their homes? It's scary. And the food bank needs more volunteers to help get boxes ready to go out. They are open one Saturday a month for volunteers that can't come during the week, so I think I am going to try and go in November. Anyone care to join? Email me and I'll get you the details.
I was worn out when I got home last night. I was in bed by about 8:30. I talked with Jen and with David, and then I called it a night. I am looking forward to Friday...I am taking the day off, along with Mia and Jen, and we're just going to have fun!
Everyone have a good rest of the day!
I was worn out when I got home last night. I was in bed by about 8:30. I talked with Jen and with David, and then I called it a night. I am looking forward to Friday...I am taking the day off, along with Mia and Jen, and we're just going to have fun!
Everyone have a good rest of the day!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Doing My Good Deed Today
Today is Community Day at work, and after noon today I will be working int he warehouse at the Food Bank. Every year my office does this, and everyone is assigned a team and goes and does community work. Afterwards, we all gather back here in the office and have a catered dinner to celebrate how giving we are. It's nice to get out of the office, but it's so rainy today that I would rather have stayed home and slept...which doesn't really offer much to the community.
David is on his way to the airport this morning. He's heading out to Amarillo/Lubbock. He stayed home one extra night to be with me, and it was so nice! :) I can't wait until he comes home Friday! He comes in later, like around 7:30-ish, and I am planning to go to the gym with Kim and Mia to sweat out some calories. Actually, Mia and I are taking the day off and my cousin Jen is coming over and we're going to just have a relaxing day of fun. :) We ALL need it! There are a couple of bridal shops I want to look at so I can see my dress in person. Yes, the latest "The One" dress. This one is seriously it. (I think.) I am getting VERY good feedback from everyone who has seen it. This is a good sign!
So anyhow, that's about it. I'm loving the cooler weather and the rain...wish I could be home in front of a fire in the fireplace and be snuggle up with the kitties! (And David, too!)
Have a good day, everyone! Stay warm and dry!
David is on his way to the airport this morning. He's heading out to Amarillo/Lubbock. He stayed home one extra night to be with me, and it was so nice! :) I can't wait until he comes home Friday! He comes in later, like around 7:30-ish, and I am planning to go to the gym with Kim and Mia to sweat out some calories. Actually, Mia and I are taking the day off and my cousin Jen is coming over and we're going to just have a relaxing day of fun. :) We ALL need it! There are a couple of bridal shops I want to look at so I can see my dress in person. Yes, the latest "The One" dress. This one is seriously it. (I think.) I am getting VERY good feedback from everyone who has seen it. This is a good sign!
So anyhow, that's about it. I'm loving the cooler weather and the rain...wish I could be home in front of a fire in the fireplace and be snuggle up with the kitties! (And David, too!)
Have a good day, everyone! Stay warm and dry!
Monday, October 09, 2006
I'm Never Excited About Mondays
I would like for the weekend to have been a little longer. Friday night at Paper Planet was fun! Mom and I had a great time and I bought some pretty paper, as well as the topper for our wedding cake (which, thankfully, David really loves!) I had breakfast with Mom and Dad Saturday morning, and then Mom and I went on to look at the latest "The Dress", which may seriously be the one. We found a small boutique in Hurst that carries couture wedding dresses, and they are ordering a sample in my size for me to try on. I can't wait!
I got to spend my Saturday afternoon with Angela, and it was wonderful. I haven't gotten to hang out with her in so long...we had lunch at Chipotle, did a little shopping, and found a fun place to get manicures so we have appointments next weekend. :)
Saturday night I picked up David and we had dinner at one of our favorite Chinese places. Then we went home and enjoyed a bottle of wine on the patio. Sunday was wonderfully lazy! We watched some TV, watched the Cowboys lose (does Bledsoe play for us or Philly? Ugh!), and then enjoyed our favorite Sunday shows while enjoying pizza. It was a good evening. David is trying to push his flight back to tomorrow so we have another night together, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. This weekend in our date, and he has something very special planned. :) He's taking me to Dragonfly at Hotel Zaza! (Very nice!!) I am excited that he has put so much thought into planning our date. :) It makes me feel very special.
So that's it. I'm at work and having some allergy trouble, but otherwise all is good. Hope everyone else is having a good day!
I got to spend my Saturday afternoon with Angela, and it was wonderful. I haven't gotten to hang out with her in so long...we had lunch at Chipotle, did a little shopping, and found a fun place to get manicures so we have appointments next weekend. :)
Saturday night I picked up David and we had dinner at one of our favorite Chinese places. Then we went home and enjoyed a bottle of wine on the patio. Sunday was wonderfully lazy! We watched some TV, watched the Cowboys lose (does Bledsoe play for us or Philly? Ugh!), and then enjoyed our favorite Sunday shows while enjoying pizza. It was a good evening. David is trying to push his flight back to tomorrow so we have another night together, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. This weekend in our date, and he has something very special planned. :) He's taking me to Dragonfly at Hotel Zaza! (Very nice!!) I am excited that he has put so much thought into planning our date. :) It makes me feel very special.
So that's it. I'm at work and having some allergy trouble, but otherwise all is good. Hope everyone else is having a good day!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Damn You, Maggie Sottero!
I shouldn't even look at dresses right now, but I have found yet ANOTHER wedding dress website chock full of dresses I am in love with. Ugh! Maggie Sottero is a designer, and her dresses are stunning! I found one that might be my newest "dress crush". Thank goodness for my ladies I can bounce ideas off of!
I'd post pictures here, but obviously I can't in case David pops in to read the blog. I may have to start a separate wedding dress blog just to get some feedback. If I do that, I'll send the link out, fear not!
Tonight I am going to Paper Planet with Mom to look at stuff to make escort cards for the wedding reception. They are also serving snacks and giving massages...we are SO there!
David comes home again tomorrow. His sister, Lea Ann, called to tell him there is a house for sale in their neighborhood that we should look at. I am thinking this is not the time to buy a house, but David and I need to talk more about that when he comes home. I'd like to wait a little longer...like until after the wedding. I don't think I am ready to be a homeowner. (I think he has the fever since most everyone we know has a house or just bought one!) We'll talk more, but I just don't see this being the right time.
So anyhow, that's it for today. Everyone have a good weekend!
I'd post pictures here, but obviously I can't in case David pops in to read the blog. I may have to start a separate wedding dress blog just to get some feedback. If I do that, I'll send the link out, fear not!
Tonight I am going to Paper Planet with Mom to look at stuff to make escort cards for the wedding reception. They are also serving snacks and giving massages...we are SO there!
David comes home again tomorrow. His sister, Lea Ann, called to tell him there is a house for sale in their neighborhood that we should look at. I am thinking this is not the time to buy a house, but David and I need to talk more about that when he comes home. I'd like to wait a little longer...like until after the wedding. I don't think I am ready to be a homeowner. (I think he has the fever since most everyone we know has a house or just bought one!) We'll talk more, but I just don't see this being the right time.
So anyhow, that's it for today. Everyone have a good weekend!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
To My Friends
I am dedicating todays post to my friends. No wedding talk, no dating talk, just wanting to give a shout out to all those people who have always been there when I needed them. I am one of the luckiest people ever to have such a good group of friends. You guys are awesome!
Seriously, just about every one of my friends is dealing with some sort of unpleasantness right now, both major and not-so-major. So my message to each of you is that I am here for you. I got your back! You need me? Just call me!
And a very special shout-out to my blog-friend, The Blonde. She was in a TERRIBLE car accident and has broken or crunched up many bones and even managed to tear a kidney. So seriously, send happy thoughts out her way as well. She is in need of well wishes. She is also very bored in ICU, so perhaps fate will send hottie doctors her way. :)
So to all of you that I love dearly, big hugs today! I don't always get to tell you how much you all mean to me. You guys mean the world!!
Seriously, just about every one of my friends is dealing with some sort of unpleasantness right now, both major and not-so-major. So my message to each of you is that I am here for you. I got your back! You need me? Just call me!
And a very special shout-out to my blog-friend, The Blonde. She was in a TERRIBLE car accident and has broken or crunched up many bones and even managed to tear a kidney. So seriously, send happy thoughts out her way as well. She is in need of well wishes. She is also very bored in ICU, so perhaps fate will send hottie doctors her way. :)
So to all of you that I love dearly, big hugs today! I don't always get to tell you how much you all mean to me. You guys mean the world!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Coming Home
David is coming home today! (For one night, but it's better than nothing!) We're going to grill some fish and veggies and have a relaxing evening. I'm going to try and have everything all nice and tidy when David gets home...the place isn't looking it's best, for sure! I sure wish the kitties would lend a paw!
It's been busy here at work. I'm also searching for a wedding photographer, and have been playing phone tag with several people. I was reminded today that we have a woman here in the office that does beautiful work (I've seen some of it!) so I am sending her an email to get a quote from her as well. I hope she's in my price range! I like her a lot and I think she would do a lovely job.
So no other real news. Kim reminded me today that a full moon is approaching. It seems that everyone I know has some kind of speed bump or problem that they're dealing with right now...maybe it's the full moon? Anyhow, to all my friends with yucky stuff going on in their lives, I LOVE YOU! :)
Everyone have a great Wednesday!
It's been busy here at work. I'm also searching for a wedding photographer, and have been playing phone tag with several people. I was reminded today that we have a woman here in the office that does beautiful work (I've seen some of it!) so I am sending her an email to get a quote from her as well. I hope she's in my price range! I like her a lot and I think she would do a lovely job.
So no other real news. Kim reminded me today that a full moon is approaching. It seems that everyone I know has some kind of speed bump or problem that they're dealing with right now...maybe it's the full moon? Anyhow, to all my friends with yucky stuff going on in their lives, I LOVE YOU! :)
Everyone have a great Wednesday!
Monday, October 02, 2006
One Year Milestone
Today is my one year anniversary with David! :) Sadly, he has to head out of town today so I don't get to have a special dinner or celebration tonight. (He made a yummy dinner last night, though!) It's been a wonderful year with him, and I look forward to a lifetime more! We are actually celebrating our anniversary on the 14th. With his travel schedule, it's pretty much the only time in October we get to celebrate, so we've had this on the calendar for a while now. :) It seems that everyone we know has something going on the 14th that we've been invited to, but we've turned everyone down because our time together is a little limited right now, and our "date night" is important.
Had dinner with Kim and Mia Friday night and as usual, a good time was had. Bahama Breezes has such tasty food! After dinner I went to the store and got everything to make a roast and came home and put it all in the crock pot. Talked to David for a while and then went to bed. Saturday, Mom and I looked at some more wedding dresses and saw some pretty ones. I'm so glad I have plenty of time! David came home Saturday night and we ate the pot roast and called it a night, as he got in close to 7:30-8pm. (He brought me a new MAC lipgloss!!) Sunday was a wonderfully lazy day, and we watched a bunch of our favorite TV shows that I recorded on the DVR for us. He heads out today at 4pm for San Antonio, and I will miss him terribly, but he'll be back Wednesday night. Of course, he has to leave on Thursday, but I get him for a little bit!
Tonight, I am having dinner with Grampa, and Craig and Jen are coming too. It's going to be a lovely evening!
Had dinner with Kim and Mia Friday night and as usual, a good time was had. Bahama Breezes has such tasty food! After dinner I went to the store and got everything to make a roast and came home and put it all in the crock pot. Talked to David for a while and then went to bed. Saturday, Mom and I looked at some more wedding dresses and saw some pretty ones. I'm so glad I have plenty of time! David came home Saturday night and we ate the pot roast and called it a night, as he got in close to 7:30-8pm. (He brought me a new MAC lipgloss!!) Sunday was a wonderfully lazy day, and we watched a bunch of our favorite TV shows that I recorded on the DVR for us. He heads out today at 4pm for San Antonio, and I will miss him terribly, but he'll be back Wednesday night. Of course, he has to leave on Thursday, but I get him for a little bit!
Tonight, I am having dinner with Grampa, and Craig and Jen are coming too. It's going to be a lovely evening!
Friday, September 29, 2006
My Corrected Monogram!

Yay! I love it! Turns out they corrected for free for me! :) Yay! I have 4 other ones, but I can only post one other, as ettiquette dictates that I cannot use our shared monogram until after we're married. So in one year, I will post them. ONE YEAR FROM TODAY! :) (Sick of this yet? I'll try to have something else to discuss next time I post!)
It's My Wedding Day! (In Exactly 12 Months!)
That's right! Exactly twelve months from today I am getting married! Can you believe it? So how will I celebrate today? I am having dinner with Kim and Mia! We're going to Bahama Breezes and having yummy food and fun, fruity drinks! :) I wonder what I will be doing one year from now? Will I be able to get a good night's sleep? Will I wake up early? Will I even be able to eat breakfast? How exciting for me! :)
So I ordered some really cool electronic monograms, and I got them in my email yesterday. I was going to post one today, except that in my excitement when I ordered them, I put the date I was ordering instead of my wedding date. So yeah, they're wrong and it's my fault so they are going to rework them for me. (Ugh! I'm an idiot!) So I could post my favorite one today but the date is wrong and I don't want to post that. So I will patiently wait. And then I will post and you guys can "ooh" and "aaah" over them. (And I know you will!)
But that's it for today. My future wedding day. How cool is that?
So I ordered some really cool electronic monograms, and I got them in my email yesterday. I was going to post one today, except that in my excitement when I ordered them, I put the date I was ordering instead of my wedding date. So yeah, they're wrong and it's my fault so they are going to rework them for me. (Ugh! I'm an idiot!) So I could post my favorite one today but the date is wrong and I don't want to post that. So I will patiently wait. And then I will post and you guys can "ooh" and "aaah" over them. (And I know you will!)
But that's it for today. My future wedding day. How cool is that?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I Have a Hot Date With A Treadmill
Yes, it's true. At 4pm I am going to be at the gym. Today, rather than the treadmill, I think I am going to pound my guns. (That's "work out my arms" for you non-gym rats!) I am still going back and forth about the wedding dress, and my biggest fear is my arms, so I am going tostart working on them to get them in better shape for the possibility of a strapless dress. I don't want to walk into the chapel and hear people whisper, "she shouldn't have worn that dress!" It's one of my big fears. I just want to look good!
I had lunch with Yvonne from work today. We're both pretty worn out with work. It's good to know it's not just me. Because I am so worn out, I am going to reward myself with a pair of black pants for work. If I am going to work like a dog, I might as well look good doing it! :)
Tomorrow night I am having dinner with Kim and Mia. Christy was going to come, but her mother has gotten a bit of bad news...a lump in her breast that is, according to the doctor, most likely cancerous. She gets her biopsy result today, and Christy wants to spend he weekend with her mom. I don't blame her. I am doing the Susan Komen Race for the Cure on the 21st of October, so I am walking to raise money for her. (If you'd like to donate, please email me and I will send you the link to my site where you can donate online.)
Saturday David comes home! I am going to try (again!) to make dinner. It never works out. I used to be an awesome cook, but I can't make anything anymore. However, Mom's pot roast seems to be pretty fool proof, so I am going to make it. It's always been very good when I have made it before. If I mess this up, I am taking him out for sushi.
That's it for today. Tomorrow's post will be very special. Stay tuned! :)
I had lunch with Yvonne from work today. We're both pretty worn out with work. It's good to know it's not just me. Because I am so worn out, I am going to reward myself with a pair of black pants for work. If I am going to work like a dog, I might as well look good doing it! :)
Tomorrow night I am having dinner with Kim and Mia. Christy was going to come, but her mother has gotten a bit of bad news...a lump in her breast that is, according to the doctor, most likely cancerous. She gets her biopsy result today, and Christy wants to spend he weekend with her mom. I don't blame her. I am doing the Susan Komen Race for the Cure on the 21st of October, so I am walking to raise money for her. (If you'd like to donate, please email me and I will send you the link to my site where you can donate online.)
Saturday David comes home! I am going to try (again!) to make dinner. It never works out. I used to be an awesome cook, but I can't make anything anymore. However, Mom's pot roast seems to be pretty fool proof, so I am going to make it. It's always been very good when I have made it before. If I mess this up, I am taking him out for sushi.
That's it for today. Tomorrow's post will be very special. Stay tuned! :)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Living in a Maze of Boxes
It's hard to be in a one bedroom apartment when it's FULL of boxes! Since David works out of the house, everything gets shipped here, and that includes all the boxes of things like keychains, canvas tote bags, mesenger bags...lots of gift with purchase stuff. It's driving me nuts! I am taking another box (one of the BIG ones) to FedEx on my way to Grampa's tonight to ship off to David for when he is in San Antonio next week. I am just happy to get a box out of the apartment! The cats are all busy sniffing the boxes and trying to get in them. I am glad they are amused.
I am sleepy today. I have been having trouble going to bed on time, and it's taking it's toll on me. I have to start making myself go to bed at 10am. (I've been having to do my makeup at work because I can't get myself going!)
It's a usual Wednesday for me. I am going to Grampa's for dinner tonight, and then when I get home I am going to try and get in 30 minutes of treadmill time at the gym. I've been doing well with the working out consistently, but I didn't work out yesterday. Today should be my day off from the gym, but I don't want to get lazy. However, if I am too tired then I will just not take Sunday off from the gym and hope that helps keep everything balanced. RIght now I am wondering if I will have the energy to work out this evening. Maybe just a nice walk around the complex will be good. Fresh air is wonderful!
So that's it for me today. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!
I am sleepy today. I have been having trouble going to bed on time, and it's taking it's toll on me. I have to start making myself go to bed at 10am. (I've been having to do my makeup at work because I can't get myself going!)
It's a usual Wednesday for me. I am going to Grampa's for dinner tonight, and then when I get home I am going to try and get in 30 minutes of treadmill time at the gym. I've been doing well with the working out consistently, but I didn't work out yesterday. Today should be my day off from the gym, but I don't want to get lazy. However, if I am too tired then I will just not take Sunday off from the gym and hope that helps keep everything balanced. RIght now I am wondering if I will have the energy to work out this evening. Maybe just a nice walk around the complex will be good. Fresh air is wonderful!
So that's it for me today. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Dress Dilemma
I didn't know that choosing a dress for my wedding would be so difficult. There are so many dresses that I like, and I was so sure about the last one I had chosen, but now I have a few worries: what if I don't look special enough? Is the dress too plain? If I wear something strapless or spaghetti straps, will people simply think that my arms are too meaty to wear that? Ugh...what to do? This is a hard decision. I have until February to decide, and in the meantime I keep finding more dresses that I love. I want to be sure that when I step into the chapel on my wedding day that David will think I look beautiful. This is a hard choice!
My friend Joseph is considering a change of environment. We've been chatting back and forth about Seattle and it's pros and cons. Don't know if he'll decide to move, but I think a change would be good for him. Dallas hasn't been so kind. I'd love to see him go back to Paris so that I could come and visit him, but I would absolutely go to Seattle to visit. It's a great city - expensive, but great!
David is on the road, and last night UPS delivered 6 LARGE cases of free Gift With Purchases (GPWs). I have so much in the living room and it's making me a little crazy. I am going to have to do something about that tonight. My folks are so sweet-they have offered to come and help me move the boxes to the garage, but I think I can do it. We have a small luggage dolly that might work. Otherwise, I may throw them off the second floor. ;)
Not much else is new. I have been good with working out, and I am working out again tonight. When I get home I have to box up some of David's GWPs and take them to FedEx to send out. But after that, I am going home and relaxing! :)
Oh, and I will probably look at dresses online. What am I going to wear? (The wedding is one year from this Friday!)
My friend Joseph is considering a change of environment. We've been chatting back and forth about Seattle and it's pros and cons. Don't know if he'll decide to move, but I think a change would be good for him. Dallas hasn't been so kind. I'd love to see him go back to Paris so that I could come and visit him, but I would absolutely go to Seattle to visit. It's a great city - expensive, but great!
David is on the road, and last night UPS delivered 6 LARGE cases of free Gift With Purchases (GPWs). I have so much in the living room and it's making me a little crazy. I am going to have to do something about that tonight. My folks are so sweet-they have offered to come and help me move the boxes to the garage, but I think I can do it. We have a small luggage dolly that might work. Otherwise, I may throw them off the second floor. ;)
Not much else is new. I have been good with working out, and I am working out again tonight. When I get home I have to box up some of David's GWPs and take them to FedEx to send out. But after that, I am going home and relaxing! :)
Oh, and I will probably look at dresses online. What am I going to wear? (The wedding is one year from this Friday!)
Monday, September 25, 2006
A Truly Beautiful Weekend
The rain was a welcomed sight on Saturday morning! We sure needed it, although it was hard to see while driving to my Grampa's. I picked up Dad and we went to meet Mom at Grampas house. We visited for a while and then decided to head to the cemetary. I had picked up a dozen roses for the vase on the headstone. They were a pretty orangey-yellow with red around the edge of the petals. She would have loved them so much. (She would have also told me not to buy her roses, but I didn't listen to her about things like that!) We weeded and sprinkled grass seeds. It's peaceful out there where she is, although I know technically she's not there. Somehow it's comforting to have a place to go and talk to her. When we finished gardening, We all stood there quietly, and I silently talked to her and told her how much I miss her. I think of her so much and I can't believe she's been gone a year now. I wish she could be at my wedding, but I know deep down she will be. She'll just be a little harder to photograph! ;)
We had a date Saturday night! We hadn't gone out in a while, so we went to our favorite little neighborhood teriyaki/sushi place and had a yummy dinner, and then went to Fox and Hound to throw darts. I ran into a girl who used for work for a company that my office works closely with, so it was fun to catch up and hear how she's doing. We got home before midnight and agreed we need to set aside time to do that again. It's fun to do things with our friends but it's important to make sure we have time for ourselves. Especially over the next few weeks! David leaves for south Texas today and he won't be home until Saturday evening. At least I get to take him to the airport and see him off!
So that's it for today. I am looking forward to a girl's night Friday. Several ladies can only make dinner, and that's ok! It's going to be fun to get together. :)
I hope everyone has a great Monday!
We had a date Saturday night! We hadn't gone out in a while, so we went to our favorite little neighborhood teriyaki/sushi place and had a yummy dinner, and then went to Fox and Hound to throw darts. I ran into a girl who used for work for a company that my office works closely with, so it was fun to catch up and hear how she's doing. We got home before midnight and agreed we need to set aside time to do that again. It's fun to do things with our friends but it's important to make sure we have time for ourselves. Especially over the next few weeks! David leaves for south Texas today and he won't be home until Saturday evening. At least I get to take him to the airport and see him off!
So that's it for today. I am looking forward to a girl's night Friday. Several ladies can only make dinner, and that's ok! It's going to be fun to get together. :)
I hope everyone has a great Monday!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Airline Safety - My Lipgloss Is Lethal!
Just out of curiosity, I was looking at the TSA website to see what you can/can't bring on an airplane. Turns out I can bring cigar cutters, small screwdrivers, tweezers, nailfiles (metal is ok!), toy weapons, scissors (with pointed tips), and personal lubricants (?). My lipgloss, however, is NOT ok. Can someone explain this to me?
I had lunch with Jessica and her precious baby Devin today! It was so nice to see her and I am hoping we can do it again soon and that Mia can join us! I miss working with her...she made the day LOTS more fun, and she's a MAC junkie, too! :)
Nothing big going on tonight. After dinner I am leaving David to his "sci-fi Friday night" programming and I am heading to the gym for a hot date with the treadmill. Besides, it assures David that there will be at least and hour and a half of no wedding talk! (I can't help it! I think about the wedding all the time!)
Christy and I went to a small bridal boutique show last night and we had a good time. There were yummy snacks provided by the City Club, which was a big reason I wanted to go-I wanted to sample some of their food! The snacks and champagne were delicious, and we saw some gorgeous wedding dresses (priced at $5000!!!!). The flowers on display were done by my florist, and they were beautiful. When we got there, my coordinator for City Club greeted me like we were old friends, so I felt special. I am going to go through withdrawal when this is over! Is there a"wedding detox" program for post-wedding depression? It's somuch fun to plan this and I wish I did it for a living! :)
Joseph interviewed for a promotion today, so everyone please send him good thoughts!! It's his time...good things are due to start happening for him!
Mom and Dad and I are going to spend time with Grampa tomorrow. Today would have been Gran's birthday, and tomorrow marks one year that she has been gone. I miss her so much. I hope she's smiling down on us and is pleased that we still think of her so often. She's certainly not forgotten.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
I had lunch with Jessica and her precious baby Devin today! It was so nice to see her and I am hoping we can do it again soon and that Mia can join us! I miss working with her...she made the day LOTS more fun, and she's a MAC junkie, too! :)
Nothing big going on tonight. After dinner I am leaving David to his "sci-fi Friday night" programming and I am heading to the gym for a hot date with the treadmill. Besides, it assures David that there will be at least and hour and a half of no wedding talk! (I can't help it! I think about the wedding all the time!)
Christy and I went to a small bridal boutique show last night and we had a good time. There were yummy snacks provided by the City Club, which was a big reason I wanted to go-I wanted to sample some of their food! The snacks and champagne were delicious, and we saw some gorgeous wedding dresses (priced at $5000!!!!). The flowers on display were done by my florist, and they were beautiful. When we got there, my coordinator for City Club greeted me like we were old friends, so I felt special. I am going to go through withdrawal when this is over! Is there a"wedding detox" program for post-wedding depression? It's somuch fun to plan this and I wish I did it for a living! :)
Joseph interviewed for a promotion today, so everyone please send him good thoughts!! It's his time...good things are due to start happening for him!
Mom and Dad and I are going to spend time with Grampa tomorrow. Today would have been Gran's birthday, and tomorrow marks one year that she has been gone. I miss her so much. I hope she's smiling down on us and is pleased that we still think of her so often. She's certainly not forgotten.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Surrounding Yourself With Love
You know, I am a very lucky girl. I am surrounded with people who truly give a damn about me and not everyone has that. So I am very fortunate, and I do realize this. I am surrounded with lots of love.
I am trying to get a girl's night together soon so I can spend time with the girlfriends. It's been a while and I have been wrapped up in all the stuff going on with me, and now it's time to unwind with the ladies!
I don't really have any news. I am going to Grampa's on Saturday morning with Mom. We're going to brunch and then we're going to visit Gran's grave and do some lawn care there...pulling any weeds, making sure her headstone is clean, bringing fresh flowers for her vase. I know she isn't there, but somehow it's comforting to have a place to go to remember her, although I remember her everywhere I go. Joseph has been a real comfort from the time she passed and even now. So thank you, Joseph, for being such a good friend and knowing just what to say to remind me that Gran is always with me.
In lighter news, the kitties are still doing well. I think Zak and Cleo are developing little kitty-crushes on each other. They follow each other around and are now more interested in looking at each other than hissing and chasing each other. Poor Kaylee! She used to be the apple of Zak's eye, although they still lay on the bed together. Zak is really quite the ladies man!
Tonight Christy and I are going to a small bridal show in Ft. Worth. It's being catered by City Club, so I am happy to get to sample the tasty treats. We'll also enjoy champagne and get to look at all kinds of wedding goodies. Christy has to start planning her wedding now, so this should be good for her to attend, too. :)
That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great day!
I am trying to get a girl's night together soon so I can spend time with the girlfriends. It's been a while and I have been wrapped up in all the stuff going on with me, and now it's time to unwind with the ladies!
I don't really have any news. I am going to Grampa's on Saturday morning with Mom. We're going to brunch and then we're going to visit Gran's grave and do some lawn care there...pulling any weeds, making sure her headstone is clean, bringing fresh flowers for her vase. I know she isn't there, but somehow it's comforting to have a place to go to remember her, although I remember her everywhere I go. Joseph has been a real comfort from the time she passed and even now. So thank you, Joseph, for being such a good friend and knowing just what to say to remind me that Gran is always with me.
In lighter news, the kitties are still doing well. I think Zak and Cleo are developing little kitty-crushes on each other. They follow each other around and are now more interested in looking at each other than hissing and chasing each other. Poor Kaylee! She used to be the apple of Zak's eye, although they still lay on the bed together. Zak is really quite the ladies man!
Tonight Christy and I are going to a small bridal show in Ft. Worth. It's being catered by City Club, so I am happy to get to sample the tasty treats. We'll also enjoy champagne and get to look at all kinds of wedding goodies. Christy has to start planning her wedding now, so this should be good for her to attend, too. :)
That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great day!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Pirates and a Little Bit of Sadness (Not really Related To Each Other)
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day to ye!
Nothing terrible new today. My car is good, Beth's new baby is good (don't know the name yet), and all is well at home. We had dinner with Mom, Dad, and Grampa last night, and we had a lot of fun. I'm going to see Grampa tomorrow night for dinner, too, so he's going to get his fill of me this week. I am planning to see him for a bit on Saturday, as Saturday marks the one year passing of my Gran. I've been having a really tough time with that right these days, and it's made me very emotional. I miss her so much and I wish I could tell her all about my wedding but I can't and it's hard. She would be worrying about how much money we were spending and she would be so proud of Craig and Jennifer on their new house. She loved us all so much, and as much as I miss her, I wouldn't bring her back to the condition she was in. She didn't like being in a care facility, and she hated not being able to get up and walk. She was a woman of grace and dignity, and I want very much to be like her. She will always be so very special to me. I can't help but think about how I always wanted a picture of me and Mom and Gran on my wedding day. I will miss her so much that day.
So anyhow, I am a little bit melancholy this week because of time of year it is. Her birthday would have been this coming Friday, too.
I think that's all for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Nothing terrible new today. My car is good, Beth's new baby is good (don't know the name yet), and all is well at home. We had dinner with Mom, Dad, and Grampa last night, and we had a lot of fun. I'm going to see Grampa tomorrow night for dinner, too, so he's going to get his fill of me this week. I am planning to see him for a bit on Saturday, as Saturday marks the one year passing of my Gran. I've been having a really tough time with that right these days, and it's made me very emotional. I miss her so much and I wish I could tell her all about my wedding but I can't and it's hard. She would be worrying about how much money we were spending and she would be so proud of Craig and Jennifer on their new house. She loved us all so much, and as much as I miss her, I wouldn't bring her back to the condition she was in. She didn't like being in a care facility, and she hated not being able to get up and walk. She was a woman of grace and dignity, and I want very much to be like her. She will always be so very special to me. I can't help but think about how I always wanted a picture of me and Mom and Gran on my wedding day. I will miss her so much that day.
So anyhow, I am a little bit melancholy this week because of time of year it is. Her birthday would have been this coming Friday, too.
I think that's all for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Monday, September 18, 2006
The Good News!
IT'S A GIRL!!!! Congrats to Beth and Jason for a 9 pound, very healthy baby girl!! :)
Also, in less life altering news...
The word on my car is that it's a minor thing (gas cap), so repairs will be minimal and the major cost for me is a couple of routine things that I needed done (transmission fluid flush and an oil change) so it's all good! :)
Wow...maybe my luck is changing for the better!!
Also, in less life altering news...
The word on my car is that it's a minor thing (gas cap), so repairs will be minimal and the major cost for me is a couple of routine things that I needed done (transmission fluid flush and an oil change) so it's all good! :)
Wow...maybe my luck is changing for the better!!
Well, it's truly a Monday. Work has already been tough, and on the wya in this morning, my engine light came on. I have to take it to the dealership at lunch to get the diagnostics run on it. I'll stress out until I know what it is and how much it's going to cost. I don't ever have the luck of it being something small. Cross your fingers that it's nothing big. Ugh!
The weekend was good...met with the florist and I LOVE her! The flowers for the wedding will be beautiful! I'm not showing the picture of what the bridesmaids bouquets will look like because I want it to be a surprise for them on the big day. :) They will be absolutely stunning, though!
Jen and Craig's house is beautiful! We saw it Saturday night and I am so in love with their house!! They got their new furniture over the weekend and it's awesome! :)
My cousin Beth is scheduled for a c-section today! We are waiting to hear if it's a boy or girl - they opted to wait to find out! :) I'm so excited! Her daughter, Ellie, is 3 and insists that she wants a girl. No boys. We'll see how that goes!
That's it for today. Have a good Monday!
The weekend was good...met with the florist and I LOVE her! The flowers for the wedding will be beautiful! I'm not showing the picture of what the bridesmaids bouquets will look like because I want it to be a surprise for them on the big day. :) They will be absolutely stunning, though!
Jen and Craig's house is beautiful! We saw it Saturday night and I am so in love with their house!! They got their new furniture over the weekend and it's awesome! :)
My cousin Beth is scheduled for a c-section today! We are waiting to hear if it's a boy or girl - they opted to wait to find out! :) I'm so excited! Her daughter, Ellie, is 3 and insists that she wants a girl. No boys. We'll see how that goes!
That's it for today. Have a good Monday!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Quote of the Day
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that otherpeople won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory ofGod that is within us.
It's not just in some of us -- it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
-Marianne Williamson
I begin WW again on Sunday, and this quote is my motivation. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and remember that each of you is beautiful and fabulous!
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that otherpeople won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory ofGod that is within us.
It's not just in some of us -- it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
-Marianne Williamson
I begin WW again on Sunday, and this quote is my motivation. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and remember that each of you is beautiful and fabulous!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
"A Woman's Place is in the Dome"
Great words from a great lady. We've lost a true Texas lady with the passing of former governor Ann Richards. I think she was a shining example of what a woman can do when given an opportunity. She was classy, intelligent, and quick-witted. She will be greatly missed.
No other news really. David is in Houston until tomorrow, and I am looking forward to a quiet evening at home. I have been so tired running and getting things done that I haven't had time for myself. So tonight is just for me! I am ordering chinese food and learning how to use MS Access. (woo-hoo!) And of course, I will watch Gray's Anatomy!
So that's it for now. The kitties are doing pretty well. Still some occasional hissing but it's MUCH better! Everyone have a good Thursday!
No other news really. David is in Houston until tomorrow, and I am looking forward to a quiet evening at home. I have been so tired running and getting things done that I haven't had time for myself. So tonight is just for me! I am ordering chinese food and learning how to use MS Access. (woo-hoo!) And of course, I will watch Gray's Anatomy!
So that's it for now. The kitties are doing pretty well. Still some occasional hissing but it's MUCH better! Everyone have a good Thursday!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Did You Get Some Sun?
If one more person asks me this, I will go postal on them. Yes, I am extremely sunburned all over my face. Yes it hurts. Yes I am peelng. Yes, am putting aloe vera on it. Damn, people. Kevin says next time someone asks me if I got some sun, I should say that no, I am just red with embarrassment for them for asking me such a stupid question. I think I am going to have to use that.
Everything else is good. I got to have lunch with Mia today, which doesn't happen often even though we work for the same company. It was nice to visit. :) She lets me go on and on about wedding stuff, which must be a great relief for David. Speaing of wedding stuff, David and went to a session about the Sandals resorts last night, and we think we will probably go to the Sandals Royal Bahamian. He can go deep sea fishing while I get spa treatments - I love it! There is a casino nearby where we can have a night out and do a little gamblng, as well as hiking by waterfalls and having fruty frozen drinks brought to us on command. I love it! They have a honeymoon registry, so we can have people put money towards our honeymoon instead of buying gifts. Now, trust me-I am registering for things, but it seems like a neat option to have a honeymoon registry!
Not much else to tell. David is heading out of town tomorrow and will be gone until Friday evening. Craig and Jennfer are officially homeowners now, so congrats to them! Also, the official wedding date for Christy and Rich is May5th-congrats to you guys, too!! Everyone has such great news these days! :)
That's it. Everyone have a good evening!
Everything else is good. I got to have lunch with Mia today, which doesn't happen often even though we work for the same company. It was nice to visit. :) She lets me go on and on about wedding stuff, which must be a great relief for David. Speaing of wedding stuff, David and went to a session about the Sandals resorts last night, and we think we will probably go to the Sandals Royal Bahamian. He can go deep sea fishing while I get spa treatments - I love it! There is a casino nearby where we can have a night out and do a little gamblng, as well as hiking by waterfalls and having fruty frozen drinks brought to us on command. I love it! They have a honeymoon registry, so we can have people put money towards our honeymoon instead of buying gifts. Now, trust me-I am registering for things, but it seems like a neat option to have a honeymoon registry!
Not much else to tell. David is heading out of town tomorrow and will be gone until Friday evening. Craig and Jennfer are officially homeowners now, so congrats to them! Also, the official wedding date for Christy and Rich is May5th-congrats to you guys, too!! Everyone has such great news these days! :)
That's it. Everyone have a good evening!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A Very Relaxing Weekend!
We are home from our weekend at the lake, and we had a wonderful time! It started out questionable, as we had only been there 10 minutes when David tossed some trash in a can outside only to discover there was a skunk in there! Naturally the skunk freaked out and began to spray, but the spray itself managed to stay confined to the can. The smell did not. Have you ever smelled skunk spray like that? It's a horrifying smell that doesn't go away very quickly, for sure! It stunk up the cabin for a few hours, but it went away and all was well. We had lots of fun out on the boat just cruising around the lake and getting some sun. Too much sun, for some of us. (Which pretty much just means me. I got a stupid sunburn with VERY clear sunglass marks. Yes, I have a real case of raccoon eyes!) Saturday night David announced to his friends (because these are not people he sees often) that we're getting married and everyone was so sweet! We had so much fun staying up late and feeding deer - right out of our hands! We fed them corn, bread and even marshmellows and they loved it! (especially the marshmellows!) As soon as we download the pics I will post them...they're fun! We didn't take many but we did get a few shots of me feeding the deer.
So now I am getting ready to get my sunburned self to bed. It's been a really fun weekend and I can't wait until next year! (This is an annual event with this group!)
And as a very important note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANGELA!!!
And tomorrow Craig and Jennifer close on their house. I am so proud of them! Jen, your mom is very proud of you too. I just know it! :)
So now I am getting ready to get my sunburned self to bed. It's been a really fun weekend and I can't wait until next year! (This is an annual event with this group!)
And as a very important note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANGELA!!!
And tomorrow Craig and Jennifer close on their house. I am so proud of them! Jen, your mom is very proud of you too. I just know it! :)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
387 Days
I'm getting married in 387 days!!! :) Mark your calendars, friends!
So life is still good. I am now in the process of researching wedding DJs. Yes, there will be much dancing and merriment at the reception, so bring your dancing shoes, folks! We're going to have a good time. I used to just think I wanted a small wedding with just cake and punch afterwards, but I realize now that that I want to really celebrate finding the right person. David is so awesome and I want to celebrate finding each other while surrounded by people we love and cherish. So big wedding? YES! It's not meant to be pretentious, just a big, fun celebration!
Last night David smoked some pork out on the grill by the pool, and it was AMAZING! That boy can cook so well! :) We just relaxed last night and enjoyed the evening. Tonight we get packed to go to the lake tomorrow. We have to go grocery shopping and get ready so we can head out in the morrning. I am looking forward to relaxing for a few days. His brother is bringing the boat, and although I don't ski, I like sitting in the boat with the wind rushing through my hair...it's liberating!
So that's about it for me this weekend. Everyone take care! I'm outta here for the weekend!
So life is still good. I am now in the process of researching wedding DJs. Yes, there will be much dancing and merriment at the reception, so bring your dancing shoes, folks! We're going to have a good time. I used to just think I wanted a small wedding with just cake and punch afterwards, but I realize now that that I want to really celebrate finding the right person. David is so awesome and I want to celebrate finding each other while surrounded by people we love and cherish. So big wedding? YES! It's not meant to be pretentious, just a big, fun celebration!
Last night David smoked some pork out on the grill by the pool, and it was AMAZING! That boy can cook so well! :) We just relaxed last night and enjoyed the evening. Tonight we get packed to go to the lake tomorrow. We have to go grocery shopping and get ready so we can head out in the morrning. I am looking forward to relaxing for a few days. His brother is bringing the boat, and although I don't ski, I like sitting in the boat with the wind rushing through my hair...it's liberating!
So that's about it for me this weekend. Everyone take care! I'm outta here for the weekend!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
My Week Is Almost Over!
David and I are going to the lake on Friday morning, and I am really looking forward to it! :) Today is like my Thursday! :)
We spent our evening yesterday cleaning the carpet to get the cat pee smell to go away. I think we did it, but we had to borrow my mom's carpet cleaning machine, and on top of that I had to get down on my hands and knees and scrub! I think we did it, though. And now we have a lovely little litter box in the bathroom next to the toilet so that Cleo can quit peeing on the carpet. Ugh!
Mom had locked her keys in her car yesterday so David and I ran up there with the spare and she took us to dinner at Chili's. It was a nice evening and I am glad we spent time with mom, but seriously mom...we'll have dinner with you without you locking your keys in the car to get us to come over!! ;)
Christy and Rich have officially set a date for their wedding! April 21, 2007, is the big day! I'm so excited for them. They're going to have a lovely wedding. :)
That's it for now! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
We spent our evening yesterday cleaning the carpet to get the cat pee smell to go away. I think we did it, but we had to borrow my mom's carpet cleaning machine, and on top of that I had to get down on my hands and knees and scrub! I think we did it, though. And now we have a lovely little litter box in the bathroom next to the toilet so that Cleo can quit peeing on the carpet. Ugh!
Mom had locked her keys in her car yesterday so David and I ran up there with the spare and she took us to dinner at Chili's. It was a nice evening and I am glad we spent time with mom, but seriously mom...we'll have dinner with you without you locking your keys in the car to get us to come over!! ;)
Christy and Rich have officially set a date for their wedding! April 21, 2007, is the big day! I'm so excited for them. They're going to have a lovely wedding. :)
That's it for now! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Long Weekend
It was so nice to have time off from work! However, when I fell last week, I think I jacked up my back it it's sore. :( So that put a slight damper on the relaxing. Saturday was the pool party at Angela and Tom's and we had a lovely time. Finally got to meet Kim's new man and he's great. I'm really happy for her! :) Joseph came out of hiding and joined us at the party, too. After the party, we pretty much called it a night. Joseph headed home, and David and I stayed in and I nursed my sore back. Sunday was nice...relaxing and dinner with the family. Oh, and I dragged mom to the dress shop, as I have once again found THE dress. :) I was going to take pictures but I managed to forget the camera, so no luck there. But the dress is gorgeous (thanks Mia for helping me find it!).
Yesterday was spent with David's family. We had a nice time and lots of good food. So it has been a great weekend. This coming weekend, we're going to PK for their annual lake trip. I am looking forward to relaxing. I'm taking Friday off so we can get an early start on our trip. I'm going to take a book and enjoy some time to read and relax, along with the hiking and the boating.
The kitties have had a hard time getting along for the alst couple of days, and Cleo decided to pee in the corner, so we're working hard to get rid of the cat pee smell. (Zak decided he didn't want to share the bedroom with her, so she didn't really have anywhere she could go) It's getting better, though. He's allowing her in to use the box now, so hopefully things will continue to go well. :)
Have a good Tuesday everyone!
Yesterday was spent with David's family. We had a nice time and lots of good food. So it has been a great weekend. This coming weekend, we're going to PK for their annual lake trip. I am looking forward to relaxing. I'm taking Friday off so we can get an early start on our trip. I'm going to take a book and enjoy some time to read and relax, along with the hiking and the boating.
The kitties have had a hard time getting along for the alst couple of days, and Cleo decided to pee in the corner, so we're working hard to get rid of the cat pee smell. (Zak decided he didn't want to share the bedroom with her, so she didn't really have anywhere she could go) It's getting better, though. He's allowing her in to use the box now, so hopefully things will continue to go well. :)
Have a good Tuesday everyone!
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Bad Kitty
Yes, Cleo can't seem to play nice with other kitties. Last night she continued to be brave and come into the bedroom, but with the sole purpose of chasing Zak and hissing at him. After several occurrences of this (un-instigated by Zak, mind you), I had enough and had to shut the bedroom door and make her sleep in the living room so the other kitties (and me!) could sleep in peace. After that, Zak seemed VERY grateful to me, and was very snuggly. Both Kaylee and Zak slept undisturbed, and Cleo was just fine in the living. We may have to do this a few times until she figures out that all kitties are equal residents and no one gets to beat up on the others.
Leave it to me to have the bad child!
I got to see my awewsome cousin Jen last night! She hooked me up with a discount so I got a few new clothes last night. :) Thanks, girl! (I was returning some things and exchanged for a few other things and didn't spend much money at all!)
So anyhow, everything else is good. Oh...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAIG! :)
I am totally looking forward to a nice long weekend! I hope everyone has a good one. Be safe!!
Leave it to me to have the bad child!
I got to see my awewsome cousin Jen last night! She hooked me up with a discount so I got a few new clothes last night. :) Thanks, girl! (I was returning some things and exchanged for a few other things and didn't spend much money at all!)
So anyhow, everything else is good. Oh...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAIG! :)
I am totally looking forward to a nice long weekend! I hope everyone has a good one. Be safe!!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I'm Being Punished
For those of you that remember my post last year, I wrote a sort of goodbye letter to the flower cookie with the yellow icing because I wasn't going to have it any more due to my good eating habits.
So today I walked down to Subway for lunch (next door to the cookie place) and got lunch, and then decided that since I was having a stressful day I would let myself have a cookie. So I get my cookie and start back to work, when I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. For anyone who witnessed this, it was surely a spectacular sight to see. I spilled my completely full Diet Coke on the ground and then proceed to fall in it, while dropping my sandwich and cookie and scraping the dickens out of my elbow and knee. It's one of those sidewalks with the pebbles mixed in the concrete, so it tore the hell out of my skin. Oh, and two old men just walked on by. Thanks, geezers. So I picked myself up and wanted to just cry out of sheer embarassment. I walked quickly back to the office (my sweater was wet with Diet Coke and there is now blood on my sleeve) and made a beeline for the ladies' room. I managed to pat myself dry, got some bandages and ointment from the first aid box and doctored myself up, but it's been over an hour and it STILL stings! I really just want to go home and have a pity party.
So what really happened here? I got punished for buying a damn cookie. So again, farewell flower cookie! I'm afraid if I get another one, I might get run over by a car.
So today I walked down to Subway for lunch (next door to the cookie place) and got lunch, and then decided that since I was having a stressful day I would let myself have a cookie. So I get my cookie and start back to work, when I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. For anyone who witnessed this, it was surely a spectacular sight to see. I spilled my completely full Diet Coke on the ground and then proceed to fall in it, while dropping my sandwich and cookie and scraping the dickens out of my elbow and knee. It's one of those sidewalks with the pebbles mixed in the concrete, so it tore the hell out of my skin. Oh, and two old men just walked on by. Thanks, geezers. So I picked myself up and wanted to just cry out of sheer embarassment. I walked quickly back to the office (my sweater was wet with Diet Coke and there is now blood on my sleeve) and made a beeline for the ladies' room. I managed to pat myself dry, got some bandages and ointment from the first aid box and doctored myself up, but it's been over an hour and it STILL stings! I really just want to go home and have a pity party.
So what really happened here? I got punished for buying a damn cookie. So again, farewell flower cookie! I'm afraid if I get another one, I might get run over by a car.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
A Step Closer To Harmony In The Animal Kingdom
So yesterday apparently Cleo started letting Kaylee sniff her. This is a big deal since she's never let another animal get close to her like that! So things are going well with the kitty merger. Also, this morning Cleo ventured into the bedroom, but ran out with a hiss. It was actually pretty funny, but the good part of it was that she was brave enough to check out the bedroom. (She hasn't gone in there yet)
Tonight I am having dinner with Grampa. Not sure where we will go just yet, but I am looking forward to spending time with him. :)
No real news right now. I am sleepy this morning! And I am also loving this weather...no triple digits! I am so tired of sweating as soon as I walk out the door...that and the consistently bad hair days!
Okay everyone, have a good day!
Tonight I am having dinner with Grampa. Not sure where we will go just yet, but I am looking forward to spending time with him. :)
No real news right now. I am sleepy this morning! And I am also loving this weather...no triple digits! I am so tired of sweating as soon as I walk out the door...that and the consistently bad hair days!
Okay everyone, have a good day!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
If Only I Could Remove My Head!
I was home yesterday with a really bad migraine. It was really unpleasant. I spent the majority of my day either sleeping in bed or sleeping on the couch...not the way I like to use my time off from work, for sure! I am better now, though. It's still in the going away process, but I am much better and I am able to be at work.
We had a good weekend. Friday night Jen took me to a very nice dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We were so full that we didn't even have cheesecake! I was sleepy so I had to call it a night early. (David and Criag hung out while she took me to dinner...David needs guy time, too!) Saturday we had his twin nephews' first birthday party, and that was actually a lot of fun. Saturday night was Christy and Rich's housewarming party, and that was a blast! We hung out and just talked for hours! Sunday was extremely lazy, and we spent the bulk of the day watching the History channel or the Discovery channel.
And you know how Monday went. Yuck!
So that was the weekend. Cleo is still doing ok, and the kitties are all slowly adjusting. I do wish we had a bigger place, though! We're totally outnumbered by our cats!
Have a good Tuesday everyone!
We had a good weekend. Friday night Jen took me to a very nice dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We were so full that we didn't even have cheesecake! I was sleepy so I had to call it a night early. (David and Criag hung out while she took me to dinner...David needs guy time, too!) Saturday we had his twin nephews' first birthday party, and that was actually a lot of fun. Saturday night was Christy and Rich's housewarming party, and that was a blast! We hung out and just talked for hours! Sunday was extremely lazy, and we spent the bulk of the day watching the History channel or the Discovery channel.
And you know how Monday went. Yuck!
So that was the weekend. Cleo is still doing ok, and the kitties are all slowly adjusting. I do wish we had a bigger place, though! We're totally outnumbered by our cats!
Have a good Tuesday everyone!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Some Meowing and Some Hissing
Yes, there was a little of both through the night and the morning. Cleo is still adjusting, although she isn't hiding any more. She's definitely sticking close to me when she can, and she certainly isn't ready to be best friends with Zak and Kaylee. (They both just want to sniff her and be friendly!) I'm not sure where she spent most of the night, but I got up at 4am to go to the restroom and she was right there with me and boy did she have a lot to say! I sat up with her for a bit, and tried to soothe her. She isn't at all interested in laying on the bed with me, but she's doing pretty well with laying in the middle of the living room and letting the other kitties know that she is establishing herself as the senior member of the household. (And she is...she'll be 14 this October!) Over all, I think she's doing better than I thought she would. She's making herself visible, she's not hiding too much, and she's letting me pet her. (although she did hiss at me a little last night, but she knows she doesn't scare me!)
It's good to have Cleo home. Until now, the longest I had been away from her was the 9 days I was gone to Paris last year, so it's been a tough two months. I've missed her, and I am so happy she's home.
If anyone has any suggestions about ways to help integrate the kitty-family, I would love for you to post your thoughts here! I want to help her transition be as smooth as posible. I just love that cat so much!
So that's about it for today. I hope everyone has a great Friday!!
It's good to have Cleo home. Until now, the longest I had been away from her was the 9 days I was gone to Paris last year, so it's been a tough two months. I've missed her, and I am so happy she's home.
If anyone has any suggestions about ways to help integrate the kitty-family, I would love for you to post your thoughts here! I want to help her transition be as smooth as posible. I just love that cat so much!
So that's about it for today. I hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
400 Days Seems Like A Long Time
That's how many days until I am married! Man, it seems like a long time, but there is much to do between now and then, including Christy's wedding (now scheduled for April).
So Cleo came home tonight, and so far, the fur isn't flying. She's keeping to herself but staying close to me. The other kitties are very curious and want to sniff her, but she's just not ready for that yet. Poor girl! She's so resillient. She's moved to Seattle and back, flown on planes, road tripped, stayed in hotels, and now she has to adapt to two new furry friends. She's going to be fine...it's really going better than I thought it would! :)
That's really it for now. I hope everyone had a good day! I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!
So Cleo came home tonight, and so far, the fur isn't flying. She's keeping to herself but staying close to me. The other kitties are very curious and want to sniff her, but she's just not ready for that yet. Poor girl! She's so resillient. She's moved to Seattle and back, flown on planes, road tripped, stayed in hotels, and now she has to adapt to two new furry friends. She's going to be fine...it's really going better than I thought it would! :)
That's really it for now. I hope everyone had a good day! I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Cake and Blending Families
Ah, cake! The cake tasting last Friday was heavenly! We loved it so much we've signed the contract and reserved our baker! (Creme de la Creme in Ft Worth-AMAZING!) However, we are seriously caked-out for a while! We took the samples she sent home to my mom to enjoy with Dad. But it's good stuff!
Christy cut my hair Friday-Yay! She and I had a good time talking weddings (both mine and hers!) and just having fun. Saturday Daivd and I did some things around the apartment and then I went to my friend Leah's for a jewelry party. Saturday night we went over to Craig and Jen's for dinner and an evening of relaxing. They are coming to the lake with us in September for David's family get together. Friends of the family come, so I am glad Craig and Jen will be there since I won't really know anyone outside of David's immediate family.
Sunday was a very lazy day. Seriously we did just about nothing but watch movies and nap. It was great! Not productive, but great!
But now for my very very exciting news! David and I are going to try blending our fur-baby families. Cleo (the best cat ever!) has been with my parents since David moved here because he's got two cats. Since we don't have a lot of space, we decided it might be best to take Cleo to mom and dad's until we have more space, but I miss her so much it hurts. I haven't ever been away from her this long, and David told me that he agrees we should give it a couple of weeks and see how the fur-babies get along. He's going to be home most of the day during that time so he'll be here to keep an eye on things. I am excited about having her home with me! She was so sweet and cuddly at mom and dad's this evening, and I can't be without her any more. However, if the babies just can't tolerate one another after a couple of weeks, she's going to have to go back to mom and dad's until the lease is up in December. It will be hard, but at least we have a plan. Please keep your fingers crossed that the kitties will behave themselves!! I need my Cleo with me! And David is so sweet and understanding about how hard it is for me not being with her. I love him! :)
So that's my big news! Have a great evening everyone!
Christy cut my hair Friday-Yay! She and I had a good time talking weddings (both mine and hers!) and just having fun. Saturday Daivd and I did some things around the apartment and then I went to my friend Leah's for a jewelry party. Saturday night we went over to Craig and Jen's for dinner and an evening of relaxing. They are coming to the lake with us in September for David's family get together. Friends of the family come, so I am glad Craig and Jen will be there since I won't really know anyone outside of David's immediate family.
Sunday was a very lazy day. Seriously we did just about nothing but watch movies and nap. It was great! Not productive, but great!
But now for my very very exciting news! David and I are going to try blending our fur-baby families. Cleo (the best cat ever!) has been with my parents since David moved here because he's got two cats. Since we don't have a lot of space, we decided it might be best to take Cleo to mom and dad's until we have more space, but I miss her so much it hurts. I haven't ever been away from her this long, and David told me that he agrees we should give it a couple of weeks and see how the fur-babies get along. He's going to be home most of the day during that time so he'll be here to keep an eye on things. I am excited about having her home with me! She was so sweet and cuddly at mom and dad's this evening, and I can't be without her any more. However, if the babies just can't tolerate one another after a couple of weeks, she's going to have to go back to mom and dad's until the lease is up in December. It will be hard, but at least we have a plan. Please keep your fingers crossed that the kitties will behave themselves!! I need my Cleo with me! And David is so sweet and understanding about how hard it is for me not being with her. I love him! :)
So that's my big news! Have a great evening everyone!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Yay! Today is the day that David and I go sample cakes at the bakery that I am most eager to sample! I had a bite at a bridal show and fell in love with a one square inch piece of vanilla and frosting Heaven! Am I stoked about getting to eat a whole piece? You bet your socks! This cake was some good shizzle! Needless to say that after an hour of eating cake samples, David and I are going to the gym. I have a 45 minute date with a treadmill!
I am still so stunned that I am selecting my cake now, when I am not getting married until September of next year! However, if you want to book the good people for your wedding, you ahve to start now I have discovered. Seriously...my best advice to the newly engaged? Allow yourself plenty of time!! (And be a little flexible about your date!)
David and went to the gym last night. I met a 74 year old woman who runs marathons. She was so great, and she was so encouraging. I hope I see her again. I have been so careful about what I eat and I have been exercising regularly and I think I am seeing a change in my face (getting just a little bit slimmer!!). So it's paying off and I am feeling good! :) And if a 74 year old woman can run marthons, so can I! Besides, when I lose 25 pounds I am treating myself to a new pair of boots for the fall! :)
That's about it for now. Everyone have a great Friday!!! I'll report on cake tasting tomorrow!
I am still so stunned that I am selecting my cake now, when I am not getting married until September of next year! However, if you want to book the good people for your wedding, you ahve to start now I have discovered. Seriously...my best advice to the newly engaged? Allow yourself plenty of time!! (And be a little flexible about your date!)
David and went to the gym last night. I met a 74 year old woman who runs marathons. She was so great, and she was so encouraging. I hope I see her again. I have been so careful about what I eat and I have been exercising regularly and I think I am seeing a change in my face (getting just a little bit slimmer!!). So it's paying off and I am feeling good! :) And if a 74 year old woman can run marthons, so can I! Besides, when I lose 25 pounds I am treating myself to a new pair of boots for the fall! :)
That's about it for now. Everyone have a great Friday!!! I'll report on cake tasting tomorrow!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A Silly Quiz About Me
I'd like to see all my fellow bloggers do this one! (I got the idea from Shumpy)
1. How old do you wish you were? I'm happy at 34!
2. Where were you when 9/11 happened? Living in Seattle. Mom called and woke me up to tell me to turn on the TV. Very scary!
3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Shake my fist in anger and then walk away.
4. Do you consider yourself kind? Usually yes.
5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be? I have three, so I am exempt from this question.
6. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? French or Italian.
7. Do you know your neighbors? Not by name. I know them as "Crazy Dog Lady" or "Brown Bear's Parents"
8. What do you consider a vacation? Anywhere but home!
9. Do you follow your horoscope? I read it and laugh about it.
10. Would you move for the person you loved? Yes, but we'd have to plan it very carefully!
11. Are you touchy feely? Usually
12. Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes, and so do "similars"!
13. Dream job? Being paid to nap and watch movies!
14. Favorite channels? Food Network!!
15. Favorite place to go on a weekend? The "Partio"!
16. Showers or bath? Shower. Either-depends on my mood.
17. Do you paint your nails? Yes
18. Do you trust people easily? No, but the people I do trust, I trust deeply.
19. What are your phobias? Heights and being stuck under a bridge in heavy traffic.
20. Do you want kids? Not feeling particularly maternal right now.
21. Do you keep a handwritten journal? Just this blog!
22. Where would you rather be right now? Shopping of course!
23. What makes you feel warm and safe? David! :)
24. Heavy or light sleep? Fairly light
25. Are you paranoid? Why? What have you heard?
26. Are you impatient? Sometimes. Depends on what I am waiting for!
27. Who can you relate to? I relate to a lot of my friends and family.
28. How do you feel about interracial couples? I'm pretty fond of white guys, personally, but I think everyone should follow their hearts wherever they lead.
29. Have you been burned by love? Yes, but I don't see it happening again!
30. What’s your life motto? That which does not kill us makes us stronger
31. What’s your main ringtone on your mobile? Most everyone has a different ring
32. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping!
33. Who was your last text message from? David
34. Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine
35. What color shirt are you wearing? Black
36. Most recent movie you watched? Talladega Nights
37. Name five things you have on you at all times? Earrings, purse, phone, sunglasses, debit card!
38. What color are your bed sheets? kind of a gold color
39. How much cash do you have on you right now? None. I pretty much never have cash on me.
40. What is your favorite part of the chicken? Whatever part came from KFC!
41. What is your favorite town/city? Tough one...I really love Paris!
42. Perfect job? Makeup artist!
43. Who got you to join Blogger? I just decided to one day.
44. What did you have for dinner last night? Chicken tacos
45. How tall are you barefoot? 5'7"
46. Have you ever smoked crack? Nope. Not interested, either.
47. Do you own a gun? No, and I don't really want to.
48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or coffee
49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Not sure...ask David!
50. Do you have A.D.D? No
51. What time did you wake up today? 5:30am...ish.
52. Current worry? Money. But I always worry about money no matter what!
53. Current hate? I'm no hater!
54. Favorite place to be? With my family and friends!
55. Where would you like to travel? All over...I love to travel!
56. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? In my own home for sure!
57. Last thing you ate? A banana
58. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower
59. Last person that made you laugh? Shanna (here at work). We make fun of ourselves!
60. Worst injury you ever had? Slamming my finger in the car door last year-very painful!
61. Does someone have a crush on you? Hopefully David!
62. What is your favorite candy? Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!
1. How old do you wish you were? I'm happy at 34!
2. Where were you when 9/11 happened? Living in Seattle. Mom called and woke me up to tell me to turn on the TV. Very scary!
3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Shake my fist in anger and then walk away.
4. Do you consider yourself kind? Usually yes.
5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be? I have three, so I am exempt from this question.
6. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? French or Italian.
7. Do you know your neighbors? Not by name. I know them as "Crazy Dog Lady" or "Brown Bear's Parents"
8. What do you consider a vacation? Anywhere but home!
9. Do you follow your horoscope? I read it and laugh about it.
10. Would you move for the person you loved? Yes, but we'd have to plan it very carefully!
11. Are you touchy feely? Usually
12. Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes, and so do "similars"!
13. Dream job? Being paid to nap and watch movies!
14. Favorite channels? Food Network!!
15. Favorite place to go on a weekend? The "Partio"!
16. Showers or bath? Shower. Either-depends on my mood.
17. Do you paint your nails? Yes
18. Do you trust people easily? No, but the people I do trust, I trust deeply.
19. What are your phobias? Heights and being stuck under a bridge in heavy traffic.
20. Do you want kids? Not feeling particularly maternal right now.
21. Do you keep a handwritten journal? Just this blog!
22. Where would you rather be right now? Shopping of course!
23. What makes you feel warm and safe? David! :)
24. Heavy or light sleep? Fairly light
25. Are you paranoid? Why? What have you heard?
26. Are you impatient? Sometimes. Depends on what I am waiting for!
27. Who can you relate to? I relate to a lot of my friends and family.
28. How do you feel about interracial couples? I'm pretty fond of white guys, personally, but I think everyone should follow their hearts wherever they lead.
29. Have you been burned by love? Yes, but I don't see it happening again!
30. What’s your life motto? That which does not kill us makes us stronger
31. What’s your main ringtone on your mobile? Most everyone has a different ring
32. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping!
33. Who was your last text message from? David
34. Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine
35. What color shirt are you wearing? Black
36. Most recent movie you watched? Talladega Nights
37. Name five things you have on you at all times? Earrings, purse, phone, sunglasses, debit card!
38. What color are your bed sheets? kind of a gold color
39. How much cash do you have on you right now? None. I pretty much never have cash on me.
40. What is your favorite part of the chicken? Whatever part came from KFC!
41. What is your favorite town/city? Tough one...I really love Paris!
42. Perfect job? Makeup artist!
43. Who got you to join Blogger? I just decided to one day.
44. What did you have for dinner last night? Chicken tacos
45. How tall are you barefoot? 5'7"
46. Have you ever smoked crack? Nope. Not interested, either.
47. Do you own a gun? No, and I don't really want to.
48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or coffee
49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Not sure...ask David!
50. Do you have A.D.D? No
51. What time did you wake up today? 5:30am...ish.
52. Current worry? Money. But I always worry about money no matter what!
53. Current hate? I'm no hater!
54. Favorite place to be? With my family and friends!
55. Where would you like to travel? All over...I love to travel!
56. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? In my own home for sure!
57. Last thing you ate? A banana
58. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower
59. Last person that made you laugh? Shanna (here at work). We make fun of ourselves!
60. Worst injury you ever had? Slamming my finger in the car door last year-very painful!
61. Does someone have a crush on you? Hopefully David!
62. What is your favorite candy? Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!
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